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posted by XxXrachellXxX
Go say your favorite things about Jess!
Go say your favorite things about Jess!
It's JESS' turn! (and after this I am never writing anything ever again, my fingers are numb ;P)

My favorite things about her: (I'm sorry if some of these are completely off, we haven't properly talked in generations, I just wanted to make one for you as well)

1) She's caring
- This I'm sure of. I know Jess is very important to many members here, and I've only ever heard good stuff about her. This is also proved in her coming back and immediately asking how everyone was doing. She cares, because that's the kind of person that she is, and I love that about her <3

2) She's passionate
- Yes!! I can see that what she feels for OTH is definitely what I feel for GoT, and I love that, I love it when someone loves their show the way I love mine (as long as it's not the same one :P). I think everyone here who knows Jess even a little connects her to OTH. I know I sure do. I just love your enthusiasm towards it and I think it's a part of what makes you who you are!

3) She's intelligent
- This shows in all her comments and wallposts. I love talking to her, it's a lot of fun to read her comments and her thoughts. I really believe that you can see if a person is smart from the first time you talk to them, and Jess definitely is. I know she's going to do amazing things with her life. I just know it.

One of the characters who I think Jess is like!
One of the characters who I think Jess is like!

4) She's independent
- Well, yeah. I mean, she has been really busy lately with her life and with her loved ones (which is totally fine, you're more than allowed to have a life ;P) and I think the attitude she has towards life is very independent and strong and I admire that about her very much.

5) She's a great friend
- Definitely. Like I said, she has a lot of members here who care about her, and that's because she is the kind of friend anyone would be lucky to have. She's loyal and trustworthy, and simply fun to talk to, so I really am not surprised that even after being away for a while, no one forgot about her even for a moment!!

6) She's enthusiastic
- This is a part about you being passionate about OTH, but whatever, I want to mention it properly. I remember when I asked you about OTH the last time we talked (a long time ago) and you were really enthusiastic and dedicated in your answer that it just made me smile, because I think people who aren't passionate about anything are pretty damn dull. And you most definitely are not dull.

Another character who I think Jess is like <3
Another character who I think Jess is like <3

7) She's open-minded
- I think so. She doesn't seem the kind of person who judges a person from the first time they meet. When she came back, she was more than invested in getting to know the new members, which shows her selflessness and interest in people. And I do hope I get to know her more, and I hope the new members get to know her well, too, because she's pretty great.

8) She's mature
- Yeah, for sure. It shows in the way she acts and how she addresses people and even her basic attitude towards life. And like I've said in the previous articles, I value maturity a lot, so you can tell that I really appreciate that quality in you.

9) She's romantic
- I think so! I took a look at your profile and your dedication towards Brooke and Lucas, how you love James Lafferty and I even remember how much you love the Notebook. I used to be pretty negative towards romance, but a while back I think I changed my mind. And I think the reason for that is pretty clear, at least for people who listen to me babble a lot ;P So yeah, I think this is a great quality and it's a part of what makes you the beautiful person that you are.

10) She's strong
I always connect being independent to being strong, so I just have to mention this. I think strength is such an important quality, especially if you wanna succeed in life, and you definitely have that, and I think you're just going to do so many amazing things with your life.
I'm sorry if everything I said was pure crap. I really wanted to write you one too even if we're not that close (yet, I'd like to get to know you more again!). But even if we're not, I think you're a great person and I'm happy you're back, because I missed you ;D Love you <3

My headcanons for you:
Actress I imagine you looking like: Blake Lively
#1 actress to play you: Sophia Bush
#1 character/actor ship: James Lafferty/Nathan Scott
Character you're most like personality-wise & why: Brooke Davis. At least I think so. I'd say Brooke from the later seasons, because later on she becomes more caring and kind, but she's still strong and smart and beautiful, and I see all that in you!
You/Nathan:Time for the three headcanons!
- I see you two meeting each other in high school and at first you're not sure about each other because you hang in different sort of groups, but then you get to know each other more and you realize how much you care about each other and BOOM, love!
- This is kinda silly but I can picture you being a princess and Nathan coming over to rescue you (not that you need saving). And you two fall in love and get married and go on adventures together.
- I can see you two living in a rather small town together and you've always been friends, but one day Nathan asks you out and you're a bit confused, but you say yes anyway, and then you two get to know each other as potential dating partners rather than friends and you realize that you're perfect for each other ;)
Jess' man <3
Jess' man <3

Okayy, time to say your favorite things about Jess!
And now if you guys will excuse me, I'm going to go lie down ;P
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