A patrol of four Grassclan cats padded along the boundary with Spiritclan. Darkstripe was at the head of the patrol and suddenly stopped to smell the air. "What's that scent, Darkstripe? I don't recognize it." spoke Flowerpaw.
"I don't recognize it." growled Darkstripe as he followed the trail. Flowerpaw, Brackenfoot and Krestelheart followed.
Then Darkstripe spoke. "Stop. Krestelheart and I shall go further. Brackenfoot, you and Flowerpaw wait here." then him and Krestelheart moved on.
The two cats stopped dead in their trail when they saw another Grassclan body lying dead right in front of them, this time a younger cat: the young medicine cat apprentice Rosepaw.
Darkstripe stared down at the dead body. "Rosepaw." he muttered.
Krestelheart moved forward and sniffed her. "It's the same scent we were following."
Darkstripe moved forward to stand next to the she-cat. He gave Rosepaw a sniff. "Fresh. We just missed it." Darkstripe hissed, obviously annoyed.
Brackenfoot and Flowerpaw gently took the apprentice's body back to camp as Darkstripe noticed the...what could only be the culprit.
A cat: a huge cat, bigger than Darkstripe himself. With big bulky muscles. It was a pale ginger tabby, with a white belly and paws. A she-cat.
"I don't recognize it." growled Darkstripe as he followed the trail. Flowerpaw, Brackenfoot and Krestelheart followed.
Then Darkstripe spoke. "Stop. Krestelheart and I shall go further. Brackenfoot, you and Flowerpaw wait here." then him and Krestelheart moved on.
The two cats stopped dead in their trail when they saw another Grassclan body lying dead right in front of them, this time a younger cat: the young medicine cat apprentice Rosepaw.
Darkstripe stared down at the dead body. "Rosepaw." he muttered.
Krestelheart moved forward and sniffed her. "It's the same scent we were following."
Darkstripe moved forward to stand next to the she-cat. He gave Rosepaw a sniff. "Fresh. We just missed it." Darkstripe hissed, obviously annoyed.
Brackenfoot and Flowerpaw gently took the apprentice's body back to camp as Darkstripe noticed the...what could only be the culprit.
A cat: a huge cat, bigger than Darkstripe himself. With big bulky muscles. It was a pale ginger tabby, with a white belly and paws. A she-cat.