Alright, well, this episode may not be the BEST episode, but it sure is the most HILARIOUS! Let's get right into it, shall we?
It starts off in the desert (from The Architect). A bunch of Providence soldiers and tanks are destroyed as Rex joins the scene. He looks around and notices... the bunny... duhDuhDUH. He's like "It's a bunny..." One of the Providence guys (in a Australian accent?) says it's WAY worse then it looks.
Rex starts laughing. "It's a wittle bunny wabbit!" He calls it harmless and stupid... and the bunny overhears him... Ok, so, it's a Giant Evo Scary Death Bunny Thing. And it attacks Rex.
Back at Providence, we have our second shirtless Rex (YES) talking to Bobo. "It's worse then it looks, ok?" Bobo asks if Rex finished it off, but it apparently 'hopped' away before he could.
So, now Rex has a new stalker! (In a very 'Chicken from Family Guy' kinda way.) He walks out of the supermarket from Lockdown, gets tackled by the Bunny. Shooting hoops with some guys, Bunny tackle. Watching a movie in a theatre, Bunny jumps out of screen like Freddy Kruger and tackles. It's freaking everywhere! He eventually manages to find the Bunny on his terms and starts to fight it... when Noah calls up.
Noah has an emergency situation. Prom Night. OMG. Rex just hangs up and fights the Bunny again... but it hops away... again. Rex goes over to Noah's house (Noah's room! neat!) and he's all bruised up, black eye, has a cast, and Noah is freaking over Prom. XD The poor guy explains his situation.
Apparently, he asked the 'prettiest girl from school' (according to Noah) out to Prom and she said 'yes'. SO! He has plans. He has charts. He has a tux and a limo.
Rex: And why am I here?
Noah: Because you're coming too!
Rex: ...
Noah's date (Claire) has a friend that didn't get asked (Annie) and Noah needs Rex to be his wingman for the evening. Rex explains that he has Death Bunny after him and can't.
Noah: Bunny?
Rex: It sneaks up on you when you least expect it!
Noah: You'd rather hide from a bunny, then go on a date with a girl?
Rex: ...
XD I love this ep! Anywho! Back at Providence again, White is wondering what's up with the freaking bunny. Rex explains that it's fast and tries to make it sound as manly as possible. White Knight was actually pretty awesome in this episode.
White: What I want to know is what you did to get it so mad at you in the first place? ... You know what? Nevermind. I don't want to know.
Rex explains he'll get right back to Killer Bunny in the morning... he had a Prom to go to. Holiday and Six just look at eachother like 'did you hear that, too?' White says 'no'. But, when do we ever listen to him?
Later, Holiday, upon hearing Rex's screams, runs in his room to find that he's fussing with his hair and is obviously going to Prom. She helps him fix himself up and says that she was never asked to Prom and to have fun. He asks if she's jealous... she walks away and laughs.
Six's room! Yay! More spacious than I thought. Anywho, Six walks in his room (without his jacket GASP) and notices his closet door is slightly open. He does a kick ass flip, grabs his sword, opens the door, and notices that a suit is gone... HA. I'm pretty sure he's going to invest in a padlock now.
Noah: Wow. That is green.
Rex: Not much of a choice when you're shopping in Six's closet.
Noah has the ENTIRE evening planned out. Have to be slightly late to pick up the girls. Only ring the doorbell once. YadaYadaYada. Those two are such typical boys. So, we meet Claire and Annie. Annie has a cast on her wrist and explains to never text and ride a motorcycle in a half pipe. Ok, she seems cool.
Later, Rex tells Noah that she's not all that bad and thought that he was hiding something from him. "Won't be the first time." Don't think Rex has gotten over the whole Lockdown incident, but who could blame him?
Annie forgets her lipstick in the limo and Rex offers to help her find it. She finds it first... then pulls the emergency brake... then locks Rex in the car... then sends it flying over a cliff... He manages to use his powers to get back on solid ground, then she runs up to him... and accidently knocks him over the edge again... DANGER PRONE MUCH?
Later, Rex and Noah are talking.
Noah: There's something you should know about Annie.
Rex: She kills her dates?
Noah: ... *grin and shrug*
Rex: ... o.o
They call her the 'blonde widow'. All the guys she's went out with have ended up in the hospital or worse. Noah then tells Rex that if he can't handle it, he understands, since that Bunny Rabbit has been kicking his butt everyday, anyway.
Rex: I'm going to be your wingman... even if it kills me!
Obviously, their limo is toast, so Rex calls in a replacement. Bobo and a Providence Tank. Yeah. That says Prom. (For some reason, they keep calling it 'the limo' throughtout the ep XD)
Ok, so, at Prom, you obviously have to go to dinner first. So they all go to this nice little restaurant. Annie catches Rex on fire and throws a glass of water at him. A guy walks up and uses the fire extinguisher on poor Rex. He also leaves the fire extinguisher there (she's been there before). After things settle, Annie asks Rex if he has a girlfriend and he immediatly mentions Circe. "She's in league with an evil dictator that's trying to kill me." XD Ah, love.
Annie spots Rex's communicator and fishes it out with a fork. XD At that moment he gets a call from White, and leaves to take it against Noah's obvious hand signals lol. Apparently, the Bunny's back. It tackles Rex again. They fight for awhile and it looks like Rex has won the battle. He goes back to the restaurant... to find it in ashes. Annie sneezed...
They go to another place (The Snack Shack) and she almost kills him with a ketchup bottle. She get's a stain on Rex's (Six's) tie and goes to get some spot remover from the 'limo'. "It works on blood, too." XD She fires a missle and hits Rex with it. She is just... she's going to kill him. Claire considers leaving for the night, since 'Rex has bad luck', but Rex says that they are GOING TO PROM. He is now overly determined about this. Then, the Bunny shows up. Yay!
They all get back in the 'limo' and Rex tells Bobo to get to Prom and run every red light if he has to. They start heading there, with Death Bunny right on their tail. White shows up on the monitor (Noah and the girls hide).
Rex: Taking care of the Evo now, sir.
White: ... Is that... one of Six's suits?
Rex: Can't talk right now! Bunny!
So, Rex leaves the limo to fight the Bunny outside, while Annie and Noah try to help using the tank, until they run out of ammo. Annie finds a few weapons and goes out to 'help' Rex. Poor Rex, he tries to apologize to the Evo, but it just get's him madder. He uses Annie's danger prone skills to attack the Evo and, basically, blow it up. Feathers fly everywhere. Yes, feathers.
THEY GET TO PROM! YES! And, then the DJ tells everyone they've been an awesome crowd... They missed Prom. Noah falls to his hands and knees, about to cry. Annie is just happy that she managed to get through the whole date without killing Rex. Noah and Claire take a pic and she mentions that 'there's always Senior Prom'. Annie's like, "The night's still young! Let's do some go-carting or the all night archery range!" Rex decides that it's getting pretty late.
Rex and Noah, watching the sunrise, start talking over the events. They got to Prom. Rex wasn't dead. His arch nemesis was gone. Good times. Noah mentions that he may ask Claire out again and wonders if Rex will take out Annie again. He's like "Ha. Nooooo."
Noah: But, she is cute.
Rex: Yeah, she's cute, but I barely survived the first date. I'll defiantly die on the second... ... But she is cute.
Noah: At a boy.
What we learned:
- This is basically the best filler ep EVER!
- Claire, since Noah's date seemed to have went well, may show up again.
- When Annie asks Rex about his girlfriend, he immediately goes to Circe. Have they been meeting on the side? or is that just the closest person he has? Dunno.
- Annie. While she is seriously dangerous, we might see her again. She's surely gonna make some awesome fanfiction. Speaking of which...
- The Bunny. I love the freaking Bunny. There are so many things we can do with the Bunny.
- We seen Noah's room. Typical teenagers room.
- We seen Six's room. Wow. That was an experience. Also, his swords. When he grabs the hilt, he has to flick it for it to open. Ok, that's one mystery down, but his swords are just SURROUNDED in questions. I hope MOA will answer those. Oh and he had no lines in this ep... NO FAIR!
- This is the SECOND time Rex has stolen one of Six's suits. The first time was skill. The second was just luck. I'm pretty sure he'll try again in the future, but fail epicly that time. Can't wait.
- Holiday is such a mommy. lol
- Last thing. Rex either is allowed out of Providence a lot more then was implied earlier in the series or he just escapes ALL the time. That's not very clear.
Okie doke. The next episode is called "Rabble". That'll be fun.
Alright, well, this episode may not be the BEST episode, but it sure is the most HILARIOUS! Let's get right into it, shall we?
It starts off in the desert (from The Architect). A bunch of Providence soldiers and tanks are destroyed as Rex joins the scene. He looks around and notices... the bunny... duhDuhDUH. He's like "It's a bunny..." One of the Providence guys (in a Australian accent?) says it's WAY worse then it looks.
Rex starts laughing. "It's a wittle bunny wabbit!" He calls it harmless and stupid... and the bunny overhears him... Ok, so, it's a Giant Evo Scary Death Bunny Thing. And it attacks Rex.
Back at Providence, we have our second shirtless Rex (YES) talking to Bobo. "It's worse then it looks, ok?" Bobo asks if Rex finished it off, but it apparently 'hopped' away before he could.
So, now Rex has a new stalker! (In a very 'Chicken from Family Guy' kinda way.) He walks out of the supermarket from Lockdown, gets tackled by the Bunny. Shooting hoops with some guys, Bunny tackle. Watching a movie in a theatre, Bunny jumps out of screen like Freddy Kruger and tackles. It's freaking everywhere! He eventually manages to find the Bunny on his terms and starts to fight it... when Noah calls up.
Noah has an emergency situation. Prom Night. OMG. Rex just hangs up and fights the Bunny again... but it hops away... again. Rex goes over to Noah's house (Noah's room! neat!) and he's all bruised up, black eye, has a cast, and Noah is freaking over Prom. XD The poor guy explains his situation.
Apparently, he asked the 'prettiest girl from school' (according to Noah) out to Prom and she said 'yes'. SO! He has plans. He has charts. He has a tux and a limo.
Rex: And why am I here?
Noah: Because you're coming too!
Rex: ...
Noah's date (Claire) has a friend that didn't get asked (Annie) and Noah needs Rex to be his wingman for the evening. Rex explains that he has Death Bunny after him and can't.
Noah: Bunny?
Rex: It sneaks up on you when you least expect it!
Noah: You'd rather hide from a bunny, then go on a date with a girl?
Rex: ...
XD I love this ep! Anywho! Back at Providence again, White is wondering what's up with the freaking bunny. Rex explains that it's fast and tries to make it sound as manly as possible. White Knight was actually pretty awesome in this episode.
White: What I want to know is what you did to get it so mad at you in the first place? ... You know what? Nevermind. I don't want to know.
Rex explains he'll get right back to Killer Bunny in the morning... he had a Prom to go to. Holiday and Six just look at eachother like 'did you hear that, too?' White says 'no'. But, when do we ever listen to him?
Later, Holiday, upon hearing Rex's screams, runs in his room to find that he's fussing with his hair and is obviously going to Prom. She helps him fix himself up and says that she was never asked to Prom and to have fun. He asks if she's jealous... she walks away and laughs.
Six's room! Yay! More spacious than I thought. Anywho, Six walks in his room (without his jacket GASP) and notices his closet door is slightly open. He does a kick ass flip, grabs his sword, opens the door, and notices that a suit is gone... HA. I'm pretty sure he's going to invest in a padlock now.
Noah: Wow. That is green.
Rex: Not much of a choice when you're shopping in Six's closet.
Noah has the ENTIRE evening planned out. Have to be slightly late to pick up the girls. Only ring the doorbell once. YadaYadaYada. Those two are such typical boys. So, we meet Claire and Annie. Annie has a cast on her wrist and explains to never text and ride a motorcycle in a half pipe. Ok, she seems cool.
Later, Rex tells Noah that she's not all that bad and thought that he was hiding something from him. "Won't be the first time." Don't think Rex has gotten over the whole Lockdown incident, but who could blame him?
Annie forgets her lipstick in the limo and Rex offers to help her find it. She finds it first... then pulls the emergency brake... then locks Rex in the car... then sends it flying over a cliff... He manages to use his powers to get back on solid ground, then she runs up to him... and accidently knocks him over the edge again... DANGER PRONE MUCH?
Later, Rex and Noah are talking.
Noah: There's something you should know about Annie.
Rex: She kills her dates?
Noah: ... *grin and shrug*
Rex: ... o.o
They call her the 'blonde widow'. All the guys she's went out with have ended up in the hospital or worse. Noah then tells Rex that if he can't handle it, he understands, since that Bunny Rabbit has been kicking his butt everyday, anyway.
Rex: I'm going to be your wingman... even if it kills me!
Obviously, their limo is toast, so Rex calls in a replacement. Bobo and a Providence Tank. Yeah. That says Prom. (For some reason, they keep calling it 'the limo' throughtout the ep XD)
Ok, so, at Prom, you obviously have to go to dinner first. So they all go to this nice little restaurant. Annie catches Rex on fire and throws a glass of water at him. A guy walks up and uses the fire extinguisher on poor Rex. He also leaves the fire extinguisher there (she's been there before). After things settle, Annie asks Rex if he has a girlfriend and he immediatly mentions Circe. "She's in league with an evil dictator that's trying to kill me." XD Ah, love.
Annie spots Rex's communicator and fishes it out with a fork. XD At that moment he gets a call from White, and leaves to take it against Noah's obvious hand signals lol. Apparently, the Bunny's back. It tackles Rex again. They fight for awhile and it looks like Rex has won the battle. He goes back to the restaurant... to find it in ashes. Annie sneezed...
They go to another place (The Snack Shack) and she almost kills him with a ketchup bottle. She get's a stain on Rex's (Six's) tie and goes to get some spot remover from the 'limo'. "It works on blood, too." XD She fires a missle and hits Rex with it. She is just... she's going to kill him. Claire considers leaving for the night, since 'Rex has bad luck', but Rex says that they are GOING TO PROM. He is now overly determined about this. Then, the Bunny shows up. Yay!
They all get back in the 'limo' and Rex tells Bobo to get to Prom and run every red light if he has to. They start heading there, with Death Bunny right on their tail. White shows up on the monitor (Noah and the girls hide).
Rex: Taking care of the Evo now, sir.
White: ... Is that... one of Six's suits?
Rex: Can't talk right now! Bunny!
So, Rex leaves the limo to fight the Bunny outside, while Annie and Noah try to help using the tank, until they run out of ammo. Annie finds a few weapons and goes out to 'help' Rex. Poor Rex, he tries to apologize to the Evo, but it just get's him madder. He uses Annie's danger prone skills to attack the Evo and, basically, blow it up. Feathers fly everywhere. Yes, feathers.
THEY GET TO PROM! YES! And, then the DJ tells everyone they've been an awesome crowd... They missed Prom. Noah falls to his hands and knees, about to cry. Annie is just happy that she managed to get through the whole date without killing Rex. Noah and Claire take a pic and she mentions that 'there's always Senior Prom'. Annie's like, "The night's still young! Let's do some go-carting or the all night archery range!" Rex decides that it's getting pretty late.
Rex and Noah, watching the sunrise, start talking over the events. They got to Prom. Rex wasn't dead. His arch nemesis was gone. Good times. Noah mentions that he may ask Claire out again and wonders if Rex will take out Annie again. He's like "Ha. Nooooo."
Noah: But, she is cute.
Rex: Yeah, she's cute, but I barely survived the first date. I'll defiantly die on the second... ... But she is cute.
Noah: At a boy.
What we learned:
- This is basically the best filler ep EVER!
- Claire, since Noah's date seemed to have went well, may show up again.
- When Annie asks Rex about his girlfriend, he immediately goes to Circe. Have they been meeting on the side? or is that just the closest person he has? Dunno.
- Annie. While she is seriously dangerous, we might see her again. She's surely gonna make some awesome fanfiction. Speaking of which...
- The Bunny. I love the freaking Bunny. There are so many things we can do with the Bunny.
- We seen Noah's room. Typical teenagers room.
- We seen Six's room. Wow. That was an experience. Also, his swords. When he grabs the hilt, he has to flick it for it to open. Ok, that's one mystery down, but his swords are just SURROUNDED in questions. I hope MOA will answer those. Oh and he had no lines in this ep... NO FAIR!
- This is the SECOND time Rex has stolen one of Six's suits. The first time was skill. The second was just luck. I'm pretty sure he'll try again in the future, but fail epicly that time. Can't wait.
- Holiday is such a mommy. lol
- Last thing. Rex either is allowed out of Providence a lot more then was implied earlier in the series or he just escapes ALL the time. That's not very clear.
Okie doke. The next episode is called "Rabble". That'll be fun.