Grawp from Harry Potter Updates

an icon was added: Hermione and Grawp over a year ago by Bibi69
a reply was made to the forum post: Is that motto for real? over a year ago by vubrave
a poll was added: Will Grawp be Next headmaster at Hogwarts? over a year ago by vubrave
a poll was added: Grawp versus Dumbledore, who is smarter? over a year ago by vubrave
a reply was made to the forum post: Grawp can get HBO with those ears over a year ago by vubrave
a pop quiz question was added: Exactly how big are his nostrils over a year ago by aubraves
a reply was made to the forum post: Grawp looks like over a year ago by vubrave
a photo was added: image over a year ago by aubraves
a poll was added: Grawp looks like a bubble-headed meat wagon over a year ago by aubraves