Hetalia Club
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Yep! No fanmade stuff here, folks, I'm going to try to list all the relationships in Hetalia! This includes who hates who, who's related to who and how, who has a crush on who, everything that involves two characters interacting! Please remember that I'm ONLY putting in stuff that is true for the original work. I don't care if you think Poland has a crush on Cuba or if you think Canada loves France. If it's not true in the original work, it's not being put here. Please remember that there's a high chance that I'll miss a bunch, so please put a message in the comments if I forgot one or if I...
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added by sailor_spade15
added by IggyPyu37
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by MallowMarsh
added by darkmintoutau
added by Blaze1213IsBack
added by Blaze1213IsBack
added by LilacRoses
Source: ask-2p-england.tumblr.com (I think)
added by Englandrules83
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by almira98
Source: Minitokyo
added by Hidan71
Source: not mine
posted by Mango21
Hetalia Birthdays:

America - July 4

Australia - January 26

Austria - October 26

Belarus - August 25

Belgium - April 19

Canada - July 1

China - October 10

Cuba - May 20

Denmark - June 5

Egypt - February 28

England - April 23

Estonia - February 24

Finland - December 6

France - July 14

Germany - October 3

Greece - March 25

Hong Kong - July 1

Hungary - June 8

Iceland - June 17

Italy - March 17

Japan - February 11

Latvia - November 18

Liechtenstein - July 12

Lithuania - February 16

Monaco - January 8

Norway - May 17

Poland - July 22

Prussia - January 18

Romano/ S. Italy - March 17

Russia - December 30

Sealand - September 2

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Since I have a book on all independant countries I've managed to make a list on countries who haven't appeared in offical Hetalia media or don't have an canon design at all. If I've missed out any countries please mention! Also please tell me if any of the countries mentioned have appeared in offical media or have an offical design so I can correct the list.

*Northern Ireland
*Republic of Ireland
*These guys have been mentioned in offical media as being relatives of England, but they don't have offical designs.
Luxemborg (has been mentioned as a relative to The...
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added by hetaku_chan15
Source: Tokuko Ma-ma
How long can you last with Pierre chirping?