age:17 1/2
Eye color: Hazel Green
Hair color: Brown
Backround:Left the village to go help Naruto with his training, didnt have a choice in the matter, Tsunade said she had too. Left Kiba behind, Kiba said he would wait for her, until she got back.
Name: Akita (Mira's Partner and Lunar's sister)
Backround: Left with Mira to go train Naruto.
Name: Naoko Yuna (Mira's twin)
Age: 17 1/2
Eye color:Green
Hair color: browm
Backround: Is left behind when Mira goes to help Naruto. Still hates Kiba!
Name: Lunar (Akita's brother and Naoko's partner)
Backround: Is left behind when Mira and Akita go to help train Naruto.