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Chose Buffy & Spike From Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 7
Chose Buffy & Spike From Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 7
Has any one ever told that you are obessed with this show?

Well, I have cuz I have pictures on my computer, seasons of the show, and some soundtracks of the show. See a lot of people can be judgemental sometimes. Now, that can be annoying.

When I have some my best friends sleep over my house,they see a lot of stuff from my favorite shows. And they would say wow you really love that show.

See, I have all seasons of two shows that I love which is Buffy The Vampire Slayer & Xena The Warrior Princess. Then my friends would judge on some things that I have in my room that are from thoses two tv...
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posted by Cinders
If I was cool, I would say where this image came from here
If I was cool, I would say where this image came from here
This is a forgery. Every single word is plagiarized. (1)

What is Plagiarism?
Many people think of plagiarism as copying another's work, or borrowing someone else's original ideas. But terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can disguise the seriousness of the offense:

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means

1. to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
2. to use (another's production) without crediting the source
3. to commit literary theft
4. to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.

In other words, plagiarism...
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Ok, there has been a growing problem that I have recently noticed on Fanpop. I have been receiving many e-mails that are very annoying and sometimes even offending. I don't care if you are having a problem with another fanpopper or you are telling me about a new spot. The fun part about fanpop is that you get to discover new spots for yourself. And we might not like the certain spot. Also, if you are having a problem with another fanpoper than just ignore them and don't tell us about that certain person.i don't want to here it. I might even be friends with that specific fanpoper. If you are...
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I was never intending to do a follow-up article on fanpop-addiction. I just took it for granted that I had grown happily addicted and I would remain that way. I basked in the warm, happy glow that only recognition for fanpop-contribution can give you, and looked forward to the fanpopping years ahead.

But then disaster struck. And I'm not talking about the massive floods that have hit England... (I was fine with the cellar being filled with water...)No, my internet broke and left me without fanpop.

So now, my second list. The list of what happens when a fanpop-addict is forced to quit.

1. When...
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posted by Snerkie
As the 'Answers' section keeps getting clogged up with more and more spam and miscategorized content I feel the need to introduce you all to a part of Fanpop that would solve so many problems if only people would use it.

What are Forums? The Forums are for use of discussions. Things that may not have a few solid answers (use picks for that). Where you can create long winded discussions.

Why should I use the Forums and not post all my useless questions in Answers? Because Answers is where you are asking a question that would have a factual answer to that you do not know.

Technically speaking what...
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posted by caramelmilk
Breasts are pornographic and should only be shown on porn sites.

Girls must be careful when looking in the mirror, the sight of their own breasts could easily aruse them which in most cases leads to a heavy masturbatory response.

Knowing this we are sincerely happy that the danger that was the breasts spot has been deleted shortly after its creation.
Our thanks go to the brave fans who have reported that inspired-by-the-devil-spot and were not stopped by the fact that no pornograhpic material was allowed over there. They were not fooled by the image of it being a nice place devoted to a pretty...
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I’ve never made a rant about fanpop issues before so beforehand I’m telling ya, it might be the worst written thing on earth (clearly after Twilight XD), but it’s a rant and it’s 1:10 am in my country and I’m almost brain dead because of the past week but I can’t take it anymore.

Today, I’ll delight you with a rant about miscategorized content because , trust me, it gets on your nerves too.

Imagine yourself being in the ‘pop one of those days in which you want to stare at your favorite celeb pictures, read a good quality article, watch a fan made video and even comment in some...
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added by sarabeara
Source: me
added by aholic
Source: aholic
added by tvman
posted by KPossible
Let me tell you how I first discovered fanpop. (Just bored so thought I'd write this)

I was on the net looking for pictures. I then came across a site (Which is this one really) and clicked the link.
I never knew what this site was or what and thought it was one of those many sites like twitter and Facebook.

Browsing some more I accidentally landed on someone's profile page and scrolling down say there were pic's looking like cubes. On top there were titled 'Clubs'.

I noticed a familiar icon of my favourite actor and clicked on it.

It was cool, it was like a website just full of that actors info.

I noticed they had quizzes and took part.

Than I released that you had to sign up to record what you got right/wrong etc.

Thats when I decided to log on and realised I was SOOO ADDICTED TO IT!

(Hey I don't even spend so0 much time like this on Facebook!)

So that was how I discovered Fanpop-not to dramatic or interesting, but i found my rabbit hole.

Whats yours?
posted by want2watcheroes
Some of you may not no this but if you have a mac you can only upload five images at one time onto fanpop.

Most of you probably don't care because you have a PC or don't upload images that much.

It didn't really get on my nerves before, but now I want to upload Heroes screencaps to the Heroes spot which I have a die-hard medal in and I know PC users can upload much more than five images at a time; especially if they have a die hard medal in the spot they want to upload in.

I know you can open loads of tabs but then again it is more work and annoying.

It's unfair on people who like to contribute anyway, so I hope there is some change in the image uploader for mac users.

P.S. If you joke and say I should have a PC or whatever, then very funny but no.
posted by harold
This article describes two different kinds of feedback to the Fanpop staff that are often confused for one another, and was last edited on 28 October 2008.

Feedback on the web site
Like any commercial software enterprise, web sites provide a product to their customers. In Fanpop's case, the product is a great site for joining together with other fans of topics that interest you in order to share quality content and make friends. But as with any product, feedback is very important to both maintain and improve the product. But feedback for maintaining the site is fundamentally different than feedback...
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posted by Temptasia
Here is a little poem (if you can call it that) that I wrote about fanpop. Believe it or not this actually took a long time. It is really difficult to find words that start with P. Let me know if you guys come up with anything better :) Ok Dave, Papa, Cliff, and Michael this one's for you!

posted by kathiria82
Okay, first of all I don't write these articles but now I'm fed up! Can anyone please enlighten me because I am confused. What is the problem if I or anybody else posts more links/videos/images than another fan? If I happen to be the one with the most links/videos/images or whatever on Fanpop that is because I like helping out the website. It doesn't make any sense for people to feel jealous or attack me or other people for posting more content than them. That is the most absurd reason to get angry. I am posting content mainly to help out the website but I also know that some people on here...
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Plugging away at our laptops
Plugging away at our laptops
It was just about one year ago that link and I were having our regular lunch meetups downtown in the Financial District of San Francisco. Years ago we shared a cube in Santa Clara at Yahoo! where we first met. Now we were being reunited just a few blocks away from one another and having lunch like old times. We decided to pay a visit to our favorite hole in the wall, the International Food Court on the corner of Bush and Kearny Streets. Most people would never have spotted this joint and even if they had they would pick up their pace and keep on walking. Being the adventurous (and cheap) guys...
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posted by ReptarZolo
Ten years ago, Fanpop made its presence on the Internet and people joined the site one way or another. I first found out about Fanpop when I did a Google Image Search on "link". That was back in May 2010, in which I signed up for the site as CHILDISHY; now I use my ReptarZolo account to match with my current DeviantArt account. All those years, Fanpop became cluttered with various types of violative content, including and especially pornography. With only four admins, I don't believe Fanpop will last any longer; this can be prevented if the admins promote some users, preferably those they trust, to become moderators and help clean up the site.
Ok so I'm sooo sorry If I waited to long to do the story I SWEAR! that i'm going to do it tomorrow i'm so sorry. I have to many problems and i'm very emotional the last couple of days and it's a big problem with my family and i'm very sad but i really will start the story I swear! I cant really tell u about my family issues but I need someone to talk to. But on the other hand if you can be my co-writer i would LOVE that but you have to be good like not basic, you know how when people push the story too fast...

Example for some of you dumbass trifflin ass cunt ass bitches: Yolanda dated this boy named Prince then he bullied her then he liked her afterwards the got married had a baby named Rolanda and Prince got hit by a car trying to see an old friend a cross the street 2 years later Yolanda sold Rolanda n got on crack,died, and lived happily ever after with Prince in heaven.
[note: when I first made this article "clubs" were called "spots" so just imagine anything that says "spot" actually says "club" ;)]

Well it seems like people are always asking how so here is a step by step guide on how to with images, yay! (there is a little thing in the FAQ but people seem to relate to images better)

Step 1: Make sure you are on the Fanpop main page

Step 2: Search for the spot first so there are no duplicates (if not then go back to the main page)

Step 3: Scroll down till you see this image and click "create new spot"

Step 4: Type in the name of the spot...
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