Jacob Black Club
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posted by floydieface

When Nessie finally forgave me it felt like all the wrongs in the world were suddenly set right. I still didn’t understand Bella’s gift of sending us to Hawaii. Nessie and I could have worked this out back home. I wondered what would make Bella think of Hawaii. What did she know that I didn’t? What exactly was Bella’s plan? Why would she send her unwed daughter with me of all people to Hawaii? Nessie had rejected my proposal to her and I certainly wouldn’t have thought to let my daughter go away anywhere with a guy alone. Not if I had a daughter. It wasn’t because Bella...
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posted by Kirkir
Jacob Black

Jacob is the best
character in twilight
because he's a werewolf
that doesn't change in the moonlight.

He lived in La Push
with his father Billy Black
when his old friend
Bella, comes back.

He went to Forks
to meet her
but Bella felt no
connection to him there.

Edward, the vampire
the life of Bella he was
jealousy to Jacob
it caused.

Jacob saved Bella
from the hungry vampire
from drowning and from Victoria
whose hair was like fire.

Jacob realized that Bella's
love he could never be
but no worries there's
her daughter, Renesmee.

So..I'm very obsessed with Jacob Black :D I have a close friend who likes to write poems and she knows about my obsession of Jacob and she said hey why don't you try and write a poem about him!
So I wrote it and that's the result :D Tell me if you like it pls !
posted by floydieface
Truth Be Told

Jacob has allowed me to draw his blood on the beach before driving me home. We said nothing to each other on the way. When we pulled up to the house I was my dad waiting for me on the porch. As I got out of the car, Jacob took off letting the car door hang open as he pulled away. I climbed the steps slowly trying to keep my cool and empty my head, but it was already too late. My father knew what I was hiding.
“Nessie, I know what you have been up to. I guess I can’t blame your…curiosity.”
“So that’s why you allowed me to go to Boston U. That’s why you allowed...
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posted by Tayloraddict-1
I dont get why everyone is on Edwards team and not on Jacobs team. Edward is a skunkbag who likes leaving ppl in forests . Heres why you should be on Jacobs team:
You should be on Jacobs team because he took care of Bella while Edward was gone. He made her happy when she was feeling down. He has a glowing personality. And he is SEXY.
He is the one who left Bella in the wood , alone ,crying. You shouldnt be on Edwards team because..... Hes too mysterious for his own good . He is stalker. He is overprotective . And he tried to commit suicide when thought Bella was dead because Rosalie...
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posted by Stmsteph
She's not coming back
La Push has come to shove
And she's through with you
Can't you see
You're just a dog to me
If you come near her again
I'll eat you too

First you missed her
Then you kissed her
I'm just watching
You think you're fine
I'm waiting
Don't you screw up
Or you're mine

You're nothing but a dog
Its time for you to face the truth
You're nothing but a dog
And she's still way too good for you
Watch your back cause who knows what I'll do
Jacob Black I've got my eye on you

The other day
I thought I heard you say
May the best man win
But I see through your ploy
You might think
That you are on the brink
Of winning her love
But you are just a boy

You were there to save her life
When I was far away
Differences aside and
I'll say thank you anyway
The bigger man will shake your hand
And pretty soon you'll see
In your mind you're kissing her
In life she's kissing me
Sorry. I don’t have any leeches on my speed dial.
Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 3, p.77

Better frightened than lied to.
Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 3, p.81

She’s tougher than you think. And she’s been through worse.
Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 3, p.81

It’s his own fault if he doesn’t like the things I remember, though.
Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 3, p.82

I think I might have been wrong before, you know, about not being able to be friends. Maybe we could manage it, on my side of the line. Come see me.
Jacob Black, Eclipse, Chapter 3, p.83

I miss you every day, Bella. It’s not the same...
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posted by edward-lover456
Jacob black
Jacob black
J-just a friend. And he is
A-always nice. Also he is very
C-cute. And the most
O-outstanding wolf that has
B- brown fur.

B-But he
L-loves bella swan
A-and her daughter Renessme
C-arlie Cullen and is the
K-kindest wolf you will ever see!

the end

I wrote this poem because jacob black is the most wonderful amazing guy or wolf you will ever see he is nice and loveing funny and sweet and is always nice to bella and he always loves Renessme! Jacob black is an inspiring wolf and his personality shines throw
jacob black is someone or something i hope all people look at and thank if he is a good person and a wolf at the same time maybe i can be a better guy to! Jacob black you inspire me!!
Jacob Black ( New Moon)
Jacob Black ( New Moon)
posted by xXjakeloverXx
Ok, this one isn't as good as the first chapter because its a filler, but stick with me! The next chapter will be better, i promise!

Chapter Two

    As the sun broke through my window, I sat up and gasped. Sun! There was actually sun shining in La Push, Washington! I jumped out of bed and rushed to my window, yanking my curtain out of the way. But as I looked out, it wasn’t the sun that was on my mind anymore. Glancing at Jacob’s house, the memories of the wolves came back to haunt me once again. I had trouble getting to sleep last night. The more I thought about it, the...
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"We may consider that It's almost Impossible to get what we are asking from God Since Long.. But Its NOT always Impossible.. You got to Believe it, you Never know that You can Actually get what You desire.."

It was a Typical Sunday Morning for Me.. though It was the Valentine's Day for all Others. I was still in my Bed as always as I was working late last night.. My Alarm rang so Loud & I stretched in My Bed. I knew I got to Endure this Day because we may say all the Time that We're Happy for our Friends & everyone that they are so Truly in Love, But somewhere Deep inside ourself, We'll...
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hey guys here is chapter 12 :) dont forget to rate and comment it! thank you to all the fans and your comments, it keeps me motivated to write :)

“Blair” Jake said caressing my cheek. “You will figure it out” he said trying to force a smile.
“I don’t want to figure it out Jake” I said. Just then his door burst open and Stefan was standing there. I looked at him confused. Jake sat up.
“How you feeling?” he asked.
“Good” Jacob answered in a flat tone.
“Hey Blair” Stefan smiled at me.
“Hi” I said back.
“Is it rude to ask you what you’re doing here?” I said...
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Em and I watched as our men walked in the woods with Bella, I was distraught but Emily seemed okay with the idea, we got into my car but I was too nervous to drive, I exchanged my seat with her. We got to my house and the bright sun was no longer shining. I looked up to see dark gray clouds, it made me even more nervous when I saw dark clouds of smoke. I felt the warm touch of someone wrapping there arm around me.
“Keila don’t worry, our boys are born for this” said Emily.
“I know, but I just can’t help but worry, I just got with the man of my dreams, if something happens to him I don’t...
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Since i took so long to write chapter 10, i thought it would only be fair if you get to read some of chapter 11. Hope you guys like it :)


I was awoken by my screeching alarm on Monday morning.
“Shush!” I spoke to the the alarm, my throat dry. I knew I had to get up; I brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair. Making myself a nice hot chocolate with some fruit, I sat out on my balcony, the grey clouds from yesterday were still overpowering the sky, but it wasn’t raining just yet. I didn’t want to get out of my pyjamas, they were too comfortable; but I knew I had to.

I quickly finished...
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Chapter 9 is in Jacobs POV nothing interesting really happens yet, chapter 10 will be back in Blairs POV and she goes back to school.

I was sitting on the couch at home flicking through channels on the TV there has been no interesting shows on TV in ages. Waiting around home was getting boring, the only thing Im looking forward too is Blair’s house tonight with the Seth. I didn’t know or not if I should tell Blair about Julie, she is Nessie’s friends after all, half human half bloodsucker. Nessie must have told her about Blair and I and she probably got jealous, when I said two years...
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Okay here is chapter 6, again apologies for any spelling errors. Things heat up a bit with Blair and Jacob as she finds out about the werewolves and vampires, but they dont kiss yet, i guess we have to wait until chapter 7 ;) hehe thanks for the support guys! comment and rate :)

Mum let me take the week off because of my ankle the doctor said it was sprained and I shouldn’t be walking on it. That doctor sure didn’t look anything like a doctor, more like a movie star, his name was Doctor Cullen, or something like that. I haven’t seen Jacob since Tuesday, and today is Thursday, Billy said...
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I decided to write Chapter 2, because I am going to Adelaide on Saturday and won’t be able to write any more until i come back. Let me know what you guys think so far.

I was woken up by my alarm and I rolled out of bed, but without thinking i fell on the floor. Stupid idiot I thought. Oh crap its Monday, new school. i sighed, i quickly just threw on some jeans and a warm jumper, couldn’t be bothered with my hair so i just messily tied it up. I did my every day routine that all humans do, brush teeth, clean face, eat breakfast, go to school. The school wasn't really that hard to find, it...
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posted by mrsblack_1089
Just like it says, this is the sequel to my original fanfiction Sunbreak! I might continue if I get enough positive comments. So read, review, and rate!!

"I just can't believe how big they are!" Emily cooned as she and I watched the twins sleeping. The blue-ish, green-ish light of the bonfire flickered across their faces where they lay on Jacob's lap, breathing steadily in and out.
I could never get over how breathtaking my two little children were. When Jennifer was sleeping she was more beautiful than any vampire. Her cheeks were a creamy russet color, with just a hint of pink in them. Her...
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posted by edward-lover456
renessme cullen
renessme cullen
hey guys thanks so much for taking the time to read this pls tell if you like it!
i met you yesterday down at lapush beach
but now i see you belong to the blood suking leach
when he left i saw you die inside
now that i see you'r not trying to hide anymore he comes back
what is it that i lack
i see you are engaged
so i had to see if you had feelings left for me i gave you a kiss
and it must have hurt him but now i see you go back to him
and all of them
now i see you get marred and have you'r baby now that i see her
she makes me feel the way you did i can be happy like i used to be with my renessme
jacob black
jacob black
Not in a bad way. We think. But apparently Taylor Lautner's routine in the gym is paying off in more than one respect.

In a recent interview by Access Hollywood with Peter Facinelli, who plays Dr. Carlisle Cullen, Peter admitted to Taylor creating fear in the hearts of his co-stars: “He scares me now!” Peter joked. “He’s gotten really big and if I saw him in a back alley, I’d probably run!” (somehow TwilightBlog.net is thinking that the girls would be running TOWARDS Taylor, but that's just our opinion)

However, it is not just Taylor who is creating the whirlpool of fear. The rest of the wolf pack is doing a fair job of it too! Peter added that the “werewolves are coming out of the woodwork. They scare me!”

Hmmmm. We knew Taylor was getting huge from his new found obsession over the gym to reprise his role as Jacob, but wow. He's big enough to be scaring people now. Yikes! Sounds like the perfect werewolf.
posted by misjones39
Phase- Lily

When I heard Jacob yell my name I almost slipped and fell in the shower.
“Jake I’m in the shower!” I replied. The soap slipped out my hand and landed on my toe. Surprise enough it didn’t even hurt that much. I was so focused on making the shower as cold as I could. I was burning up.
I got out the shower dried off and ringed my hair. I was exhausted. I felt like crap. My head was still hurting, my feet legs. Hell every part of my body was aching. Everything was spinning. I was glad that Jake stayed with me last night. But I still didn’t feel that much better. And let’s not...
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Warning: Thist is just my fantasy coming through. And some information to you; the story plays before Bella became a Vampire and there is no Nessie in sight. So its just for our little Jacob's sake, he needs some luving.

Even when your heart breaks...
I had to get over it, i kept telling that to myself, but love was such a cruel monster. Bella Swan. She was what i wanted, and yet the only thing that i couldnt get. Since she came into my life, all the other girls became grey and blurry. Everyone around thought i had lost my mind, and i couldnt blame them. I couldnt sleep, i only ate cause my body...
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