I've been with Fanpop for almost five months now and at first I thought it was a really happy place, I've made ten spots and all of them are doing well, I save, rate and always comment, however I've finally seen the nasty side of Fanpop, my first spot copped a lot of flack because it was classed as 'another random spot' but it's going strong and gaining fans as is most 'other' duplicate spots I've seen, all of my spots have been a great form of creativity and experience for me, it sounds too good to be true, AND IT IS because there is some really nasty people on our happy Fanpop place, people who leave mean comments, it's happened to me and I've seen some real sh***t slinging matches and verbal or 'web' abuse that goes beyond belief, I almost left Fanpop when it first happened to me but I carried on doing what I was doing and stuck with it, but it's not a good example for our future Fanpoppers and the newbies who haven't been here long, people leaving nasty comments regarding images, abusing and swearing at each other in forums, bagging each others spots and ideas, and people whining about duplicate spots and image credit, as I've mentioned before, threats about reporting people, it's getting really ugly, is anyone up for some 'fun' on Fanpop? because I'm staying, I'm not quitting and I'm going to set an example by standing my ground and continue to have fun on Fanpop, and that's true etiquette plus ! ! !

Many of you may not agree with me and I don't expect anyone to do so, maybe some of you like a few spots on the one topic and some of you don't, I like fanpop just the way it is, the more spots, the better.

Monday: Work on the spot I've created.
Tuesday: Contribute to other spots and join new ones.
Wednesday: Check my profile and learn more about my fans.
Thursday: Go through every video, picture, article, wallpaper etc. and save and rate my favorites.
Friday: Find new material to add to all of my favorite spots.
Saturday: Have one day to go all around the whole of fanpop, I may not do anything but I might find something new.
Sunday: Try not to turn the computer on, who am I kidding?
And almost every day I must remember to check my mail, it seems like a lot to do but it's fun anyway and if you're anything like me, someone who can stay on the computer for hours at a time? remember to take breaks at least every half an hour to avoid headaches. Have Fun.