Ice Age: Crash & Eddie Silly and cute brothers!

possum4ever posted on Feb 04, 2011 at 11:31AM
As in Buck club, now here is same cind of forum topic! Random shout-outs about or for Crash and Eddie!
last edited on Apr 14, 2020 at 01:08PM

Ice Age: Crash & Eddie 1 reply

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over a year ago Buck7 said…
This is for Crash and Eddie, my favorite opossums in the whole-wide world:
I love you guys!!! Never change from your sweet and adorable ways. Always have a prank up your sleave, and a daring glint in your eye and a heart for adventure. I know this message is short, but I mean every word I say. And Crash, always believe, YOU CAN FLY!! Love you guys, and stay just the way you are, because your innocence is beautiful. This leaves me to just one last thing to say: Keep on rocking!
last edited over a year ago
This is for Crash and Eddie, my favorite opossums in the whole-wide world:
 I love you guys!!! Never