The fans pick: A new banner
The fans pick: A new icon
The fans pick: All the above
The fans pick: Congratulations :D
The fans pick: Yessssss!!!! 'til the day I die ♥
The fans pick: Yes!!!!!!!!!
The fans pick: Not at all...
The fans pick: Danny Keough
The fans pick: Lisa & the puppie
The fans pick: Hell yeah!
The fans pick: Lisa & Avril
The fans pick: Whitout sunglasses
The fans pick: Necklace (LMP)
The fans pick: I heard all the roads they lead to Memphis.
The fans pick: You're an idiot,and I hate your guts
The fans pick: To whom it may concern
The fans pick: Loser Mugly Trashley
The fans pick: Lisa Marie Presley
The fans pick: "You gave me too much air,And i can't hardly breathe"
The fans pick: I'm happy for you!
The fans pick: In Now what
The fans pick: With Michael Jackson
The fans pick: Michael Jackson
The fans pick: Black Lisa
The fans pick: Heartbreaker
The fans pick: Nicolas Cage
The fans pick: You made me,and I love you (Nobody noticed it)
The fans pick: High enough
The fans pick: Yes!!!! I love all of them!!!
The fans pick: The road between
The fans pick: You're a great fan,I love you too!!!!
The fans pick: I was/I'm a Michael's fan
The fans pick: Here today gone tomorrow
The fans pick: Young Lisa
The fans pick: Lights out
The fans pick: Riley!!!!!!!
The fans pick: Yeah,It sounds great!!!
The fans pick: Don't cry daddy
The fans pick: A very good singer
The fans pick: One of the most beautiful women in the world
The fans pick: Yes,I love them!!!
The fans pick: Yes,yes,yes!!!!
The fans pick: Michael Jackson
The fans pick: michael jackson