It all started when I walked down to Silver Moon, the abandoned baseball park where most teens come to deal drugs and have sex…me? I just come to write poetry and blast music. So when I sat down on the usual giant rock I sit on and blasted my usual helping of Asking Alexandria, I didn’t expect my (thought to be) faithful boyfriend make out with my (thought to be) best friend.
But it happened.
At first I thought they were just two random teenagers. Then I noticed that they boy had the same chestnut brown hair as Lukas (that was the bf’s name). AND the same ‘Domo 23 by Neff’ beanie. Then, he spoke through the kiss, and it sealed the deal.
“Damn, you’re a good kisser.”
At first, I was like, Oh, HELL no. Layla and I are gonna beat the bitch’s ass.
But the girl he was making out with WAS Layla.
I couldn’t take it a second longer. I ran-and I don’t run, so THIS was new- over to the dugout, where they were tongue-fucking. I sharply tapped Lukas’ shoulder. He whipped around, his warm brown eyes widening. “Oh, Rave, you’re here…”
“Damn straight I’m here. And I’m giving you thirty seconds to explain why the hell you’re making out with my best friend, starting now.”
He spoke, but he tripped over his words. “We, uh, we were just, uh, practicing for the, uh, school talent show. Yeah.”
I sighed, pitying how bad of a liar he was. “You mean the school talent show that took place yesterday? Am I right or am I right?”
He looked down. “Look, babe...”
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
He reached for my hand, but I snatched it away. Who knows where they could’ve been (all up in Layla’s shit, if you know what I mean)? “I can explain if you let me fucking talk!”
“You’ve explained enough.” I spun around at Layla, the girl who I completely trusted. That was washed down the drain. “H-how could you? You’re s-s-supposed to be my friend.” Tears started to fill my eyes.
“Kitty, I’m sorry.” She said, looking down.
“SORRY?! I CAUGHT YOU MAKING OUT WITH MY BOYFRIEND, LAYLA!” My fingernails dug into my palms. “You always get the better shit! Better car, better phone, better hair, better body, better LIFE. You couldn’t throw me a damn bone? Really?” I balled up my fists, letting my anger take control of me. “You sorry son of a bitch.” My fist connected with her jaw. I got on top of her and bashed her head into the rocks. Behind me, Lukas was cracking up. I got off of Layla and approached him. He swallowed his laughter.
“You didn’t think you were going to get off scot free, did you?” I asked. I kissed his lips (what? He looks like Aquamarin). Then, I took him by the shoulders and kneed his, uh, jewels.
He grunted and fell to the ground. I ran back to the apartment my sisters (Tetris and Amelia), brothers (Blade and Scythe) and I share. I forgot the key, so I was banging on the door.
My sister, Tetris, opened up. “Oh, my god,” she said, seeing my tears and pulling me into her arms. “What happened, Kitty?”
“L-Lukas and I broke up,” I sobbed, soaking her shoulder with tears.
“Oh,” she said, pulling me closer. “What, how?”
“He-he cheated on me!”
Her face showed that she might have to fuck someone up. “With whom?”
“L-l-l” I couldn’t bring myself to say her name.
“Come on, Ray, spit it out.”
She looked at me. “No, not OUR Layla.”
I nodded. “She was tongue fucking him at Silver Moon! In the dugout!”
I kept sobbing as my oldest brother, Blade, came up beside us. “Hey, is she okay?” Tetris whispered what happened to him as she rubbed my back. “OH, FUCK NO!” he yelled, and took off in the direction of Silver Moon, shirtless.
“Where’s he going?” Scythe and Amelia asked, and Tetris told them. “WAIT FOR US!” they yelled, running after him.
Tetris sighed. “I’m calling Jayy.”
Jayy Von Monroe was my best friend. He and my siblings were the only people that understood me. Tetris dialed his number. “Jayy? It’s Tetris….I’m fine. Raven, not so much….Lukas cheated on her….with Layla….yes, I know it’s unbelievable…..can you just come over…..Jayy, Dahvie’s my brother, of course he can tag along….15 minutes? Okay….see ya then….okay, bye.” She pressed ‘end’, then looked at me. “Jayy and Dahvie will be here in 15 minutes. Until then, let’s get you cleaned up.”
She wiped the mascara that ran down my cheeks away, brushed my red and black hair into a mass of curls, straightened it, and brought me back downstairs. Ding dong, dong ding! I opened the door.
“OKAY, IT’S MOVIE MARATHON TIME!” Jayy yelled. “I BROUGHT ZEE CUPCAKES AND ZEE SODA!” He held up three dozens of cupcakes and 12 six packs of sodas. “A comforting sleepover for Ms. Raven Lee is now under way!” He picked me up by my waist and twirled me around. I giggled. I was already feeling better.
“Jayy, lock the van, my hands are full,” Dahvie said from behind. “What up, bitches?”
Tetris’ eyes lit up at the sight of Dahvie. “Big bro!” She hugged him. He had two huge duffels with him. “Lemme help you with those.” She took them upstairs.
Jayy hugged me tightly. “Are you okay, honey?”
I cried into his chest. “He was everything to me, Jayy.”
Blade, Scythe, and Amelia came back. They said their hellos.
“Hey guys,” Jayy said to them, then turned back to me. “I just want to let you know…you’re going to be better off without him. You deserve better than that wannabe. A million and two times better.” He let me go.
That’s when I saw that Blade had BLOOD on his chest. “Oh my lawd, Blade, what did you DO?!”
“You shoulda been there, Ray. He punched Lukas so hard that his nose and mouth just started gushing blood. Then, Lukas pulled his knife and sliced Blade’s chest…”
“WHAT?!” I yelled. “I’m going to kill that sick bastard.”
“Not if I kill him first,” Tetris, Dahvie, and Jayy said at the same time. They all had murderous looks in their eyes.
“Guys, cool down,” Amelia said, gesturing for us to sit. “Blade had so much adrenaline pumping through his veins that he didn’t even feel it. In fact, most of that blood on his chest isn’t even his, it’s Lukas’. Cole was so worried.” The doorbell rang again. “There she is now.”
Blade opened the door. Cole, his girlfriend, and their daughter, Lillian hugged him. Lillian pushed herself off of them and ran to me.
“Auntie Waven!” she yelled jumping on me. “Momma told me about what happened. Lukas is a stupidhead.”
“Yes, he is,” I agreed. I giggled. Tetris held her hand her arms out to Lillian.
“Hai, Auntie Tetwis!” Lillian jumped into her arms.
“Hey there, Lil’ Cade. How’s my wittle wadybug?” Rissy always used baby talk with Lilly.
“I good.” She giggled as she squeezed her teddy bear.
“Hey Cole,” I said to her mother. Cole was literally the nicest person I ever met. Ever.
“Hey, Rave,” she replied, hugging me. “I heard about what happened. Are you ok?”
“I’ll be fine. Since you’re here, wanna sleep over?”
“If it makes you feel better,” she replied, giving me a warm smile.
“Well, I’ll be right back,” Jayy said. “I’m gonna change into my pajamas.”
“Otay.” I looked through the movies that they had brought with them: Red Dawn, Part of Me, Carrie, The Little Rascals, and the movie we made, Long Hurr, Don’t Curr. I laughed, remembering when we had made it…
We’d just finished junior year of high school. Jayy came up with the idea. We all had ghetto names and we put on crazy wigs and just winged it. We had a blast. For 2 ½ hours.
Jayy came back downstairs, shirtless with plaid pajama pants on. I couldn’t help but stare.
Ok, let me just say it…Jayy is hot as hell. I mean, on a scale of 1-10, he’s a solid 100002. “What movie are we watchin’?” He asked in his low, smoky voice. I had no idea how dead sexy it was till now….not before 6th grade, when I met Lukas.
“”Uh, um, ah…” I was at a loss for words. It seemed like Jayy and I were the only two people in the room, or on Earth, really. “R-Red Dawn.”
Jayy snuggled into my side and I got butterflies in my stomach. We watched Red Dawn and Jayy, as usual, was the first one to fall asleep. I couldn’t sleep, because Jayy was a sleep talker. At first, he was just mumbling about cotton candy clouds, but then shit started to get weird.
He started mumbling my name. And soon, it turned into this…
“Raven…I love you…You’re the best thing that ever happened to me…I love you as more than my best friend… be-be mine, Ray…please…be my queen, not my servant…I’m not like Lukas, I swear…pinky swear…please, just be-be mine…”
By this time, Jayy had turned on his side and trapped me by wrapping his arm around me. My brain was on hyper drive. Like, it was bad:
Any other girl: Aww
Jayy’s long hair tickled the back of my neck, but I didn't care. I shut my eyes and tried to sleep.
It all started when I walked down to Silver Moon, the abandoned baseball park where most teens come to deal drugs and have sex…me? I just come to write poetry and blast music. So when I sat down on the usual giant rock I sit on and blasted my usual helping of Asking Alexandria, I didn’t expect my (thought to be) faithful boyfriend make out with my (thought to be) best friend.
But it happened.
At first I thought they were just two random teenagers. Then I noticed that they boy had the same chestnut brown hair as Lukas (that was the bf’s name). AND the same ‘Domo 23 by Neff’ beanie. Then, he spoke through the kiss, and it sealed the deal.
“Damn, you’re a good kisser.”
At first, I was like, Oh, HELL no. Layla and I are gonna beat the bitch’s ass.
But the girl he was making out with WAS Layla.
I couldn’t take it a second longer. I ran-and I don’t run, so THIS was new- over to the dugout, where they were tongue-fucking. I sharply tapped Lukas’ shoulder. He whipped around, his warm brown eyes widening. “Oh, Rave, you’re here…”
“Damn straight I’m here. And I’m giving you thirty seconds to explain why the hell you’re making out with my best friend, starting now.”
He spoke, but he tripped over his words. “We, uh, we were just, uh, practicing for the, uh, school talent show. Yeah.”
I sighed, pitying how bad of a liar he was. “You mean the school talent show that took place yesterday? Am I right or am I right?”
He looked down. “Look, babe...”
“Don’t fucking call me that.”
He reached for my hand, but I snatched it away. Who knows where they could’ve been (all up in Layla’s shit, if you know what I mean)? “I can explain if you let me fucking talk!”
“You’ve explained enough.” I spun around at Layla, the girl who I completely trusted. That was washed down the drain. “H-how could you? You’re s-s-supposed to be my friend.” Tears started to fill my eyes.
“Kitty, I’m sorry.” She said, looking down.
“SORRY?! I CAUGHT YOU MAKING OUT WITH MY BOYFRIEND, LAYLA!” My fingernails dug into my palms. “You always get the better shit! Better car, better phone, better hair, better body, better LIFE. You couldn’t throw me a damn bone? Really?” I balled up my fists, letting my anger take control of me. “You sorry son of a bitch.” My fist connected with her jaw. I got on top of her and bashed her head into the rocks. Behind me, Lukas was cracking up. I got off of Layla and approached him. He swallowed his laughter.
“You didn’t think you were going to get off scot free, did you?” I asked. I kissed his lips (what? He looks like Aquamarin). Then, I took him by the shoulders and kneed his, uh, jewels.
He grunted and fell to the ground. I ran back to the apartment my sisters (Tetris and Amelia), brothers (Blade and Scythe) and I share. I forgot the key, so I was banging on the door.
My sister, Tetris, opened up. “Oh, my god,” she said, seeing my tears and pulling me into her arms. “What happened, Kitty?”
“L-Lukas and I broke up,” I sobbed, soaking her shoulder with tears.
“Oh,” she said, pulling me closer. “What, how?”
“He-he cheated on me!”
Her face showed that she might have to fuck someone up. “With whom?”
“L-l-l” I couldn’t bring myself to say her name.
“Come on, Ray, spit it out.”
She looked at me. “No, not OUR Layla.”
I nodded. “She was tongue fucking him at Silver Moon! In the dugout!”
I kept sobbing as my oldest brother, Blade, came up beside us. “Hey, is she okay?” Tetris whispered what happened to him as she rubbed my back. “OH, FUCK NO!” he yelled, and took off in the direction of Silver Moon, shirtless.
“Where’s he going?” Scythe and Amelia asked, and Tetris told them. “WAIT FOR US!” they yelled, running after him.
Tetris sighed. “I’m calling Jayy.”
Jayy Von Monroe was my best friend. He and my siblings were the only people that understood me. Tetris dialed his number. “Jayy? It’s Tetris….I’m fine. Raven, not so much….Lukas cheated on her….with Layla….yes, I know it’s unbelievable…..can you just come over…..Jayy, Dahvie’s my brother, of course he can tag along….15 minutes? Okay….see ya then….okay, bye.” She pressed ‘end’, then looked at me. “Jayy and Dahvie will be here in 15 minutes. Until then, let’s get you cleaned up.”
She wiped the mascara that ran down my cheeks away, brushed my red and black hair into a mass of curls, straightened it, and brought me back downstairs. Ding dong, dong ding! I opened the door.
“OKAY, IT’S MOVIE MARATHON TIME!” Jayy yelled. “I BROUGHT ZEE CUPCAKES AND ZEE SODA!” He held up three dozens of cupcakes and 12 six packs of sodas. “A comforting sleepover for Ms. Raven Lee is now under way!” He picked me up by my waist and twirled me around. I giggled. I was already feeling better.
“Jayy, lock the van, my hands are full,” Dahvie said from behind. “What up, bitches?”
Tetris’ eyes lit up at the sight of Dahvie. “Big bro!” She hugged him. He had two huge duffels with him. “Lemme help you with those.” She took them upstairs.
Jayy hugged me tightly. “Are you okay, honey?”
I cried into his chest. “He was everything to me, Jayy.”
Blade, Scythe, and Amelia came back. They said their hellos.
“Hey guys,” Jayy said to them, then turned back to me. “I just want to let you know…you’re going to be better off without him. You deserve better than that wannabe. A million and two times better.” He let me go.
That’s when I saw that Blade had BLOOD on his chest. “Oh my lawd, Blade, what did you DO?!”
“You shoulda been there, Ray. He punched Lukas so hard that his nose and mouth just started gushing blood. Then, Lukas pulled his knife and sliced Blade’s chest…”
“WHAT?!” I yelled. “I’m going to kill that sick bastard.”
“Not if I kill him first,” Tetris, Dahvie, and Jayy said at the same time. They all had murderous looks in their eyes.
“Guys, cool down,” Amelia said, gesturing for us to sit. “Blade had so much adrenaline pumping through his veins that he didn’t even feel it. In fact, most of that blood on his chest isn’t even his, it’s Lukas’. Cole was so worried.” The doorbell rang again. “There she is now.”
Blade opened the door. Cole, his girlfriend, and their daughter, Lillian hugged him. Lillian pushed herself off of them and ran to me.
“Auntie Waven!” she yelled jumping on me. “Momma told me about what happened. Lukas is a stupidhead.”
“Yes, he is,” I agreed. I giggled. Tetris held her hand her arms out to Lillian.
“Hai, Auntie Tetwis!” Lillian jumped into her arms.
“Hey there, Lil’ Cade. How’s my wittle wadybug?” Rissy always used baby talk with Lilly.
“I good.” She giggled as she squeezed her teddy bear.
“Hey Cole,” I said to her mother. Cole was literally the nicest person I ever met. Ever.
“Hey, Rave,” she replied, hugging me. “I heard about what happened. Are you ok?”
“I’ll be fine. Since you’re here, wanna sleep over?”
“If it makes you feel better,” she replied, giving me a warm smile.
“Well, I’ll be right back,” Jayy said. “I’m gonna change into my pajamas.”
“Otay.” I looked through the movies that they had brought with them: Red Dawn, Part of Me, Carrie, The Little Rascals, and the movie we made, Long Hurr, Don’t Curr. I laughed, remembering when we had made it…
We’d just finished junior year of high school. Jayy came up with the idea. We all had ghetto names and we put on crazy wigs and just winged it. We had a blast. For 2 ½ hours.
Jayy came back downstairs, shirtless with plaid pajama pants on. I couldn’t help but stare.
Ok, let me just say it…Jayy is hot as hell. I mean, on a scale of 1-10, he’s a solid 100002. “What movie are we watchin’?” He asked in his low, smoky voice. I had no idea how dead sexy it was till now….not before 6th grade, when I met Lukas.
“”Uh, um, ah…” I was at a loss for words. It seemed like Jayy and I were the only two people in the room, or on Earth, really. “R-Red Dawn.”
Jayy snuggled into my side and I got butterflies in my stomach. We watched Red Dawn and Jayy, as usual, was the first one to fall asleep. I couldn’t sleep, because Jayy was a sleep talker. At first, he was just mumbling about cotton candy clouds, but then shit started to get weird.
He started mumbling my name. And soon, it turned into this…
“Raven…I love you…You’re the best thing that ever happened to me…I love you as more than my best friend… be-be mine, Ray…please…be my queen, not my servant…I’m not like Lukas, I swear…pinky swear…please, just be-be mine…”
By this time, Jayy had turned on his side and trapped me by wrapping his arm around me. My brain was on hyper drive. Like, it was bad:
Any other girl: Aww
Jayy’s long hair tickled the back of my neck, but I didn't care. I shut my eyes and tried to sleep.