—Hello, I´m home!!! —he exclaimed with enthusiastic. —Who miss me? —immediately Mort ran to him while he exclaimed.
—I did!!! —and then he hugged one of his feet.
—Ok, bad question, don´t touch the royal feet!!!—he yelled annoyed while he shook his foot, when Mort stopped touching it, Julien noticed something. —Where is Maurice? —he asked a little angry, but then a female voice answered.
—Maurice is sleeping now…—Katherine answered him with indifference.
—Really? —he asked while he put a hand on his chin. —Well, that´s not a bad idea, I´m a little tired too…—he said as he headed to the inflatable mattress.
—Julien…—Katherine called him suddenly.
—I´m sorry…—she apologized with a little sad voice, this surprised him.
—What did you say?
—I´m sorry, Mort told me that I almost…—she tried to said. —You know, with the electric saw…
—I see…—Julien answered surprised, she nodded. —Ah, it´s okay, nothing happen. —he said with indifference.
—But still, I´m sorry…—Julien then smiled.
—I´m fine, just be a little more careful…
—Thank you…—she said with a sad voice. —It will not happen again. —she ended firmly.
—I know. —he replied to the female lemur, but suddenly she said.
—I´m sorry. —she said seriously.
—I have told you that it´s okay…—Julien tried to said, but she interrupted him.
—It´s not that…—Julien looked to her confuse. —I lied to you…
—What do you mean? —he asked confuse.
—When I said that I didn’t miss you…I lied…—she said with a trembling voice, Julien listen her with attention. —I really miss you…just a little…but I did…—Julien looked her very surprised, but before he could say something, she continued.—But I guess that doesn´t have importance to you, because it seems that you didn´t miss me and you almost forgot me…—she said with a sad tone. —So whatever, that all I wanted to say you, I´m going to bother you anymore…
—That´s not true…not at all…— Julien said suddenly, she just looked him in silence.—I didn´t forget you, it just…—he tried to say, but it was difficult for him.
—It just…what? —she asked curious.
—I thought that you were death…—he answered then, Katherine was really shocked with that respond, he continued.—I heard rumors that, the night you disappeared a big and horrible beast ate you in one bite with your nanny, so I suppose…—he said with a sad tone.
—Julien…—she reached to say almost breathless.
—But I think I was wrong and for once, I´m happy to be wrong in something. —he said with a proud voice and a smile and then he looked to her again. —Well, now if you don´t mind, I´m going to sleep. —she didn’t say anything, she was still very surprised, he looked her again a moment more, and then he said. —And yeah, I miss you too…but just a little…—when the female lemur listen that, she smiled happily. —So, good night…grumpy. —he ended with a mocking voice and a smile, so she replied to him.
—Good night you too…silly lemur. —she said with a happy tone and a smile, both exchanged glances and then they laugh a little.
—Anyway, good night. —he ended with a tired voice.
—Yeah, you too. —and then Julien went to the inflatable matters, Katherine looked him a moment in silence and then she smiled, but suddenly she felt something on her left arm, it was Mort.
—What´s wrong? —she asked to the little lemur and this answered.
—I´m not angry with you anymore. —he said with a cheerful voice, she smiled to him then.
—Okay, I´m tired…—she said while yawned. —What about you? —she asked to Mort, but he was already slept, she looked him in silence. —I´ll took that as a yes…—she ended while she made that Mort dropped her arm, after that she took him to the inflatable matters, she left him there and she also repose on it, but suddenly Mort woke up and he looked Julien feet, Mort smiled.
—Yeah, the royal feet! —he exclaimed while he jumped and touched it, immediately Julien woke up too.
—Let my feet alone!!! —he yelled angry to Mort.
—Please, just this night. —Mort begged to him with an innocent voice and showed her big cute eyes, Julien rolled his eyes annoyed.
—Okay…but just this night, in the morning let my royal feet alone! —he warned him with a threaten voice.
—Yeah! —Mort ended with a cheerful voice and a big smile, Julien just looked him angry.
—Annoying Mort…—he ended with a little irritated voice, but then he fell to sleep again, Katherine looked this scene in silence, but she smiled in silence and then she reconciled sleep, but no one of them notice that Maurice wasn´t sleeping, he was just pretending, he had seen all, but he just shook his head.
—This two haven´t change at all, any way I´m going to have more troubles than before…—he said resigned, but then he looked to the female lemur. — But at last, she is alive and there is a possibility that…—he smiled and then we went to sleep too.
—I did!!! —and then he hugged one of his feet.
—Ok, bad question, don´t touch the royal feet!!!—he yelled annoyed while he shook his foot, when Mort stopped touching it, Julien noticed something. —Where is Maurice? —he asked a little angry, but then a female voice answered.
—Maurice is sleeping now…—Katherine answered him with indifference.
—Really? —he asked while he put a hand on his chin. —Well, that´s not a bad idea, I´m a little tired too…—he said as he headed to the inflatable mattress.
—Julien…—Katherine called him suddenly.
—I´m sorry…—she apologized with a little sad voice, this surprised him.
—What did you say?
—I´m sorry, Mort told me that I almost…—she tried to said. —You know, with the electric saw…
—I see…—Julien answered surprised, she nodded. —Ah, it´s okay, nothing happen. —he said with indifference.
—But still, I´m sorry…—Julien then smiled.
—I´m fine, just be a little more careful…
—Thank you…—she said with a sad voice. —It will not happen again. —she ended firmly.
—I know. —he replied to the female lemur, but suddenly she said.
—I´m sorry. —she said seriously.
—I have told you that it´s okay…—Julien tried to said, but she interrupted him.
—It´s not that…—Julien looked to her confuse. —I lied to you…
—What do you mean? —he asked confuse.
—When I said that I didn’t miss you…I lied…—she said with a trembling voice, Julien listen her with attention. —I really miss you…just a little…but I did…—Julien looked her very surprised, but before he could say something, she continued.—But I guess that doesn´t have importance to you, because it seems that you didn´t miss me and you almost forgot me…—she said with a sad tone. —So whatever, that all I wanted to say you, I´m going to bother you anymore…
—That´s not true…not at all…— Julien said suddenly, she just looked him in silence.—I didn´t forget you, it just…—he tried to say, but it was difficult for him.
—It just…what? —she asked curious.
—I thought that you were death…—he answered then, Katherine was really shocked with that respond, he continued.—I heard rumors that, the night you disappeared a big and horrible beast ate you in one bite with your nanny, so I suppose…—he said with a sad tone.
—Julien…—she reached to say almost breathless.
—But I think I was wrong and for once, I´m happy to be wrong in something. —he said with a proud voice and a smile and then he looked to her again. —Well, now if you don´t mind, I´m going to sleep. —she didn’t say anything, she was still very surprised, he looked her again a moment more, and then he said. —And yeah, I miss you too…but just a little…—when the female lemur listen that, she smiled happily. —So, good night…grumpy. —he ended with a mocking voice and a smile, so she replied to him.
—Good night you too…silly lemur. —she said with a happy tone and a smile, both exchanged glances and then they laugh a little.
—Anyway, good night. —he ended with a tired voice.
—Yeah, you too. —and then Julien went to the inflatable matters, Katherine looked him a moment in silence and then she smiled, but suddenly she felt something on her left arm, it was Mort.
—What´s wrong? —she asked to the little lemur and this answered.
—I´m not angry with you anymore. —he said with a cheerful voice, she smiled to him then.
—Okay, I´m tired…—she said while yawned. —What about you? —she asked to Mort, but he was already slept, she looked him in silence. —I´ll took that as a yes…—she ended while she made that Mort dropped her arm, after that she took him to the inflatable matters, she left him there and she also repose on it, but suddenly Mort woke up and he looked Julien feet, Mort smiled.
—Yeah, the royal feet! —he exclaimed while he jumped and touched it, immediately Julien woke up too.
—Let my feet alone!!! —he yelled angry to Mort.
—Please, just this night. —Mort begged to him with an innocent voice and showed her big cute eyes, Julien rolled his eyes annoyed.
—Okay…but just this night, in the morning let my royal feet alone! —he warned him with a threaten voice.
—Yeah! —Mort ended with a cheerful voice and a big smile, Julien just looked him angry.
—Annoying Mort…—he ended with a little irritated voice, but then he fell to sleep again, Katherine looked this scene in silence, but she smiled in silence and then she reconciled sleep, but no one of them notice that Maurice wasn´t sleeping, he was just pretending, he had seen all, but he just shook his head.
—This two haven´t change at all, any way I´m going to have more troubles than before…—he said resigned, but then he looked to the female lemur. — But at last, she is alive and there is a possibility that…—he smiled and then we went to sleep too.
The next day, Jenny woke up. She put on her robe & went down to the lobby to find Junan.
"Junan? Junan?" Jenny walked out of the elevator to see if Junan was at the lobby.
"Jenny?" Junan said with a surprise.
"Junan? What are you doing in those clothes?" Jenny asked.
"Do you like it? I joined a gang." Junan said while smiling.
Jenny was angry, she didn't like what Junan had done.
Mya & I ran to the lobby. "What's going on?!" Mya & I was shocked.
"Junan, you're not suppose to be in a gang when you're with me! Your my boyfriend! Okay, you know what?" Jenny said with anger.
"Tell me what." Junan said.
"No, no. Don't tell him what." Mya said.
"We're done." Jenny said.
"Jenny!" Mya & I said.
"So your breaking up with me?" Junan asked.
"No, no, no, she's not." I said
"Yeah, I am." Jenny said while leaving the lobby.
"Oh, she is." I said.
"Your being ridiculous!" Junan shouted at Jenny while she's leaving.
"Why do care?! I'm not your girlfriend anymore!" Jenny shouted back.
"Junan? Junan?" Jenny walked out of the elevator to see if Junan was at the lobby.
"Jenny?" Junan said with a surprise.
"Junan? What are you doing in those clothes?" Jenny asked.
"Do you like it? I joined a gang." Junan said while smiling.
Jenny was angry, she didn't like what Junan had done.
Mya & I ran to the lobby. "What's going on?!" Mya & I was shocked.
"Junan, you're not suppose to be in a gang when you're with me! Your my boyfriend! Okay, you know what?" Jenny said with anger.
"Tell me what." Junan said.
"No, no. Don't tell him what." Mya said.
"We're done." Jenny said.
"Jenny!" Mya & I said.
"So your breaking up with me?" Junan asked.
"No, no, no, she's not." I said
"Yeah, I am." Jenny said while leaving the lobby.
"Oh, she is." I said.
"Your being ridiculous!" Junan shouted at Jenny while she's leaving.
"Why do care?! I'm not your girlfriend anymore!" Jenny shouted back.
