Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter Nine
Chuck put down the empty bottle of scotch that he had been cradling against his chest. “What did you just say?”
Serena sighed. “I know that I shouldn’t have said anything but Blair was so upset when you told her that you didn’t want anything to do with her today. And I just had to tell you the truth because I know the both of you are miserable without each other. Blair didn’t want to go back to Nate, Chuck; she only did it because he was blackmailing her.”
He didn’t for one minute believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. “Please, save it Serena. Is this another one of Blair’s plot to fuck with me? I am so fucking tired of all this. Just get out.”
She reached out to touch him, but thought better of it and decided not to. “Chuck, it is the truth. Just let me explain.”
He said nothing but resumed his seat on the sofa. Serena took that as her cue to continue telling him. “After that weekend yacht trip that Blair had organized, that was the day that Nate came to her and demanded that she get back together with him. He didn’t like being embarrassed in front of the entire school and he blackmailed Blair into playing his girlfriend again.”
“I don’t believe any of this shit Serena but I will play along with you. How in the hell could Nate blackmail Blair?”
“The only reason she agreed to be his girlfriend was because he threatened to destroy her and you. She didn’t care about herself but she didn’t want anything bad to happen to you, so she agreed to his scheme. And she’s been miserable ever since that day.”
Chuck grabbed the coffee table to steady himself and got to his feet. “Is this for real?” His voice shook as he asked the question.
Serena had a sad smile on her face. “Yes, unfortunately it is. Blair loves you and she’s never stopped, she only said those things to hurt you, so that you would move on from her and not get involved in this plot of Nate’s. She despises him and that was the reason for her calling him out at the lunch table today.”
He was still suspicious. “Are you lying to me about all of this?”
“No, I would never lie to you about something where the future happiness of Blair is concerned.”
He didn’t want to believe but he could tell just by looking at Serena’s face that she was telling the truth. “Does she hate me now?”
She walked over to where he was standing on shaky legs and placed an arm around his shoulder and led him to a desk chair. “Blair could never hate you and you know that, Chuck. She still loves you, you’re going to have to go to her and tell her that you know the truth and then the both of you can figure out the next step.”
He said nothing else to Serena, but grabbed a jacket and raced out the front door. He was determined to get to Blair before it was too late and he had really lost everything that was ever important to him.
The pain just wouldn’t go away. It had been two days since his harsh words to how she wasn’t the Blair that he knew and loved. She didn’t want to feel like this anymore. If this was what loving Chuck felt like then she wanted no part of it. Blair wished that she could go back and erase her feelings for Chuck but then in a way that would actually be horrible if that happened. Loving Chuck these past few months was what had kept her sane and if she was honest with herself, she wouldn’t give that up for anything in the world. Chuck Bass was the reason that she was who she was at this exact minute and she would be thankful for that for the rest of her life. But not having him in her life made it seem so incomplete and she hated that fact. Since when did a Waldorf need a man to make herself feel good?
The pain was almost crippling and there was nothing more than she wanted for it to go away. She dragged herself out of bed and she made herself look at the reflection in the mirror. She looked ghastly, her hair hadn’t been brushed in days, her eyes were rimmed with red from crying so much, her clothes were wrinkled, and she had dark circles under her eyes.
She made a grimace at her reflection and made to go back to bed and bury herself under the covers. Just as she had reached the bed, a knock sounded on her bedroom door. She sighed and went to answer the door. Whoever it was, they were going to be spent away immediately. Didn’t anyone understand that she didn’t want to be bothered right now? The only person that had ever understood her was Chuck but she quickly pushed that thought aside, it was much too bleak.
Blair regretted opening the door the minute she saw who was on the other side. She tried to close the door in their face but the person’s foot stopped her from doing that. She gave up with a sigh and went back to her bed and sat on it, her gaze dropped to the floor. She would do anything not to gaze at the man in front of her.
Chuck moved swiftly into the room and he couldn’t stop staring at her. She was the girl that he had broken into a million pieces and now it was his job to make sure that he could piece her back together. That was not going to be easy. He reached out to touch her shoulder. “Blair.”
Blair flinched but she finally allowed her gaze to meet his for the first time. “What do you want?” She was happy to note that her tone was completely icy and he looked taken aback by that. “You already told me the other day that you want nothing to do with me, so why are you here? Have you come to try and degrade me some more or is it just because you want to see how much you’ve broken me?”
His tone was very gentle when he said, “Stop, Blair.”
She could take hearing the pity in his voice and began to lash out at him. “No, I will not! You fucked me again but then I’m the one playing games because I said that I love you in front of Nate. You have no idea what is going on and I was telling the truth, and I don’t think I am the one that has been playing games.”
He stopped her tirade in an instant. “Why didn’t you tell me the truth?”
Confusion came over her face and she asked, “What do you mean?”
He took a seat next to her and grabbed her hand. Blair tried to yank her hand away from his but he wasn’t allowing it. “I know that Nate was blackmailing you.”
She gasped and mentally cursed the day that Serena was born, she was the only one that could have told him anything. “Serena?” He nodded. “I didn’t want you to find out because I knew that Nate would realize that you knew. Nate is very dumb but sometimes he can be astute. I know that doesn’t even make sense but that is just the way that Nate is.”
“Does that mean I wasn’t really all just a game to you?” He rubbed circles onto her wrist.
She knew that she should have stayed mad at him but she couldn’t. They were both at fault. A watery smile spread across her face. “I only said that because I knew that you would believe it. You always think that you are inferior to Nate but the truth is you can’t even compare the two of you. You are superior to him in every way possible. I just didn’t want him to ruin your life or future and that is the only reason that I did this.”
“What about your own life, Blair?”
She shook her head. “That didn’t matter to me; I just didn’t want Nate to have his grandfather destroy your entire future. It was stupid, I should have come to you and we could have figured it out together but I was scared. And then there was the reason of not knowing how you truly felt about me, I still don’t. But I am sorry for saying that you were all a bet, that is not true at all and I think you know that.”
His face fell and only then did Blair realize how deeply that she had hurt him. “I really did believe you, Blair. It was the worst feeling in the world when I thought it had all been a game to you. I know that everyone sees me as this huge womanizer who has no feelings and for the most part that’s true.”
She gasped at his words and tugged her hand out of his grip.
“Let me finish.” She complied and Chuck continued, “That’s how I was until the night we made love in the back of my limo. Ever since that night, I’ve been slowly falling for you and I tried to fight it so much because I knew that it wasn’t right to be screwing my best friend’s girlfriend. And then you were this whole other Blair that I never knew but deep down I always thought that someone like this existed.”
At his words she grasped the side of his face and turned it back until he was looking at her. “That was never a lie, Chuck. I really am that girl that you fell for. That prim and proper Blair Waldorf was all just a façade that I had to use in order to hide my true self. As my mother always told me, A Waldorf does not act like I wanted to act. So I forced myself to stifle my personality and then after our night together, I decided that I did not want to keep living a lie. The only time I even feel remotely alive is when I’m with you and that has never changed but I do apologize to you for lying. I shouldn’t have ever done that.”
He still felt the same fear he always did when he was about to admit his feelings to someone. But he knew that Blair deserved to hear it and he wanted to give it to her. He was determined to make it work between them this time. “I love you, Blair.” Once the words were out of his mouth, he found that it really hadn’t been that hard to say. It had all been in his mind.
She bit her bottom lip and the despair she had felt early disappeared and a happy feeling started to invade her senses. “Wow, I never thought that I would hear those three little words come out of your mouth after everything, Chuck.”
She didn’t say anything else and he started to feel nervous that he had let his feelings all lay out on the line and she hadn’t said it back to him. “That’s it?”
Blair paused for a moment before saying, “I love you, too. It’s been that way for a long time now.”
Chuck smiled, an actual true smile. He leaned his forehead and captured her lips in a kiss that was sweet and tender but passionate all the same. It was a soothing kiss; he was turning to make up for all the pain that they had caused each other which was mostly Nate’s entire fault. He moved his mouth down to her neck and whispered, “I’m sorry for everything, Blair.”
She placed a hand on the back of his neck and drew him down for another kiss. When they broke, she said, “I am too.”
Blair laid her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her waist, and they stayed like that for many minutes. She was hesitant to break the mood and ask him the question that she knew she had too. But before they could actually be happy with each other, they had to eliminate the problem first.
“Chuck?” She murmured.
“I really don’t want to have to ask this now, not when we just were finally open and honest with each other and got to that special place but I have too. What are we going to do about Nate? I know he’s your best friend and everything but I can’t let him get away with what he has been for the past month. He’s made the both of our lives miserable and I just need to know if you are going to help me or if I going to have to do it alone.”
He waved his hand and that dismissed the argument. “You didn’t really think that I would let Nate get away with what he has done to us, did you? Our friendship has been fucked up for a long time and now it is nonexistent. He has to pay and I would do whatever I can to help heed you in that matter. Fuck, Nate.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and crawled into his lap while placing a kiss right above one of his eyebrows. Her smile was dazzling. “Thank you. I know that we can’t actually be happy until Nate gets what has been coming to his for a long time. Now the only question is, what are we going to do about him?”
A devious smile came to his face and he winked at her. “This is what we do best together. Plot. Well maybe not best.” Chuck finished with a lecherous grin.
She socked him in the arm playfully. “What did you have in mind?”
They both talked and went over everything that they could possibly do to Nate to get some revenge on him. Most of their plans were instantly discarded just for that fact that they wouldn’t possibly work. An hour later, the perfect plot formed in Chuck’s mind. He told her his idea and her face told him all. It was perfect.
“Tomorrow, the plan will be set in motion.” He agreed.
As soon as Blair stepped into the hallway to go to her next class, Nate cornered her. “You are going to pay for that, Blair.”
A smirk played across her lips but she quickly hid it. She knew that this plan was going to work and now all she had to do was play along. “I just told the truth Nate, and there is nothing you can do about any of it.”
“Do you not remember the deal we had?” He snarled.
“I remember perfectly but I decided that I was done playing this game and I am.”
He pushed her until her back was against the wall. “Then you know I will plan of ruining both you and Chuck.”
“I don’t think that is going to happen, Nate.” She whispered softly.
“Oh, and why is that?”
She grinned while she stepped away from the wall and slipped out from Nate’s body. “You will be getting a surprise in the next couple of minutes that you never expected.”
Nate tried to grab her wrist but she darted out of the way and dashed down the hallway. He growled with rage and made his way to go after her but a hard body stopped him.
Nate sighed with annoyance. “Look Chuck, I really don’t have the time for this right now.”
Chuck still blocked his way with his body. “You will want to stay and here this, Nathaniel. I have some information for you that I know you will want to hear.”
Nate looked down the hallway to see if he could still see Blair but he couldn’t. “What is it?” He asked with mild interest.
Chuck grimaced. “It’s about Blair.”
A sudden look of victory came over his face. “What about her? Is it something that I could use to fry the bitch?”
A dark look came over Chuck’s face but he tried to pretend like he didn’t want to throw his fist into Nate’s face and make a bloody pulp out of his face. “It’s something that you might like to hear.”
“Well fuck just tell me, man.”
“Okay.” Chuck muttered. “Blair’s still be trying to seduce me but I keep denying her like always but she’s a talker. And she let a valuable little piece of information slip.”
“What?” Nate didn’t even bother to hide his eagerness.
It was Chuck’s turn to grin. “Well, Blair told me that she had already said to you that she wasn’t a virgin and that you begged her to tell you who it was. Well, I know who it was. Do you want to know?”
“Yes, you have to tell me man. I’ve been trying to get that out of Blair for a while now and the way she disgraced me in front of the entire school again, I would love to have something on her that I could use and get even with her.”
“Are you sure that you want to know, Nathaniel?” Chuck asked quietly.
“I’m positive, Chuck. Once I found out, I am going to kick the fuck out of this piece of garbage. He’s going to have to learn the hard way that nobody messes with my shit.” A sudden thought occurred to Nate. “Is it somebody that I know?”
“It is.” Chuck proclaimed.
“Well?” Nate was beginning to become annoyed at having to wait so long to hear one fucking answer.
Chuck spread his arms to the side. The moment had come and he savored the words before they came out of his mouth. “The person that slept with Blair behind your back is standing right in front of you.” Nate’s face dropped and he continued. “It was me.” The words came out in a rush and the next sound that was heard was the crack of a fist hitting the side of someone’s face.
To Be Continued…
A/N: I am not really satisfied with this chapter for some reason but you will have to let me know what you think. I had a rough day on Thursday and maybe that’s taking a toll on me. Oh, well. The next chapter of this story will be the last.
Chuck put down the empty bottle of scotch that he had been cradling against his chest. “What did you just say?”
Serena sighed. “I know that I shouldn’t have said anything but Blair was so upset when you told her that you didn’t want anything to do with her today. And I just had to tell you the truth because I know the both of you are miserable without each other. Blair didn’t want to go back to Nate, Chuck; she only did it because he was blackmailing her.”
He didn’t for one minute believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. “Please, save it Serena. Is this another one of Blair’s plot to fuck with me? I am so fucking tired of all this. Just get out.”
She reached out to touch him, but thought better of it and decided not to. “Chuck, it is the truth. Just let me explain.”
He said nothing but resumed his seat on the sofa. Serena took that as her cue to continue telling him. “After that weekend yacht trip that Blair had organized, that was the day that Nate came to her and demanded that she get back together with him. He didn’t like being embarrassed in front of the entire school and he blackmailed Blair into playing his girlfriend again.”
“I don’t believe any of this shit Serena but I will play along with you. How in the hell could Nate blackmail Blair?”
“The only reason she agreed to be his girlfriend was because he threatened to destroy her and you. She didn’t care about herself but she didn’t want anything bad to happen to you, so she agreed to his scheme. And she’s been miserable ever since that day.”
Chuck grabbed the coffee table to steady himself and got to his feet. “Is this for real?” His voice shook as he asked the question.
Serena had a sad smile on her face. “Yes, unfortunately it is. Blair loves you and she’s never stopped, she only said those things to hurt you, so that you would move on from her and not get involved in this plot of Nate’s. She despises him and that was the reason for her calling him out at the lunch table today.”
He was still suspicious. “Are you lying to me about all of this?”
“No, I would never lie to you about something where the future happiness of Blair is concerned.”
He didn’t want to believe but he could tell just by looking at Serena’s face that she was telling the truth. “Does she hate me now?”
She walked over to where he was standing on shaky legs and placed an arm around his shoulder and led him to a desk chair. “Blair could never hate you and you know that, Chuck. She still loves you, you’re going to have to go to her and tell her that you know the truth and then the both of you can figure out the next step.”
He said nothing else to Serena, but grabbed a jacket and raced out the front door. He was determined to get to Blair before it was too late and he had really lost everything that was ever important to him.
The pain just wouldn’t go away. It had been two days since his harsh words to how she wasn’t the Blair that he knew and loved. She didn’t want to feel like this anymore. If this was what loving Chuck felt like then she wanted no part of it. Blair wished that she could go back and erase her feelings for Chuck but then in a way that would actually be horrible if that happened. Loving Chuck these past few months was what had kept her sane and if she was honest with herself, she wouldn’t give that up for anything in the world. Chuck Bass was the reason that she was who she was at this exact minute and she would be thankful for that for the rest of her life. But not having him in her life made it seem so incomplete and she hated that fact. Since when did a Waldorf need a man to make herself feel good?
The pain was almost crippling and there was nothing more than she wanted for it to go away. She dragged herself out of bed and she made herself look at the reflection in the mirror. She looked ghastly, her hair hadn’t been brushed in days, her eyes were rimmed with red from crying so much, her clothes were wrinkled, and she had dark circles under her eyes.
She made a grimace at her reflection and made to go back to bed and bury herself under the covers. Just as she had reached the bed, a knock sounded on her bedroom door. She sighed and went to answer the door. Whoever it was, they were going to be spent away immediately. Didn’t anyone understand that she didn’t want to be bothered right now? The only person that had ever understood her was Chuck but she quickly pushed that thought aside, it was much too bleak.
Blair regretted opening the door the minute she saw who was on the other side. She tried to close the door in their face but the person’s foot stopped her from doing that. She gave up with a sigh and went back to her bed and sat on it, her gaze dropped to the floor. She would do anything not to gaze at the man in front of her.
Chuck moved swiftly into the room and he couldn’t stop staring at her. She was the girl that he had broken into a million pieces and now it was his job to make sure that he could piece her back together. That was not going to be easy. He reached out to touch her shoulder. “Blair.”
Blair flinched but she finally allowed her gaze to meet his for the first time. “What do you want?” She was happy to note that her tone was completely icy and he looked taken aback by that. “You already told me the other day that you want nothing to do with me, so why are you here? Have you come to try and degrade me some more or is it just because you want to see how much you’ve broken me?”
His tone was very gentle when he said, “Stop, Blair.”
She could take hearing the pity in his voice and began to lash out at him. “No, I will not! You fucked me again but then I’m the one playing games because I said that I love you in front of Nate. You have no idea what is going on and I was telling the truth, and I don’t think I am the one that has been playing games.”
He stopped her tirade in an instant. “Why didn’t you tell me the truth?”
Confusion came over her face and she asked, “What do you mean?”
He took a seat next to her and grabbed her hand. Blair tried to yank her hand away from his but he wasn’t allowing it. “I know that Nate was blackmailing you.”
She gasped and mentally cursed the day that Serena was born, she was the only one that could have told him anything. “Serena?” He nodded. “I didn’t want you to find out because I knew that Nate would realize that you knew. Nate is very dumb but sometimes he can be astute. I know that doesn’t even make sense but that is just the way that Nate is.”
“Does that mean I wasn’t really all just a game to you?” He rubbed circles onto her wrist.
She knew that she should have stayed mad at him but she couldn’t. They were both at fault. A watery smile spread across her face. “I only said that because I knew that you would believe it. You always think that you are inferior to Nate but the truth is you can’t even compare the two of you. You are superior to him in every way possible. I just didn’t want him to ruin your life or future and that is the only reason that I did this.”
“What about your own life, Blair?”
She shook her head. “That didn’t matter to me; I just didn’t want Nate to have his grandfather destroy your entire future. It was stupid, I should have come to you and we could have figured it out together but I was scared. And then there was the reason of not knowing how you truly felt about me, I still don’t. But I am sorry for saying that you were all a bet, that is not true at all and I think you know that.”
His face fell and only then did Blair realize how deeply that she had hurt him. “I really did believe you, Blair. It was the worst feeling in the world when I thought it had all been a game to you. I know that everyone sees me as this huge womanizer who has no feelings and for the most part that’s true.”
She gasped at his words and tugged her hand out of his grip.
“Let me finish.” She complied and Chuck continued, “That’s how I was until the night we made love in the back of my limo. Ever since that night, I’ve been slowly falling for you and I tried to fight it so much because I knew that it wasn’t right to be screwing my best friend’s girlfriend. And then you were this whole other Blair that I never knew but deep down I always thought that someone like this existed.”
At his words she grasped the side of his face and turned it back until he was looking at her. “That was never a lie, Chuck. I really am that girl that you fell for. That prim and proper Blair Waldorf was all just a façade that I had to use in order to hide my true self. As my mother always told me, A Waldorf does not act like I wanted to act. So I forced myself to stifle my personality and then after our night together, I decided that I did not want to keep living a lie. The only time I even feel remotely alive is when I’m with you and that has never changed but I do apologize to you for lying. I shouldn’t have ever done that.”
He still felt the same fear he always did when he was about to admit his feelings to someone. But he knew that Blair deserved to hear it and he wanted to give it to her. He was determined to make it work between them this time. “I love you, Blair.” Once the words were out of his mouth, he found that it really hadn’t been that hard to say. It had all been in his mind.
She bit her bottom lip and the despair she had felt early disappeared and a happy feeling started to invade her senses. “Wow, I never thought that I would hear those three little words come out of your mouth after everything, Chuck.”
She didn’t say anything else and he started to feel nervous that he had let his feelings all lay out on the line and she hadn’t said it back to him. “That’s it?”
Blair paused for a moment before saying, “I love you, too. It’s been that way for a long time now.”
Chuck smiled, an actual true smile. He leaned his forehead and captured her lips in a kiss that was sweet and tender but passionate all the same. It was a soothing kiss; he was turning to make up for all the pain that they had caused each other which was mostly Nate’s entire fault. He moved his mouth down to her neck and whispered, “I’m sorry for everything, Blair.”
She placed a hand on the back of his neck and drew him down for another kiss. When they broke, she said, “I am too.”
Blair laid her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her waist, and they stayed like that for many minutes. She was hesitant to break the mood and ask him the question that she knew she had too. But before they could actually be happy with each other, they had to eliminate the problem first.
“Chuck?” She murmured.
“I really don’t want to have to ask this now, not when we just were finally open and honest with each other and got to that special place but I have too. What are we going to do about Nate? I know he’s your best friend and everything but I can’t let him get away with what he has been for the past month. He’s made the both of our lives miserable and I just need to know if you are going to help me or if I going to have to do it alone.”
He waved his hand and that dismissed the argument. “You didn’t really think that I would let Nate get away with what he has done to us, did you? Our friendship has been fucked up for a long time and now it is nonexistent. He has to pay and I would do whatever I can to help heed you in that matter. Fuck, Nate.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and crawled into his lap while placing a kiss right above one of his eyebrows. Her smile was dazzling. “Thank you. I know that we can’t actually be happy until Nate gets what has been coming to his for a long time. Now the only question is, what are we going to do about him?”
A devious smile came to his face and he winked at her. “This is what we do best together. Plot. Well maybe not best.” Chuck finished with a lecherous grin.
She socked him in the arm playfully. “What did you have in mind?”
They both talked and went over everything that they could possibly do to Nate to get some revenge on him. Most of their plans were instantly discarded just for that fact that they wouldn’t possibly work. An hour later, the perfect plot formed in Chuck’s mind. He told her his idea and her face told him all. It was perfect.
“Tomorrow, the plan will be set in motion.” He agreed.
As soon as Blair stepped into the hallway to go to her next class, Nate cornered her. “You are going to pay for that, Blair.”
A smirk played across her lips but she quickly hid it. She knew that this plan was going to work and now all she had to do was play along. “I just told the truth Nate, and there is nothing you can do about any of it.”
“Do you not remember the deal we had?” He snarled.
“I remember perfectly but I decided that I was done playing this game and I am.”
He pushed her until her back was against the wall. “Then you know I will plan of ruining both you and Chuck.”
“I don’t think that is going to happen, Nate.” She whispered softly.
“Oh, and why is that?”
She grinned while she stepped away from the wall and slipped out from Nate’s body. “You will be getting a surprise in the next couple of minutes that you never expected.”
Nate tried to grab her wrist but she darted out of the way and dashed down the hallway. He growled with rage and made his way to go after her but a hard body stopped him.
Nate sighed with annoyance. “Look Chuck, I really don’t have the time for this right now.”
Chuck still blocked his way with his body. “You will want to stay and here this, Nathaniel. I have some information for you that I know you will want to hear.”
Nate looked down the hallway to see if he could still see Blair but he couldn’t. “What is it?” He asked with mild interest.
Chuck grimaced. “It’s about Blair.”
A sudden look of victory came over his face. “What about her? Is it something that I could use to fry the bitch?”
A dark look came over Chuck’s face but he tried to pretend like he didn’t want to throw his fist into Nate’s face and make a bloody pulp out of his face. “It’s something that you might like to hear.”
“Well fuck just tell me, man.”
“Okay.” Chuck muttered. “Blair’s still be trying to seduce me but I keep denying her like always but she’s a talker. And she let a valuable little piece of information slip.”
“What?” Nate didn’t even bother to hide his eagerness.
It was Chuck’s turn to grin. “Well, Blair told me that she had already said to you that she wasn’t a virgin and that you begged her to tell you who it was. Well, I know who it was. Do you want to know?”
“Yes, you have to tell me man. I’ve been trying to get that out of Blair for a while now and the way she disgraced me in front of the entire school again, I would love to have something on her that I could use and get even with her.”
“Are you sure that you want to know, Nathaniel?” Chuck asked quietly.
“I’m positive, Chuck. Once I found out, I am going to kick the fuck out of this piece of garbage. He’s going to have to learn the hard way that nobody messes with my shit.” A sudden thought occurred to Nate. “Is it somebody that I know?”
“It is.” Chuck proclaimed.
“Well?” Nate was beginning to become annoyed at having to wait so long to hear one fucking answer.
Chuck spread his arms to the side. The moment had come and he savored the words before they came out of his mouth. “The person that slept with Blair behind your back is standing right in front of you.” Nate’s face dropped and he continued. “It was me.” The words came out in a rush and the next sound that was heard was the crack of a fist hitting the side of someone’s face.
To Be Continued…
A/N: I am not really satisfied with this chapter for some reason but you will have to let me know what you think. I had a rough day on Thursday and maybe that’s taking a toll on me. Oh, well. The next chapter of this story will be the last.