JD and Elliot Season 7?

alicelattey posted on Jul 31, 2007 at 02:00PM
Will JD and Elliot end up together in Season 7 and what will happen???

JD and Elliot 3 replies

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over a year ago miiamya said…
they will. i think that elliot will definitely call her wedding off, making some sort of an excuse that they arent right for each other or she is ready or something. jd will have a harder time because he and kim cant just get rid of the baby but they will have a serious discussion about their relationship, probably ending in separation. whether jd and elliot will start going out from the beginning of the season, im not sure.
over a year ago alicelattey said…
i think elliot will postpone the wedding to give her time to think and i think JD might seperate from Kim but still help with the baby....or there will be some kind of complication with the baby
over a year ago roguegreyfox said…
well I think this needs to be updated so season 8 JD has the baby but breaks up with Kim and Elliot breaks off the wedding Im figuring that it will be revisited but its hard to see what can happen with 18 episodes