Female Ass-Kickers When a character's transferred from 1 medium to another(eg, book becomes a movie)there's usually a more popular version. Have you ever preferred the less popular version?

Pick one:
Nope, I'm pretty sure I've always liked the more popular one most
I like movie Hermione Granger more than Book Hermione Granger
I like Movie Lara Croft more than video game Lara Croft
I like Book Temperance Brennan more than TV show Temperance Brennan
I like Movie Buffy Summers more than TV show Buffy Summers
I like Comic book Buffy Summers more than TV show Buffy Summers
I've liked the less popular version more than once
I've always liked the book version better wether it was more popular or not
Added by elfer963
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 Mermaid-Tail posted over a year ago
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