Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Club
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added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by Ninja-Kitten
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added by Ninja-Kitten
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added by MagicalGinny
added by Ninja-Kitten
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added by Ninja-Kitten
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added by Ninja-Kitten
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added by Ninja-Kitten
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added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet
All these reasons are researched, hopefully unbiased, and completely open for friendly (reasonable) debate.

1. Slytherins value ambition, which is a trait often found in great leaders and *cough* politicians. Ambition is key in our world because otherwise, we would fall into anarchy. While traits like intelligence, courage, and loyalty are all important in leaders, the trait that gives an intelligent, brave, and loyal person the drive to achieve their dreams is ambition. We Slytherins set goals and work to reach them.

2. Slytherins have good self-preservation instincts. While this is sometimes...
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posted by Ninja-Kitten
Yeah, I know, we're the bad guys, the evil ones, the ones that you're SUPPOSED to hate. But Slytherin itself isn't all about being evil! It's not even about being a pureblood!

If you think about it, our defining characteristics, ambition, cunning, and good self-preservation instincts, are present in many great leaders. The reason that so many Slytherins go bad is that the qualities valued in our house are often essential in following people like Voldemort. I personally don't believe that "mudbloods" are bad and should be exterminated, but, being a Slytherin, if following Voldemort gave me the...
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added by Ninja-Kitten
Source: Internet