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I only sense do-gooders everywhere
I only sense do-gooders everywhere
Jason’s blog posted on
Thursday, October 26th, 2010
7:30 PM

...Just ignore’em and they’ll go away.

I haven’t brushed mine yet today. It’s now 1am. Oops. Does that imply that I was reeeeally busy or waaaaay too lazy? ...Who cares.

For every action there’s a reaction. And also, for every action there’s an equal and opposite criticism.

This year I found both the time and resources to try things outside of my comfort zone - Like traveling to Louisiana to witness the devastation and learn ways I could help take better care of our environment. Not before that trip did I connect voting with being green. It was a powerful epiphany. Some applauded my choice to travel there. Others criticized it.

Regardless of who says what – I don’t take it personally. I thank those people for responding at all. Criticism proves they listened (to some degree). I can recall a time when the demographic my age were considered slackers. I don’t see a trace of that anymore. I only sense do-gooders everywhere. In fact, it’s hard to keep up with all the progress! (Especially the technology - which is but a reflection of the user's ability.)

We live in a “Reputation Economy” – meaning that because our activities are so easy to follow (twitter, blogs, facebook) the people that live as they say they live and act as they ask others to act will find themselves on a higher reputational level than someone about whom little is known. (Will I do a little dance when I reach 1.5 million twitter followers? Probably.) But the bonus for the world is that the publicity we each have now holds us accountable. Not since the abolitionists used the newly invented printing press to raise awareness about the cruelty of slavery has a voice been so supported by technology.

Remember when the Internet was just becoming available and affordable? Computers were huge and the connection speed was slow and everybody had a confusing screen name. It took awhile before we realized we should just use our own names. We tested the waters first and unless you were sharing naked pictures of yourself, you played around with possibilities before taking-on being absolutely transparent.

In a way we’re still just playing around. Posting information politely - How to create change without being an annoyance. At least, that’s my experience.

Thank you for being a reader for as long as you have. Thank you for being active and sharing the parts you like with others. I would be doing a disservice to all if I didn’t have the occasional blog about voting – with links that can help because voting is confusing in my opinion. Knowing each person and proposition on the ballot takes time. I recommend using the cheat sheet/Voter’s Guide to steer us all in the direction of a hopeful green future where our government embraces the radical new technology we’d all love to see (which would also generate wicked income for the US and ease up our bullying other countries for their resources - namely Iraq for its Oil and Afghanistan for its Lithium.)

For the problems our planet faces: If we ignore it, we'll go away.

Huffington Post rocked a great story about what this election can do to transform Washington into a place that is Earth-conscious. [link

For every voter: be in-the-know on Energy Independence.

This link is a non-partisan voting tool. Thank you for sharing it.


As for my teeth (and my breath), I now commit to their freshness.
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I'm totally loving this. I know there is a weird thing happening around 3:10 but this version is just too awesome. I had to share! Jason talks about his latest tattoo at the end.
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we sing
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i'm yours
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Piano cover and tutorial for "93 Million Miles", performed by Jason Mraz from "Love Is A Four Letter Word" album. Created by PianoCrumbs and available online at: link
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93 million miles
love is a four letter word
piano tutorial
piano cover
piano chords
sheet music
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added by JulieL44
added by JulieL44
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