Gay Rights Wall


Displaying wall entries 1-10 of 294

NightFrog said …
Happy Pride Month! Have fun & stay safe! Posted 7 months ago
Aurychansan said …
Mia figlia per fortuna è etero Posted over a year ago
NightFrog said …
Happy Pride Month! Posted over a year ago
ktichenor said …
Matthew Shepard would've been 43 today... would've been... Should've been. Gone but not forgotten.🙏 Posted over a year ago
ktichenor commented…
Happy Birthday Matthew, always in our hearts. over a year ago
chrisbuddy said …
No body have the right judge gays and lesbians at all Posted over a year ago
ChiliPepperLuv said …
Today is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. They're people, too. Give them a chance! Posted over a year ago
Yeah, what she said! over a year ago
Roldan13 commented…
Ditto! over a year ago
BJsRealm commented…
4vonlea commented…
ChiliPepperLuv said …
If you talk with people, you get to know them. If you don't talk to them, you don't know them. What people don't know, they fear, and what they fear, they judge, and what they judge, they destroy. People tend to judge homosexuals, because they don't know them. They fear the unknown. Posted over a year ago
Peaceandlove67 commented…
That's deep, ChiliPepperLuv. Very deep! over a year ago
mr-cullen commented…
aww thats so right and deep over a year ago
Roldan13 commented…
Definitely! over a year ago
big smile
FlightofFantasy said …
Same-sex marriage has been legalized in all 50 states of the US! So proud and happy!
LOVE WINS! Posted over a year ago
BJsRealm commented…
I live in Ulster where same-sex marriage is STILL not allowed,only a civil partnership is recognised by the law, yet in the rest of UK same-sex marriage is already legal,much like in Ireland.So,in order to get married with my BF we have to go to England! over a year ago
BJsRealm commented…
The Gospel teach us that GOD IS LOVE!Jesus said:'Love thy neighbour as thou would thyself!I DO believe in love amongst ALL people!Even Jesus would SUPPORT a same-sex love today!BTW,young David&Jonathan+the apostles Phillip&John were ALL BI in a BI ble!! over a year ago
coriann said …
youtube video on transgender people. i really hope this helps clear up some misconceptions
link Posted over a year ago
rymoney said …
Love <3 Posted over a year ago
big smile
FlightofFantasy said …
Same-sex marriage is now legal in 24 US states, plus DC!
Almost halfway there, guys! Posted over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
Two more states legalized since YESTERDAY! Over halfway there! over a year ago
ChiliPepperLuv commented…
It's now legal in Virginia. I live in Virginia woo hoo! over a year ago
Society has never approve of gays as they like to call people who like the same sex, is so stupid that they keep putting labels on everything just to set them apart from society.
In the 1920's the biggest issue was the people of dark color, like society like to call us, black, they said we were from hell, because we have a dark skin, there fore they go to heaven because they're white which is really ridiculous, they didn't wanted dark skin people to have the same right as them... Posted over a year ago
Same thing is happening with people who like the same sex or like society likes to call us "gays", they don't want us to have the same rights as them and just because of our love preference, stupid and then they talk about God said this and God said that and blah blah blah blah blah.-_- over a year ago
-SilverFey- commented…
I know! It's exactly the same as the issues with race that were going on. Whenever I point that out to homophobes, though, they don't listen. over a year ago
ChiliPepperLuv said …
When these so-called Christians shun homosexuals, I actually feel for them. As a kid, I was shunned because I was different. Homosexuals are shunned because they're different, which makes me feel compassion for them. This is the reason that I'm non-denominational. This isn't the way a Christian ought to be. We should love others regardless of their sexual preferences, race, or religion. Posted over a year ago
SarahLovesSiva commented…
so true over a year ago
nimone commented…
That and on top of the fact they believe that we should not be allowed religiously to be married because we can't reproduce naturally. There are straight couples who can't have children naturally but are randomly allowed to get married as long as the adopt a child. Something that we can also do WTF over a year ago
ChiliPepperLuv commented…
What you're saying makes sense. If straight couples are allowed to adopt children, then same-sex couples should be allowed to as well. over a year ago
LikesBoys said …
Brothers and sisters, please look at the "answer" I made on here.
Please, it will help. Posted over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
okay... nevermind? :/ over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
sorry I'm one to help but, not when its outside my ability. I'm a marine not an internet surfer. over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
okay, thank you. over a year ago
coriann said …
i made a new club for transgenders, feel free to check it out and post stuff ^_^
link Posted over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
okay! :) over a year ago
sanman7 said …
I'm bisexual but I'll sure as hell stand up for anyone's rights to support liberty democracy and freedom Posted over a year ago
RockLover87 commented…
I'm straight, but everyone should have to right to be with the person he or she wants to be with, even if it's the same gender. over a year ago
ChiliPepperLuv commented…
I couldn't agree more! It's wrong to tell someone that they're going to Hell because they're not straight. It would be the same thing if you told me that I'm going to Hell because I listen to rock music. over a year ago
sanman7 commented…
The only sin I believe in is the hatred of someone who is different than you no matter skin color, race, gender, sexuality we are all equal and bonded by friendship and labor over a year ago
-SilverFey- said …
A big reason I like anime is how often it has gay, bi, transsexual, lesbian, transvestite, etc. characters, and how they're treated like real people and not made fun of, and how the age rating doesn't go up just because there are two girls dating or a bisexual guy in it. :) Posted over a year ago
egyptprincess7 said …
Isn't there a way that homosexuals can do a peaceful protest (along with heterosexuals and other sexualities) against the unfairness that their being treated by? Posted over a year ago
MrMuffin commented…
yeah thats very true... over a year ago
egyptprincess7 commented…
FluffyMuffin/helpFM. Is this your THIRD account? Because you just joined today and somehow you're on the Gay Rights club so quickly when you're not even a fan of this club. over a year ago
egyptprincess7 commented…
I guess it was. over a year ago
-SilverFey- said …
I went to FLUFFYMUFFIN's profile and it took me to home.
His account has been deleted! Hopefully he doesn't make a new one! Posted over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
OMG, THANK YOU!!!!! I'M SO RELIEVED!!! but, i know he'll be back. ;) over a year ago
-SilverFey- commented…
Yeah, probably. But we'll just keep reporting him until he gives up! :D over a year ago
-SilverFey- said …
Please report this person. He is being a total jerk to someone on here, and completely attacking homosexuals. I'm really sick of him. Homophobia isn't the only thing he's done, either; I've seen some very narrow-minded posts on religion that he's posted as well.
Here's the link to report him.
link Posted over a year ago
misscrazel commented…
I reported him. over a year ago
-SilverFey- commented…
Thank you VERY much. over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
thank you, ALL! over a year ago
LikesBoys said …
Please help me!

link Posted over a year ago
_Laugh_ said …
I do support this club. We all have our rights to love who we love. Posted over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
help!!!link over a year ago
When you gays say,"ITS NOT WONG TO WOF ;_;" your jest being stupid Posted over a year ago
-SilverFey- commented…
Okay, I'm usually a nice person, until I get pissed off. You have REALLY pissed me off by now. You seem like that's probably what you want, as I'm guessing you're just a troll, but I can't help it. Sorry, but you're getting reported, 'kay? I'll see to it. over a year ago
egyptprincess7 commented…
Guess what Fluffy? You can GTFO of this club if you don't like gays. We all have our own beliefs and you're basically insulting people who are gay. Grow up please. Stop harassing LikesBoys. I'm reporting you. Fanpop isn't hatepop after all. Also how sad that you'd like your own post. over a year ago
Sir_Kiwi commented…
Ugh. What is up with this fluffymuffin dude? What an unpleasant person. over a year ago
big smile
LikesBoys said …
*inhales, exhales* it feels good to be home.
The place where you are loved, noticed, and the same.
Thank you, family. ;) Posted over a year ago
*pff* over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
why are you stalking me? over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
thank you, sweet, sweet Silver. ;) over a year ago
LikesBoys said …
I like boys, but girls are HOT (too)! Posted over a year ago
sieluvzsoul commented…
nothin wrong with tht over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
thank you. :) over a year ago
teentop449 commented…
Laxus_Dreyar said …
I hate it when people say "Ew" or "Gross" when they see gays.
Like,god shut the fuck up.
They're people , and have ears.
They can fucking hear your bitch ass.
I hate how gays are to scared to hold their lover's hand.
It's cause people are assholes and can't shut the fuck up.
It's like they NEED to say something mean.
But they don't.
Religion is fine , but please don't say anything bad about gays.
You're hurting them.
If they want to be gay , leave them alone.
They're happy.
K. Posted over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
yes. :,( over a year ago
SeeUV3 commented…
i got teased in school for kissing another girl i got called gross about 3 times not my fault i like both genders i love who i love and currently im falling for a beautiful woman who is also my best friend <3 over a year ago
-SilverFey- commented…
@FluffyMuffin: Ugh, homophobes. over a year ago
Society shouldn't label everything that's different from what they're use too, just because to men love each other doesn't mean they have to be label them gay and put them a part from the rest of the people same goes for the girls's so stupid. I'm not "gay" or "straight" i'm not bio either i'm just me no false or fake.The world's full of ignorance. Posted over a year ago
LikesBoys commented…
*crying* yes. i know. <3 over a year ago
the law is wise to ban it from russia and 42 states of usa over a year ago
DandC4evacute commented…
^ Only one state banned marriage equality. And actually, 14 states permitted it. If you're going to be a bigot, at least get your facts right. over a year ago
michaelshk said …
If god didn't want gay people he wouldn't have made love Posted over a year ago
Chocamilk92 commented…
so true ;-; over a year ago
JackSLover said …
I may be a Christian, but I believe that love is love! No matter you skin colour, race, religion, beliefs and sex! God loves all his children! And I think people who love the same sex, should be embraced! Not shuned away! Everone has the right to love! And no one can take that away from you! Posted over a year ago
SeeUV3 commented…
*claps* You are awesome! over a year ago
OH LOVE IS LOVE BLAH BLAH BLAH WHAAAA EHAAAAAA WHAAAAA LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE WHAAAA ITS OK TO LOVE WHAAA IM A CHRISTIAN BUT IM NOT LISTENING TO Romans 1:26-27 26For this reason God gave them up to degrading passions. Their women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error. over a year ago
-SilverFey- commented…
^You're an idiot. That's all I can say. You're just a total idiot. It's almost funny, actually. None of your arguments even make sense. over a year ago
HomosexualTaco said …
Hope i'm welcome...

And yes, I'm actually gay. I'm no troll, just an imaginative honest person. Posted over a year ago
ripper124 commented…
welcome over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
Well of course! Everyone is welcome to this club! :3 over a year ago
michaelshk commented…
welcom im not gay im hedrosexual but id be willing to die fighting for lgbt over a year ago
nimone commented…
welcome hope you like it here over a year ago
PearsAreCute said …
Love is love Posted over a year ago
shadowhunter22 commented…
haters gonna hate, and who needs haters anyway? over a year ago
michaelshk commented…
one love between all gay strate ex over a year ago
SeeUV3 said …
now both my parents know im bi sexual :) Posted over a year ago
nimone commented…
well done for having the courage to do that :) over a year ago
shadowhunter22 commented…
hey there nimone! can we talk? over a year ago
michaelshk commented…
congrats over a year ago
-SilverFey- said …
Saw this ignorant person online talking about how gays shouldn't have rights, and I quote:
"...Gays should be allowed to marry. They have always been allowed to marry. Just not their own sex...Besides, what if one day they decide they're not gay anymore and then we have to deal with their divorce? My guess is we could move the earth and Heaven for them and they'd still not be happy..."
Not the exact quote, but basically what they were saying. God that made me mad, though! Posted over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
How ignorant >.< over a year ago
shadowhunter22 commented…
-silverfey- tell me who that basterd was over a year ago
-SilverFey- commented…
^Don't remember their user name. Oh, a good thing, though--everybody commenting was really for gay rights. :) over a year ago
taini said …
hey my name is Taini but I'm straight. that doesn't mean I don't support you all out there. I believe that love is love and people should be allowed to be with the one they want. the homophobics out there (no offence at all) don't know what they are doing hating this. love is love. I fully support gay and lesbian and bi rights. I wish my country (the United States) did too. Posted over a year ago
taini commented…
(continuation) I hate when couples aren't allowed to call themselves that. my friend is bi and my mom's best friend is gay. basically I grew up with people like that. so yeah im straight but I support you guys. over a year ago
michaelshk commented…
im straght to and im a rasta i belive in one love wich means god loves all equaly over a year ago
FlightofFantasy said …
Congratulations to our English and Welsh friends! Same sex marriage has been legalized in England and Wales! Here's hoping the other constituent countries of the UK follow suit. :) Posted over a year ago
-SilverFey- commented…
That's awesome! :D over a year ago
michaelshk commented…
awsome over a year ago
igotnothingderp said …
"i'm not homophobic. of course i am not afraid of my house"
-Peter Kay, Manchester . Posted over a year ago
michaelshk commented…
should i like his/her comment over a year ago
duncanlovR said …
Back in 1993, the mistletoe scene in the episode "Son of Stimpy" (of The Ren & Stimpy Show) was almost cut due to Nickelodeon predicting that it would offend homosexuals. Homosexual undertones offending homosexuals? Lolwut Nickelodeon. Posted over a year ago
nimone commented…
Ikr i mean how's it going to be offensive to gay people when it shows homosexuality as a normal thing over a year ago
duncanlovR commented…
And think about it flipped around, heterosexuality offending heterosexuals? xD over a year ago
SeeUV3 said …
I don't know about this "labeling" stuff Im just a human that's attracted to both sex's... Posted over a year ago
SeeUV3 commented…
sorry if this seemed offensive ill delet it if it dose over a year ago
KohakuJSMA commented…
it's not offensive. be you. thanks. over a year ago
nimone said …
i had the worse nightmare last night where the members of the westbro babtist church started protesting outside my house thouse idiots need to be taught a lesson Posted over a year ago
legend_of_roxas commented…
They're just a bunch of bigots who just don't know how to love and just hate hate hate on anything and everything. But don't you worry, hun, there is nothing that they can do to hurt our pride!~ over a year ago
nimone commented…
thank you over a year ago
KohakuJSMA said …

make you cchange (or anything similar)
try to kill you
bash you
hate you
and/or anything else stupid.
that's stupid. Posted over a year ago
KohakuJSMA said …
gays also strongly support eachother, AND comment, AND put "likes" on, AND fan you, AND favorite your stuff! why can't everyone live in harmony, and be at peace? Posted over a year ago
KohakuJSMA said …
you know what?

gays are the only people i hear say stuff like "it doesn't matter your gender, race, background, (sometimes) religion, or who you love!"

and i thank ALL who say that. gays aren't the only ones, but they/y'all say it most.

thanks. Posted over a year ago
victoria7011 said …
“We’re sick of hearing people say, “That band is so gay,” or “Those guys are fags.” Gay is not a synonym for shitty. If you wanna say something’s shitty, say it’s shitty. Stop being such homophobic assholes.”
― Pete Wentz Posted over a year ago
KohakuJSMA commented…
woah! Pete Wentz said that!? :O over a year ago
victoria7011 commented…
Yeah he did! over a year ago
nimone commented…
ikr i hate it when people use the word gay as an insult when it just a normal thing nower days i mean it's not the dark ages over a year ago
victoria7011 said …
Congratulations to everyone who can now get married :D I feel so happy for ya'll..Now lets partyyyyy :) Posted over a year ago
Synthwave said …
Congratulations to my brothers and sisters, friends and possibly soon to be friends who have now the ability to marry whom they love. It feels great to hear the chimes of progress and equality echo throughout the US and provide hope.

With love,
A straight ally Posted over a year ago
southisup said …
Today is the day congrats to everyone who got married or other. Finally one step at a time love you all!! Posted over a year ago
Fassmckee said …
love to you all!!!!!! congrats to all you dedicated couples, you like it? Put a ring on it!!! yay!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
NightFrog said …
Today on June 26th 2013 Prop 8 has been ruled initiative, and DOMA has been ruled unconstitutional. Posted over a year ago
victoria7011 said …
Anyone can love whether thats a man + woman , woman + woman, man + man. This all still equals love. Also people saying that marriage is only for a man and a woman? Umm excuse me but why should people who are gay or lesbian or bisexual not allowed to marry? Is the world gonna explode if they do? Will the sky start falling down? Will it make the world burn? NO IT WONT so just let people fall in love with whoever they want to. Theres so many ignorant,selfish people out there. JUST LET PEOPLE LIVE! Posted over a year ago
SeeUV3 said …
Instead of saying your Bi sexual, gay.lesbian.pans,straight etc... just say your human Posted over a year ago
happybunz commented…
thumbs up for that logic =O over a year ago
SeeUV3 commented…
thank you it needed to be said over a year ago
brokencyde16 said …
Nothing's wrong with being gay, it's your life Posted over a year ago
ravissa commented…
totally. over a year ago
brokencyde16 commented…
Yup over a year ago
-Xantona- said …
I'm Catholic.
Er, I was,
I guess I still am.
But, I got excommunicated for being gay.
And it wasn't because of my pastor. He said I was one of the mostly devoted children of God that he knew. It was the MEN there that wanted me out, and they had a riot.
And they were successful.
Yes, I was banned from the church.
Oh well, more dick for me >XD Posted over a year ago
NewBoyz231 commented…
the church in some parts of the world is messed up anyway. (I know it sounds horrible, but it is true!) just because you like men, you cannot even go to church? I know its going against your religion but come on. think about how many gays & lesbians out there. the church isn't doing anything XD over a year ago
emmysuperfan1 said …
Okay, I have actually gotten a lot of hate from fellow "Christians" for supporting gay marriage. But you know what? I don't care. What other people think of me is none of my business. I will take my loving God who supports free and equal love over those other "Christian's" hateful god ANY DAY!
Let everyone marry who they love! <3 Posted over a year ago
emmysuperfan1 said …
I am a straight woman. I 100% support gay rights. I am also a Christian. Imagine that, a Christian who supports gay rights. I like to consider myself a “hippie” Christian. It doesn’t matter if you are black or white, short or tall, gay or straight; you are entitled to the same rights. You should be able to be with the one you love! We are all unique and beautiful I love you all! Posted over a year ago
victoria7011 commented…
Agreed with you...I am straight and im an atheist but everyone should be allowed to love who they want.. over a year ago
emmysuperfan1 commented…
Thank you victoria7011! :) Love is for everyone! XD over a year ago
victoria7011 commented…
No problem :) over a year ago
victoria7011 said …
Homosexuality isn't disgusting. Society is Posted over a year ago
southisup commented…
Nothing has been more truer than this my friend. over a year ago
Fassmckee said …
France is protesting gay marriage now? Its the Xtain element no doubt. Posted over a year ago
cassie_vasquez said …
I'm Bi... who gives a fuck if they judge you. Be who your are.Love is love. Posted over a year ago
brokencyde16 commented…
So true over a year ago
Fassmckee said …
A gay man was raped and tortured to death in RUSSIA, please when will they leave us in peace????? Posted over a year ago
Fassmckee said …
Too true SeeU. Posted over a year ago
SeeUV3 said …
My mom said that people probably stopped hanging out with me because im Bi-sexual ... NO ITS NOT ITS BECAUSE THEY ARE ASSHOLES Posted over a year ago
Fassmckee said …
TY Delaware!!! Xantona, Be proud. That is a beautiful testament. TY. Posted over a year ago
-Xantona- said …
I'm quite openly--FLAMBOYANTLY--gay.
And you know what?
I get the looks. I get the hate.
But it's amazing how much some people embrace it.
Once, a little kid asked me what being gay was and I said:
"I fall in love with boys instead of girls."
And his parents were so amazed that I could be so open about it.
My heart just sang when that happened <3
Not everyone is a bigot ^~^
And on here, people always think it's so cool :)
Especially the fact that I'm so proud to be who I am. Posted over a year ago
SeeUV3 commented…
Good for you :D over a year ago
emmysuperfan1 commented…
Exactly! good for you my friend! :) over a year ago
Fassmckee said …
Wonderful, just came from the Huffington post site, Wiki called Jason Collins a Faggot! You know what? Jason just laughed it off. Out of respect for this brave man, I'll try too. Posted over a year ago
Fassmckee said …
TY Rhode Isl.!!! Posted over a year ago
dibbyfun said …
If you feel depressed I find when I listen to music it helps I think that selena gomez who says song is really inspiring and once again be proud your gay or lesbian doesn't matter what peapole think Posted over a year ago
dibbyfun said …
There is nothing's wrong with been gay I mean I'm not gay or lesbian but I just think there is nothing wrong with it who agrees Posted over a year ago
Glambert2 commented…
Same here over a year ago
Fassmckee said …
TY Colorado!!!! Posted over a year ago
FassMackee said …
Whats WBBC gonna do now? Go to France? VIVA FRANCE!!!! MERCI, for legalizing Gay Marriage!!!! Posted over a year ago
FassMackee said …
back sometimes. And I WON"T. Hey AmimeYaoiLuvr, I AM BI TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
koolkat-1104 said …
hey guys for those of you who have a facebook please join my group its where you can express yourself and not be depressed.The people here are friendly link Posted over a year ago
AnimeYaoiLuvr said …
It still seems no one cares much for bisexuals.... Posted over a year ago
Rainshadow999 commented…
yeah....I'm bored! over a year ago
awsomegtax said …
I am gay and proud, FUCK WHAT PEOPLE THINK! Posted over a year ago
Lez_Be_Real commented…
Hell yeah!<3 over a year ago
fassmackey said …
OH PLUEEEZE!!!! Why must we put up with these Arseholes?!? So we adopt a symbol the red Equal sign to show support for Gay Marriage. Now the pious church adopts a red cross with the words God is love? Yea, tell me another one. God is love! Love your fellow man/woman, but you can't get married, or if its a legal Partnership and you dare cal it marriage We will Harass, fire, bash, KILL you.. sigh yOU CAN"T MAKE THESE FRIGHTEN LITTLE CHRISTHOLES SEE LOGIC OR REASON. Posted over a year ago
big smile
fassmackey said …
has everyone seen the pic of the RAINBOW HOUSE across from the west boro baphist church? ahhhhh!!! I LOVE IT!!! Its called EQUALITY HOUSE. CHECK IT OUT!!! Posted over a year ago
trentgwenfan1 commented…
IKR! I love it oo its so awesome!! over a year ago
Dark-Blood commented…
i support them they have a right to feel and be theirselfs over a year ago
misscrazel said …
Hi! I joined! Posted over a year ago
-SilverFey- commented…
Yay! Good. :) One more fan. over a year ago
Aidan_2012 said …
I am Gay, and I couldn't be anymore proud :) Posted over a year ago
0671143087 said …
I love gay people!! ;) Posted over a year ago
Monsterka commented…
Me too! They're awesome B) over a year ago
-Xantona- commented…
:D over a year ago
0671143087 commented…
;)) over a year ago
-Xantona- said …
I'm bi. Just sayin. If you can't take gays, it's not for you to decide how EVERYONE else should feel about them. Leave them alone. And, same with bisexuals. We're NOT and I mean NOT WHORES. We DON'T want to sleep around with everyone. We just happen to be attracted to both sexes. But, if you still think we're sluts.....

FUCK YOU TOO. Posted over a year ago
Gay_Loverboy commented…
-Xantona- commented…
YES! Judgmental cunts can't stand shit. And I can't stand THEM. over a year ago
Aidan_2012 commented…
Good job Xantona <3 over a year ago
NellLovetCarter said …
I just hate it that in my country homosexuals can't get married! I mean, those couples who have always had to fight for their love and their rights are probably much more in love and committed to each other than many hetero couples who keep getting divorced all the time!! Posted over a year ago
swampfox31 said …
I'm not gay, but I believe that homosexuals should have the same rights as straight people. They may have different sexual orientations, but they are still people, and should be treated like people. Posted over a year ago
misscrazel commented…
I totally agree! over a year ago
JessiLuvsBVB said …
Im not gay or bi but am a huge gay rights supporter. Most my friends reject my opinions but I think you should be able to love whoever you want regardless of gender. :) Posted over a year ago
misscrazel commented…
Me too! over a year ago
corahx said …
I'm not gay but I think gays have rights and they are mint to hang with :) Posted over a year ago
NellLovetCarter said …
Did anyone watch a document series a few weeks ago called "Never wipe tears without gloves"? It was a true story of gay people and how most of them died of Aids in Sweden that time. I cried my eyes out!!seriously, the most touching thing i've ever watched and my whole body trembled i cried so hard:'( Posted over a year ago
EmoSkaterBoy said …
People these days.they judge emos,gays,lesbians,pans,trannys,and bi ppl.ppl look down on us.WE ARE PEOPLE TOO!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
bubbles223 commented…
dud b your self arond me i am like kind of gay my self pleas dont think i am weard pleas i want u to accept me pleas over a year ago
EmoSkaterBoy commented…
ok (: over a year ago
bubbles223 commented…
:) over a year ago
EmoSkaterBoy said …
Im pissed at my friend.i told her bout my wonderful bf n she has a fucking problem with gays and i was lik "fuck you then" and i blocked.FUCK Posted over a year ago
bubbles223 commented…
dont git depresed ok stay cool and steam off ok :) over a year ago
EmoSkaterBoy commented…
no im pissed not depressed over a year ago
bubbles223 commented…
:) over a year ago
Attirox2 said …
I'm not gay but I really am glad they put this up. Posted over a year ago
SeeUV3 said …
I just "came out" to my parents telling them im bi-sexual :) Posted over a year ago
NellLovetCarter commented…
good for you! hope they took it well:) over a year ago
SeeUV3 commented…
thanks over a year ago
SeeUV3 commented…
they are and not at the same time hard to explain over a year ago
DramaQueen1020 said …
I just got my medal here! :D Posted over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
Awesome! Well done! :D over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Congrats! :) over a year ago
BrianMay100 commented…
Well Done over a year ago
ZombiePro021296 said …
I appreciate this page very much. :) Posted over a year ago
neaaw said …
Hello everyone (: I was happy when I found this fan page 'cos it's nice to know that people care :D
I'm not gay, but a really good friend of mine is. And he says that his life is total hell ): I always try to cheer him up, and make him confident but it's very difficult. His father hates him for being gay and I would really like to hear any ideas from you guys that I could do to help him (: He is very important to me, so that's why I'm doing this (also I agree, gay people should have rights !) Posted over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Let him know he is loved, that he is a beautiful human being regardless of who he is attracted to, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with him. Why exactly does his father hate him? Is it a religious thing? over a year ago
neaaw commented…
I'm trying but he just doesnt see it ). well he has 4 sisters and his father always wanted you know a ''manly'' son and since my friend doesn't like sports or army things, he's just been ignoring him and telling him that he would love to have a new son >:I over a year ago
neaaw commented…
I did -.- But things are better for him now (: He moved to a nother city, where his mom lives (: It's bad for me not seeing him everyday, but atleast he is loved (: over a year ago
SeeUV3 said …

hetalianstella said …
Womens' Rights [✔]

African American Rights [✔]

Gay Rights [ ]

Are we really going to have to go through this again? Posted over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
Ikr? over a year ago
KlaasKornemann said …
Klaas Kornemann schwul?
Sihcer nihct! Posted over a year ago
carsfan said …
In France, on January the 13th, there was this huge manifestation against gay mariage and same-sex adoption.

It was estimated between 340 000 et 800 000 people opposed of it, under the Eifel tower. The law is supposed to be in order on febuary 29th.

Society disgust me sometimes... >.< Posted over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
Society always disgust me. over a year ago
angieblack137 commented…
society disgusts all good people =( over a year ago
Heroine999 commented…
^Ikr?I sometimes want to give up on this world too. over a year ago
liveevil said …
I hate it when people say "oh my gosh that movie was gay and blah blah balah" I mean seriously T_T STFU I swear people have no fricken idea how retarded they sound. they are so damn mean to people!! >.< Posted over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
Saying "retarded" is also insulting you know. But it is mainly insulting to people who has that mental condition. But 90% of what you say I agree. over a year ago
hetalianstella said …
I've always hated it whenever someone says, "So and so is gay for/with that person". It just sounds ridiculous to say you're gay for someone. I mean, even if they didn't like that person they would still be gay.
You would never hear anyone saying. "He's straight for/with her"...? Posted over a year ago
Yeah_Pancakes said …
Ugh... my sister won't stop saying "being gay goes against the bible" or things like "you can't plug a lamp into a lamp" . Its kinda pissing me off. Posted over a year ago
Sylvia_Puffin commented…
Ask her why she thinks two people loving each other goes against the Bible. over a year ago
hetalianstella commented…
Ugh, my father is like that -_- over a year ago
KatrinkaBelle56 commented…
Ask her if she likes llamas and if she says no, just tell her she hasn't found the right one yet. over a year ago
Heroine999 said …
What is the government going to side on?Religon or the right of the people? Posted over a year ago
vampire2000 said …
i don't get the reason why gays are judged the that they are and honestly people yoyr going to judge someone's personallity based on their sexuality it's just not right so yeah that's why I'm a fan of this club :) Posted over a year ago
duncanlovR said …
Normally open, 'this is a fact' homosexuality only occurs in media for adults. When something arguably homosexual occurs in something for children, it's just said to be "an accident" or in the end whoever involved are just friends. That's why I was really surprised when in Paranorman, Mitch (the jock) said that he had a boyfriend. Posted over a year ago
KatrinkaBelle56 commented…
Omg I love that character!! Lol over a year ago