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posted by SelinaKyle
“I would like to get rid of the homophobes, sexists, and racists in our audience. I know they're out there and it really bothers me.” ― Kurt Cobain

Kurt Cobain- The Feminist

by Kat Broderick


The late Kurt Cobain was surprisingly, an avid member of the feminist community. Here are some of his links to activism and his ties to the feminist agenda.

If generation X had a king it would be Kurt Cobain. His devil may care attitude arguably defined a generation of people. His haunting melodies and desperate screams spoke to youth disenchanted with societies’ expectations. He cared about a...
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I have read all books and seen the movies.
Most importantly, the fact that it’s fantasy doesn’t excuse the themes and messages in the book. Fiction is merely a vehicle humans developed to communicate important lessons, values and philosophies. I am not claiming any of the implications I discuss were intentional on SMeyer’s part. Whether or not the author or readers are aware of it, though, the Twilight series communicates dangerous messages...
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added by Vixie79
Source: google images
added by SelinaKyle
added by simrananime
added by simrananime
added by pandawinx
Source: DC comics
added by SelinaKyle
added by glelsey
Source: IsaiahStephens @ DeviantART
added by Vixie79
Source: google images
added by SelinaKyle
added by Kiniko90
Source: leftycartoons.com
added by Kiniko90
Source: leftycartoons.com
You should ask yourself about your hobbies/interests FIRST.
You should ask yourself about your hobbies/interests FIRST.
I LOVE movies! Have I ever felt underrepresented? No. Here are some of my Favorites.

"The Phantom of the Opera"
#TheFirstTimeISawMe "The Phantom of the Opera" Erik & I smart, disabled, & LOVE Music. Me and Erik have to be in control. I Look up to Erik, since I was 12. Erik expresses more frustration & disappear against Ableism in the novel, which was me as a teen.

compromise; He's a guy, It's kina like having a Mentor.

"Closer and Closer"
#TheFirstTimeISawMe Kaitlin Sanders; a physically disabled women interested in serial killers, (Which is TABOO I'm glad to see people with that interest...
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added by Vixie79
Source: google images
added by XXXplicit
Source: www.iwda.org.au
posted by KateKicksAss
Glamour recently asked a bunch of guys what resolutions they wish women would make, and here they are. *facedesk*. In bold are the "translations" of these "resolutions".

Credit: bitchesguidetoetiquette.tumblr.com

1. “I’d like it if in 2012, women would stop chatting on the phone, checking their teeth in the rearview mirror, flipping their hair and drinking coffee—all while driving.” –Umberto, 29, Monroe, Conn.

“It’s ok for me to multitask while driving, but not you.” –Umberto, 29, Monroe, Conn.

2. “I wish my girl’s New Year’s resolution would be to take herself less seriously...
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added by SelinaKyle