Ok so strangely enough i've had a few people asking me why i hate Chair so much, as to why i don't know because it seems incredibly obvious to me but ok i'll tell to a few of the many reasons why i hate fanpops near abusive couple that obnoxiously sits at the top of the gossip girl online fandom much to my dismay and contrary to the million reasons it shouldn't be. So here it goes; to be blunt i think personally that they began to grow tiresome after they got together, don't get me wrong i didn't hate them then, however i think it was when they lost that spark they had, it was for me anyway, anyhow moving along as the couple "progressed" or at least so the writers hoped it all for me just started to get kind of "been there, done that." and they seemed to become more tiresome still, this was when i started to dislike them however later on in the show it turned out that the writers were feeling a similar way to me and they apparently felt the need to "spice up the relationship" only problem was they put far to much spice into it for my liking and it seemed to overpower the main course (metaphorically speaking of course) this was when the writers in short turned Chuck into a complete and utter ass and drained him of any sympathy i ever had for him, they made him treat Blair like a doormat, get physical with her, ruin a relationship she was clearly happy in, try to ruin a friendship she was also clearly happy, basically he turned into a compulsively controlling, manipulative and violent ex-boyfriend, so please forgive me for not shipping him with my favourite character which brings me onto the next thing, i sometimes can't help but think that Chair fans are really just Chuck fans who want to see him but aren't really that concerned for Blair's happiness (again please note that this article is merely opinion.) because the relationship is very one sided, it's all very well for Chuck, he gets to waltz around breaking Blairs heart whenever he feels like it and dating who he likes because he knows that she'll always be there with open arms (hence the anger that time she wasn't) Blair's simply a perfect girlfriend to him and makes him happy, the problem is the same can't really be said vice-versa Chuck's a terrible boyfriend to her and he in Blair's own words "drives her into this deep depression" which believe it or not would imply that he doesn't make her happy.
So there you have it just a few reasons as to why i hate Chair, thanks for reading. XD
So there you have it just a few reasons as to why i hate Chair, thanks for reading. XD