Erza Scarlet Club
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posted by miofromk-on
Erza Scarlet is a S-Class mage of one of the strongest magic guilds in the Kingdom of Fiore, Fairy Tail. Erza is the strongest woman in Fairy Tail, so she was given the nickname of Titania meaning Queen of Fairies.
Erza is also a member of the so-called Team Natsu, a group which consists of Natsu Dragneel, Happy, Lucy Heartfilia and Gray Fullbuster. This team is (due to the strength of its members and also it's member's actions) often referred to as the "The Strongest Team" in the series, Erza won first place in the Miss Fairy Tail award.
Erza is a beautiful young woman with long scarlet hair,...
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posted by Nalu-love

During the 5th day of the war,
I will never forget the events of that moment.
A fairy that should have fallen to the ground,


Like a scarlet flower blooming with all its glory,
Drenched in its own blood and theirs as well,
And how the sunset accentuates its fighting spirit.
One fairy against 100 monstrous beasts,
The odds were completely overturned.
With its blunt sword pointing to the endless sky,
And its back drenched with blood was facing us with hope.
A hope that can lead us to our victory.
This is Titania.
posted by Takumim
Erza is a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and habits of the other guild members, causing most of them to apologize, fearing that they might invoke her wrath. She is also very impatient, disliking people who don't answer her questions quickly enough. This, coupled with her own tragic childhood, caused many of her guild mates to avoid her due to her social awkwardness. However, she has a great sense of justice and pride in being a member of Fairy Tail.

According to Lucy in the letter she wrote for her mother Erza is "cool and beautiful, warm and full of passion", while to...
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