L.J Smith Club
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posted by DamonLoverr
Thought L.J. Smith fans might enjoy this..

The Mourning After

"By E.F.G.

“Can we go upstairs?” Bonnie whispered to Elena, as soon as Elena came out of Mrs. Flowers’s first floor bedroom. Elena didn’t need to ask why Bonnie wanted a quick conference. The younger girl had seen her taking Mrs. Flowers aside. She must have at least guessed at the subject that was being discussed behind the closed door, and she certainly must have noticed Elena’s freshly reddened eyes and the tremor in her hands afterward.

No getting away from it. Elena excused herself to the “powder room”—and if there...
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posted by ObsidianSoul
When I started this club it was the summer before I went to university I think. Unfortunately my degree has eaten up alot of the time I used to spend on random internetz stuff so I apologise for my absence. At the end of this week I may give it something of a makeover in my spare, not revising or writing a paper time.
I'm finding it funny at the moment my inbox keeps throwing up updates from here all of a sudden. I'm guessing the re-release of the books and the Vampire Diaries t.v series has brought some new followers into the fold.
For us old fans, I read Nightworld, Forbidden Game, Dark visions...
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