Inspired by true events and based on the best-selling novel “God Is A Bullet” written by Boston Teran, the film follows detective Bob Hightower (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau), who finds his ex-wife murdered and his daughter kidnapped...
A series of eerie events thrusts an unlikely trio (John Boyega, Teyonah Parris and Jamie Foxx) onto the trail of a nefarious government experiment in this pulpy mystery caper.
@Warner Bros. Entertainment -In his closing statements, Bryan Stevenson (Michael B Jordan) calls down the corrupt system that has set his client, Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx), up for a grave injustice
Watch Jamie Foxx tell what it was like to travel overseas with mega-star Usher in this clip from SIRIUS XM Radio's coverage of Super Bowl XLIV. Catch Jamie Fridays on The Foxxhole -- for more info and free trial see
Sink your teeth into this exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the filming of Day Shift with Jamie Foxx, Snoop Dogg, Dave Franco, and a whole lot of vampires. Watch Day Shift now, only on Netflix.
These exclusive Day Shift bloopers with have you smiling fang to fang. Check out the most hilarious moments from set featuring Jamie Foxx, Snoop Dogg, Dave Franco, and the rest of the Day Shift cast.