Chapter 3 Loki
As everyone was talking Clint and I decided to go on a date. Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow, Hannah Romanoff aka Jo Jo, Kimmy Stark aka Super Z, and Alice Waters aka Weather Woman helped me get ready. They put me in a one shoulder strap black median dress and black ankle length 2 inch heel boots. They gave me bracelets and necklaces to put on along with my medallion that I don’t remember getting from. My hair was curled and soft. The girls were finishing up my makeup “Hold on. There you look beautiful.”
I smiled at the mirror and turned to them hugging them “Thank you so much.” Clint knocked on the door “Hand her over or I’ll kick down the door.” I ran to the door opening it. Clint had on a white button up shirt with a brown shirt on underneath and black pants and shoes. I giggled holding my wrists out “I’m yours.” He snatched my wrist and kissed my cheek “I know you’re mine.” We left and said goodbye to everyone. The girls winked at me “Good luck.” We rode in a shield car to this dancing place.
“It’s so beautiful.” I looked around at the beautiful people and stuff. Clint brought us to the middle of the room where everyone was dancing. I felt one of his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him as the other put my hand up to his. Loki taught me how to dance when we were close. I missed those memories so much. Loki showing me how to dance, build things, help me talk normal, and when we spent with me. I really miss when he told me that he loved me and how much I meant to him.
I felt Clint’s hand wiped something off my face “Loka darling? Why are you crying?” I didn’t realize that I was crying and pulled his neck to my face. “I missed the good times I had with Loki so much.” I lightly and quietly sobbed. Clint rubbed my back “Shhhh its ok. Everything’s going to be alright.” I tried to calm down “I really miss him even after everything he’s done to me. I love Loki still.” Clint’s fingers brushed through my hair “Talk to me. Tell me want is hurting you so I can help.” I breathed lightly against his neck “I wish he could be the nice and loving Loki I remember.” I felt his lips kiss my jaw “I wish he could hear you and change.”
“Sister?” A light and soft voice asked. I turned to see my brother wearing his famous tuxedo with a white button up shirt “Loki? Is that you?” He nodded and there was something different about him he was calm and peaceful looking. He walked up to us and turned to Clint “Can I talk to my sister alone?” Clint looked at me and I nodded “I’ll be fine I promise.” He kissed my forehead and walked off. Loki replaced Clint’s place and he started to grab his hair violently “Loka it’s the Enchantress. She’s controlling me. You must get her out of my head.” I turned to Clint “We need to get him to the SHIELD Helicarrier so I can help him.” He put Loki’s arm around he’s shoulder “Ok let’s go.”
I was the first one in the car and Clint put Loki’s head on my lap “Take us back to the SHIELD Helicarrier quickly.” They nodded and drove fast. Loki was thrashing wildly “No. No. Get out of my head!” I put my hands on his face reaching and guiding his mind “Loki just keep fighting against her. Don’t let Enchantress win. You must fight back.” I felt him relax. I could sense his pain and him struggling. I smothered his cheek and ran my fingers through his hair “Just for a little longer brother than I’ll get her out of her mind. I promise.”
I felt the back of Clint’s hand run down my cheek softly “Loka just breathe. Everything’s going to be ok.” I looked at him shedding tears raising my hand to his cheek. Clint’s big dark hands were on my cheeks wiping away my tears “Don’t cry my love.” He pressed his lips to mine and I don’t know what Clint was doing to me but I had the bubbly feeling in my stomach again that felt so good. His tongue moved around in my mouth making it hard to resist. I gave in pulling him closer to me letting my tongue twist and turn in his mouth.
I heard a grunting noise underneath me “Ahh sister could you at least wait until I’m not here.” I kissed his forehead “Sorry brother is she out for now?” He nodded “Yeah i can only keep her out for a little longer.” I looked out the window and we were at the SHIELD Helicarrier “Were here. Clint help me get him in.” Loki’s arm was over Clint’s shoulder again. We entered where the mortal teams was “We have a problem.” Kimmy asked “What do you mean?” I turned to Loki “Loki isn’t doing this someone’s controlling him and there’s only one person that can control him.” Thor gasped “The Enchantress.”
I nodded “I can break her mind controlling but I have to do a spell. I need the table cleared.” Alice used the wind and cleared the table. Clint laid him on the table as I got my candles out. I put my hands on Loki’s face “Brother I need you to change into you’re blue form it will be easier for me.” He was a handsome dark blue skinned man and I was in my beautiful light blue skinned form. I concentrated lighting up the candles and began to say the spell slowly then faster.
As I’m saying the spell over and over it’s hurting me inside. There was tightness in my stomach that kept getting tighter and tighter that felt like I was going to blow into tiny pieces. I could feel the spell literally draining my energy but I kept going. My body was in so much pain. My muscles and cells were breaking down slowly. There was a sharpness sucking the life out of me but I shook my head “No i can do this.” I love my brother so much for Enchantress to take him over again. My legs were shaking and finally gave out.
“Loka stop its killing you.” Clint yelled at me. I didn’t listen and I felt like I was being stabbed a billion times. I could feel tear after tear coming down my face. I couldn’t keep it in anymore and cried and screamed. I heard Clint run to me but I cut him off with putting up and force field around me and Loki. He was trying to get in “God damn it Loka don’t do this to me!” He banged and banged on the force field really trying to get in and protect me but Loki is my brother and I’ll do anything for him. I’ll die for my brother and I know he would do the same thing if it were me. He’s my twin brother and I’m his twin sister; we’re family and family are supposed to stick together forever no matter what. I don’t understand what these mortals and Clint don’t understand how much I love Loki still after everything he’s done.
I felt something touch my cheek and I heard someone in my head “Loka I’m fine. Stop your draining your powers and your life.” I stopped the spell and fell to my knees gasping and dropping the force field. Loki was trying to help me up but someone grabbed me away and Loki in a circle surrounded by Shield military
As everyone was talking Clint and I decided to go on a date. Natasha Romanoff aka the Black Widow, Hannah Romanoff aka Jo Jo, Kimmy Stark aka Super Z, and Alice Waters aka Weather Woman helped me get ready. They put me in a one shoulder strap black median dress and black ankle length 2 inch heel boots. They gave me bracelets and necklaces to put on along with my medallion that I don’t remember getting from. My hair was curled and soft. The girls were finishing up my makeup “Hold on. There you look beautiful.”
I smiled at the mirror and turned to them hugging them “Thank you so much.” Clint knocked on the door “Hand her over or I’ll kick down the door.” I ran to the door opening it. Clint had on a white button up shirt with a brown shirt on underneath and black pants and shoes. I giggled holding my wrists out “I’m yours.” He snatched my wrist and kissed my cheek “I know you’re mine.” We left and said goodbye to everyone. The girls winked at me “Good luck.” We rode in a shield car to this dancing place.
“It’s so beautiful.” I looked around at the beautiful people and stuff. Clint brought us to the middle of the room where everyone was dancing. I felt one of his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him as the other put my hand up to his. Loki taught me how to dance when we were close. I missed those memories so much. Loki showing me how to dance, build things, help me talk normal, and when we spent with me. I really miss when he told me that he loved me and how much I meant to him.
I felt Clint’s hand wiped something off my face “Loka darling? Why are you crying?” I didn’t realize that I was crying and pulled his neck to my face. “I missed the good times I had with Loki so much.” I lightly and quietly sobbed. Clint rubbed my back “Shhhh its ok. Everything’s going to be alright.” I tried to calm down “I really miss him even after everything he’s done to me. I love Loki still.” Clint’s fingers brushed through my hair “Talk to me. Tell me want is hurting you so I can help.” I breathed lightly against his neck “I wish he could be the nice and loving Loki I remember.” I felt his lips kiss my jaw “I wish he could hear you and change.”
“Sister?” A light and soft voice asked. I turned to see my brother wearing his famous tuxedo with a white button up shirt “Loki? Is that you?” He nodded and there was something different about him he was calm and peaceful looking. He walked up to us and turned to Clint “Can I talk to my sister alone?” Clint looked at me and I nodded “I’ll be fine I promise.” He kissed my forehead and walked off. Loki replaced Clint’s place and he started to grab his hair violently “Loka it’s the Enchantress. She’s controlling me. You must get her out of my head.” I turned to Clint “We need to get him to the SHIELD Helicarrier so I can help him.” He put Loki’s arm around he’s shoulder “Ok let’s go.”
I was the first one in the car and Clint put Loki’s head on my lap “Take us back to the SHIELD Helicarrier quickly.” They nodded and drove fast. Loki was thrashing wildly “No. No. Get out of my head!” I put my hands on his face reaching and guiding his mind “Loki just keep fighting against her. Don’t let Enchantress win. You must fight back.” I felt him relax. I could sense his pain and him struggling. I smothered his cheek and ran my fingers through his hair “Just for a little longer brother than I’ll get her out of her mind. I promise.”
I felt the back of Clint’s hand run down my cheek softly “Loka just breathe. Everything’s going to be ok.” I looked at him shedding tears raising my hand to his cheek. Clint’s big dark hands were on my cheeks wiping away my tears “Don’t cry my love.” He pressed his lips to mine and I don’t know what Clint was doing to me but I had the bubbly feeling in my stomach again that felt so good. His tongue moved around in my mouth making it hard to resist. I gave in pulling him closer to me letting my tongue twist and turn in his mouth.
I heard a grunting noise underneath me “Ahh sister could you at least wait until I’m not here.” I kissed his forehead “Sorry brother is she out for now?” He nodded “Yeah i can only keep her out for a little longer.” I looked out the window and we were at the SHIELD Helicarrier “Were here. Clint help me get him in.” Loki’s arm was over Clint’s shoulder again. We entered where the mortal teams was “We have a problem.” Kimmy asked “What do you mean?” I turned to Loki “Loki isn’t doing this someone’s controlling him and there’s only one person that can control him.” Thor gasped “The Enchantress.”
I nodded “I can break her mind controlling but I have to do a spell. I need the table cleared.” Alice used the wind and cleared the table. Clint laid him on the table as I got my candles out. I put my hands on Loki’s face “Brother I need you to change into you’re blue form it will be easier for me.” He was a handsome dark blue skinned man and I was in my beautiful light blue skinned form. I concentrated lighting up the candles and began to say the spell slowly then faster.
As I’m saying the spell over and over it’s hurting me inside. There was tightness in my stomach that kept getting tighter and tighter that felt like I was going to blow into tiny pieces. I could feel the spell literally draining my energy but I kept going. My body was in so much pain. My muscles and cells were breaking down slowly. There was a sharpness sucking the life out of me but I shook my head “No i can do this.” I love my brother so much for Enchantress to take him over again. My legs were shaking and finally gave out.
“Loka stop its killing you.” Clint yelled at me. I didn’t listen and I felt like I was being stabbed a billion times. I could feel tear after tear coming down my face. I couldn’t keep it in anymore and cried and screamed. I heard Clint run to me but I cut him off with putting up and force field around me and Loki. He was trying to get in “God damn it Loka don’t do this to me!” He banged and banged on the force field really trying to get in and protect me but Loki is my brother and I’ll do anything for him. I’ll die for my brother and I know he would do the same thing if it were me. He’s my twin brother and I’m his twin sister; we’re family and family are supposed to stick together forever no matter what. I don’t understand what these mortals and Clint don’t understand how much I love Loki still after everything he’s done.
I felt something touch my cheek and I heard someone in my head “Loka I’m fine. Stop your draining your powers and your life.” I stopped the spell and fell to my knees gasping and dropping the force field. Loki was trying to help me up but someone grabbed me away and Loki in a circle surrounded by Shield military