Human Rights Club
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Listening to the Instant Karma CD, I started thinking about Darfur and how there were all kinds of Sudanese refugees all over Egypt, having been expelled from their country or left it willingly for a variety of different reasons. I remember, a friend of mine went down to help them learn English every weekend as one of her many community service projects. And then that reminded me of going down to Mokattam to see the orphanage.

Mokattam, colloquially called “Garbage City” by everyone from residents of Mokattam to tour guides, is a place past the Cairo citadel where there are literally piles...
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This year for Fanpop Human Rights Awareness Month, I am doing an icon theme. I want to have four Human Rights Icon Contests (one for every week of December), with different themes for each week.

November 27-December 7: The first theme will be World AIDS day, which is December 1st. This contest will start now, and go until December 6th. Voting will occur on the 7th.
December 8-December 14: The second theme will be Celebrate Human Rights, in accordance with the theme for link on December 10. This contest will start on the 8th, and go until the 13th. Voting occurs on the 14th.
December 15-...
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December 1st is World AIDS Day, which makes it the perfect day to begin Human Rights Awareness Month here on Fanpop.

Now the disease itself is not a human rights concern. True, the HIV epidemic is devastating, but we can't charge the virus with human rights violations. What is a human rights concern is the lack of preventative measures, as well as treatment for those infected, the world over. Secondly, the stigma of being HIV positive is still a source of major discrimination. And that is definitely a human rights concern.

In order to help with the discrimination problem, the World AIDS Day Official...
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Rachel Corrie was a 23 year old college student and human rights activist from Olympia, Washington. On March 16, 2003, she was run over and killed by an Israeli military bulldozer in Rafah, Gaza, while defending a Palestinian home from demolition. A gifted writer, Rachel left behind a series of diaries and emails from an early age which were crafted into a play by Alan Rickman and Katharine Viner. While the United States government in its annual human rights report describes Rachel as "a US citizen peace activist" and designates her as a human rights observer, this is often obscured...
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Author's Note: I would like you all to know that this task was exceedingly difficult. First of all, I narrowed it down to ten in link and that was hard enough. But I decided to organize them into a list like this, and that was tremendously hard. All of the people on this list beat out heavy competition, and I respect the one in tenth place as much as I respect the one in first place. There was a lot of switching around. Also, this list is incredibly biased.

Carter goes to his knees during a confrontation between Inkatha and ANC fighters in Alexander township, Sandton, South Africa. An ANC supporter uses a dustbin for shelter behind him. Photo by Guy Adams
Carter goes to his knees during a confrontation between Inkatha and ANC fighters in Alexander township, Sandton, South Africa. An ANC...
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This is more of a rant than a well-thought out article, but since this here is called "soap-box", I am going to use it.

I'm currently writing my paper for my Human Rights class. Sometimes I come upon articles that are so messed up...

I can understand articles that argue for example for economic interests against human rights. I do not agree with those, but at least they have often an argumentation that makes sense.

But the article I just read... it was actually published in a booklet by Amnesty International. I have no idea why they put that in there. Maybe to show how ridiculous some argumentations...
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I’ve been thinking about human rights in art and literature. Two specific things come to mind. In my English class, we read Melville’s Billy Budd, a Christian allegory about impressed sailors. In my anthropology human rights class, we talked about “the Rights of Man,” by Thomas Paine and my mind drifted to the name of Billy’s original ship, the Rights-of-Man (abbreviated to “Rights.”) It was an obvious allusion to Thomas Paine. It was incredibly blatant symbolism that Billy was impressed onto a ship called the Indomitable. Impressment is just one of the times in history in which...
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Half-arsed attempt at an image for this year
Half-arsed attempt at an image for this year
For Fanpop's third annual Human Rights Awareness month, which I have organized every year since 2008 (OK, for two years), I am going to do...

Absolutely nothing.

And I am terribly guilty about it. Or I was. I'm disgustingly busy this year, so much that I barely have time to Fanpop at all, let alone head an entire campaign that, let's be honest, only a handful of people on Fanpop really care about anyway.

But I know that the people reading this article are part of that handful of people who do care about Human Rights, and about HRAM on Fanpop this December, and were maybe even wondering, "Hey,...
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posted by africagirl
Children deserve love, home, loving people which care for them, security, education, life, chance, respect, hope, future, health, support, safety, justice, independence and much more things.

They just want the simplest and most basic things in life, but instead they get this:
hatred, violence, indifference, death, pain, homelessness, starvation, loneliness, rape, childLabor, disease, sorrow, escape, compulsion, injustice, misery, exploitation, trafficking and much more things.

We should really protect them from evil, because they are our future, our descendants, our flesh and blood. But we are...
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Hi there, and first of all, thank you all for participating in Fanpop's Human Rights Awareness Month. HRAM was declared back in November of this year and requested that everyone who participates link for the month of December to help spread Human Rights Awareness.

In addition to icon changes, I have created the Human Rights Advent Calendar, which will be in the form of this soapbox. Every day, throughout the month of December, I will add holiday themed Human Rights content to this spot and link to it in this article. In addition to that, I will also release one Human Rights Fact and one Human...
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After my last article, and the discussion going on over at the link, I've been thinking a lot about the rights of a child, or a fetus as the case may be.

The phrase in the UN Declaration of Human Rights is “All human beings are born free and equal,” a modern rephrasing of the US Declaration of Independence’s “All men are created equal.” But what does the phrase “everyone” or “all human beings” entail? Does it really mean everyone? Immanuel Wallerstein points out the problems with being so absolute:

“… It is almost universally agreed that an infant does not have these rights,...
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An interesting case study we looked at in my human rights course was that of link, a German cannibal whose link

According to the UNDHR (link), human rights are inalienable and a person cannot even voluntarily give them up. This is a major point of controversy, and understandably so. We don't have the right... to give up our rights?

It was this main clause in the UNDHR that prompted German judges to convict Meiwes of torture and murder.

But it still begs the question... Should we have the right to voluntarily give up our human rights? If Meiwes victim truly wanted to be eaten , who are we to say...
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Following the format of the link in January of this year, the Human Rights Spot is sponsoring the Fanpop Human Rights Poetry contest for Human Rights Awareness Month in December.

1) All poems submitted must be related, in some way, shape or form, to the human rights theme.
2) Poems may have been written at any time, so long as they are the property of the submitting user.
3) Poems must be sixty lines or less, or under 400 words.
4) Submissions are limited to one poem per user.
5) The deadline for submitting poetry is November 24th.

Submission Process

If you wish to submit a poem to the contest,...
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A photograph against human trafficking.  Photo by Royce DeGrie
A photograph against human trafficking. Photo by Royce DeGrie
"Remember the Holocaust"

That's the mantra we hear on Veteran's Day, and in any class we take on Modern World History. "Remember the Holocaust." Remember, so that we will never let it happen again. That's what we tell our students, that's what we tell our friends, that's what we tell ourselves.

But we aren't remembering the Holocaust. Because to remember the Holocaust, and for that memory to be a preventative measure against any future Holocaust, we cannot dwell in the tragedy of the past. We must be vigilant in defending against tragedy in the future. In the present. That's how you honor the...
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posted by love_not_war_75
On 10 December:
Celebrate Human Rights Day and the 60the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Stand up with people all over the world who want to make human rights a reality for everyone.

Every human has rights. That is the essence of our humanity. It places on each of us the duty to stand up, not just for our own rights but also for those of others - and to help turn the vision of the UDHR into a reality. That is the spirit of international solidarity. That is the true meaning of universal, indivisible human rights.

On this significant anniversary, people will be gathering together in hundreds of places all over the globe, to light a candle, fire or flame as part of a mass demonstration. On Human Rights Day, stand up for human rights and show your solidarity with people all over the world who are committed to making human rights a reality for everyone.
NOTE: I screened all of these entries personally. If you submitted a poem, but don't see it up here, it's because you didn't follow one of the link. If I doubted a poem's relation to the theme and asked you to justify it, and you did not justify it at all, or well, then you won't find your poem here. If you didn't reply to my questions asking you to fix your poem so it fit into the five rules linked above, then your poem won't be here. This is to clear up any confusion.

If, however, you did follow all the rules and don't see it up here, it was probably due to human error, so by all means e-mail...
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posted by Cinders
Cinders (in the red sweatshirt) volunteering at a preschool in Vietnam with classmates
Cinders (in the red sweatshirt) volunteering at a preschool in Vietnam with classmates
Inspiring words often do little in the long run to spur anyone into action, because we forget about them, surrounded as we are by such extravagant distractions like television, iPods, and the Internet. So this article asks you to fight the urge to ignore that voice inside your head when you hear inspirational speeches or quotes and stop just talking about things. Go out and do something.

I heard the great legend, Quincy Jones, speak today at the 2008 commencement exercises for the University of Washington. While intrigued that such an influential person would be speaking at my brother's graduation,...
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Copied and edited from: link



I really mean it! What would you be able to do if SOPA/TPP censors the internet? What would you be able to do if writing fanfics and drawing fanarts become illegal? What would you do if it's illegal to do a cover of your favorite song on YouTube? What would you do if downloading things from the internet (music, movies, TV episodes, etc) became illegal? What would you do if SOPA/TPP wins the war and takes away internet freedom? Net Neutrality is already dead so far, we can't risk the freedom of internet...
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Hello, fellow human rights enthusiasts! We're three months away from the winter solstice, which has long since been a time for loving, giving, and charity in several religions the world over. That's right, I'm talking about December! The month of Christmas, Hanukkah, Bodhi Day, Al Hijra, Kwanzaa, Zarathosht Diso, Ashura-- You know!

I strive to think of a religion that doesn't have a holiday in December. Hinduism doesn't have one this year, but soon enough, Diwali, the Festival of Lights, will be in December again, and then it will.

At any rate, humanitarians have a very important day in December...
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