Vote For Flo-Rida - Low for MTV Best Video
As you know, hip hop artist, Flo-Rida is riding a wave of success following following his hugely successful hit, "Low" featuring T-Pain.
Since then he's worked with the likes of Timbaland, Akon & Australia's very own Jessica Mauboy.
Vodafone's MTVA 2009 Awards are proud to nominate Flo-Rida's "Low" for Best Video.
Support Flo-Rida & vote for him!!!!!!!!! link
This year's MTV Awards are happening in Darling Harbour, Sydney 27th March 09.
You gotta admit, this song is freakin hot =D
Everyone was bumpin it in their cars on the streets way before it even hit the clubs & radio stations!!!!
If you've caught yourself shakin your booty or singin the lyrics "apple bottom jeans, boots with the fuuurr" it should be you having your say & voting away!!!