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posted by AdaLove
[bare feet slapping against concrete, panting]

[Lennon jogs through the temple]

[door slams open]

[Lennon enters Dogen's quarters]

LENNON: He's alive.

[Dogen does not reply, his expression unreadable, he clasps the pendant around his neck]

[At the spring, Jack kneels next to Sayid and smiles]

HURLEY: It worked? Dude! You're okay!

[Hurley kneels and hugs Sayid]

JACK: Hurley, let him breathe. Miles, can you go get some water?

[Miles stares at Sayid in confusion]

MILES: Yeah... on it...

[Miles exits]

JACK: Sayid? Hey... how are you feeling?

SAYID: A little light-headed...

[Jack chuckles]

[Jin crouches nearby and stares]

SAYID: Jack? What happened to me?

JACK: You died.

[Kate and Sawyer watch from a distance]

KATE: How is that even possible? I mean... one minute he's gone and now he's fine?

SAWYER: Of course he's fine.

KATE: What does that mean?

SAWYER: He's an Iraqi torturer who shoots kids, he definitely deserves another go around.

[Jack, Hurley, and Jin help Sayid up]

[Sawyer stares outside]

KATE: What are you lookin' at?

SAWYER: How many guys with guns you think are outside this place?

KATE: What?

SAWYER: I was out cold when they brought me in here. How many guards did you see? Five? Ten? A hundred?

KATE: What are you thinking?

SAWYER: I'm thinkin' about runnin', Kate.

[Kate walks outside the airport, stops as she spots Mars speaking to security]

MARS: She's got handcuffs on but she's probably got them covered, okay?

[Mars sees Kate through the crowd]

MARS: Hey!

[Kate runs, Mars bumps into a man as he gives chase]

MAN: Hey, watch it!

[Kate climbs into a taxi]

KATE: Go! Go now!

DRIVER: Lady, I already have a customer.

[Kate points a gun at his head]

KATE: Damn it, I said go!


[Tires squeal]

KATE: Easy! Easy! Slow down! Hey! Just slow down! Slow down!

DRIVER: Okay! Okay! You said go!

KATE: Just get us out of here...

[Mars sees the cab]

MARS: Hey! Hey! Stop the cab!

[He hits the trunk as the cab passes]

CLAIRE: Please, please just let me out--

KATE: Be quiet!

[Kate points the gun at Claire]

[The driver is distracted by a nearby police cruiser and almost hits a man picking up his luggage in the crosswalk]

[Brakes squeal, horns honk]

KATE: What are you doing?

DRIVER: There's a guy.

KATE: Move!

DRIVER: I'm not gonna run him over!

[The man in the crosswalk, Arzt, turns and sees the cab]

ARZT: Hey, I'm walkin' here! I'm walkin' here!

[Arzt continues picking up his spilled luggage]

[Kate notices Jack standing nearby and they exchange a bizarre glance]

[Claire opens her door and attempts to flee the cab, Kate wrestles her back in]

KATE: Do not get out of this car!

[Kate turns to the driver]

KATE: Just go. Go! Now! I don't care about the guy, go!

DRIVER: Okay...

[The cab goes forward, dragging a piece of Arzt's luggage along with it]

ARZT: Hey! Hey! What the hell? Hey, I got your license plate!

[The cab approaches an intersection as the light turns red]

KATE: At the light, take a left.

[The cab driver watches Kate in the rear view mirror]

CLAIRE: Can you... c-can you please, please just let me go? I promise I won't say anything to anyone--

[The cab driver quickly opens his door and runs into the street]

KATE: Hey! Hey!

[Kate sighs]

KATE: Damn it!

[She climbs into the driver's seat and speeds away]

[Tires squealing]

[Another car almost collides with them in the intersection]

[Brakes squealing, horn honking]

KATE: Give me your purse!

CLAIRE: But I... I--

KATE: I said give me your purse!

[Claire sobs as she hands over the purse]

[Kate slams on the brakes]

KATE: Now get out of the car.

CLAIRE: Can I please just... just get my suitcase--

KATE: No, you can't! Get out of the car!

[Sobbing, Claire exits the car]

[Kate peels away from the curb]

[Kate walks out of the temple into a yard]

[Jack and Jin help Sayid into the yard]

JACK: Easy...

[They lower Sayid into a sitting position]

[Hurley follows behind, Miles approaches with some water]

SAYID: Who are these people? What do they want?

HURLEY: It's the Others, dude. They caught us. Again. I don't know, I think they're... trying to protect us.

MILES: Yeah, and as you can see, Hugo here has assumed the... leadership position, so... that's pretty great.

[Sayid notices Jack staring at his abdomen]

SAYID: What?

JACK: The wound. It's almost completely closed.

[Jack lifts Sayid's shirt, Sayid examines his wound]

SAYID: Thank you, Jack.

JACK: For what?

SAYID: Saving my life.

[Doors slam]

[Jack stands as Dogen and Lennon enter the yard, accompanied by some Others]

DOGEN: [speaks Japanese]

LENNON: Mr. Jarrah, will you come with us please?

SAYID: Come with you where?

LENNON: Inside. Nothing to worry about, we just--

JACK: I'm coming with him.

LENNON: Oh, I'm sorry, we need to talk to him alone. Just a few questions...

JACK: You have a few questions? Well, so do we. I mean let's start with, who are you? Why are you holding us here? You--

DOGEN: [speaks Japanese]

LENNON: Once we've spoken to Mr. Jarrah we will be more than happy to tell you everything you want to know.

JACK: Something tells me... that you're not gonna be happy to tell us anything.

[Jack and Dogen stare at one another]

DOGEN: [speaks Japanese]

[The Others attack, wrestling with Jack and striking Miles]

[The sounds of the struggle are interrupted by gunshots]

[The Others take aim at Sawyer, who has stolen a pistol]

DOGEN: [speaks Japanese]

LENNON: Don't shoot! Lower your weapons!

[The Others comply, Lennon approaches Sawyer]

LENNON: Please. You don't have to do this. We won't hurt your friend...

SAWYER: He ain't my friend. Do what you want with him. And anybody else. But me? I'm walkin' outta here.

KATE: James...

SAWYER: I'm gone! You understand?

DOGEN: Please... you have to stay.

SAWYER: No. I don't.

[He removes the barricade and steps through the door, Kate stares at him]

SAWYER: Don't come after me.

[He slams the door shut]
edit Act 2

DOGEN: [speaks Japanese]

[Some Others carry Sayid into the temple, more of them restrain Jack]

JACK: Hey! Hey! Where're they taking Sayid?

[Aldo enters the yard]

ALDO: Hey! Calm down! Everybody calm down!

[Aldo points a gun at Jack]

LENNON: Where'd Ford go?

JACK: What?

LENNON: Ford. Your friend who just ran out of here. Where did he go?

JACK: I don't know.

LENNON: You expect me to believe that?

JACK: He told me he wanted to kill me. Do you believe that?

KATE: I can bring him back.

LENNON: You know where he went?

KATE: No, but I can track him. Let me go, I will bring him back, and I can make him stay.

JACK: Kate? You sure you want to go out there alone with these people?

JIN: I'll go with her.

LENNON: It's very important that he gets back here safely. What makes you think he's going to listen to you?

KATE: I can be very convincing when I want to be.

[Radio playing, belt sander grinding]

[Kate pulls up to a garage and approaches a mechanic with her gun drawn]

KATE: Where's your tire hammer?

[The mechanic shuts off his tool and removes his safety glasses]

MECHANIC: You got a problem.

KATE: So do you. Where's your tire hammer?

MECHANIC: A tire hammer will just cut off your wrists. Your problem is you need a punch press. And you're not going to be able to use one of those and keep that gun pointed at me.

KATE: You volunteering? [lowers gun]

MECHANIC: I got a steady hand but I kinda feel like we got on the wrong foot.

KATE: [smiles] I'll give you two hundred dollars.

MECHANIC: Now hold still. [Mechanic takes the cuffs off]

KATE: [sighs] Thanks.

MECHANIC: So why the bracelets?

KATE: I'm wanted for murder.


KATE: You don't have somewhere I can change do you?

MECHANIC: [Laughs] Bathroom's over there; make it quick.

KATE: Thank you. [goes to bathroom]

[Kate opens Claire's bag, finds a picture of Clair obviously pregnant, and a stuffed black & white whale - she looks pensively into the mirror]

[Back at the temple, Kate is packing her bag for the trip]

ALDO: [Hands her something] Better not slow us down.

KATE: Better not slow me down.

[Jack comes and sits next to Kate.]

JACK: I would go with you, but um-

KATE: Sawyer would kill you?

[Jack chuckles]

KATE: I'll take care of James; you take care of Sayid. [Jack nods]

JACK: Deal.

[both standing up]

KATE: Goodbye. [Jack grabs Kate's elbow]

JACK: Be careful.

[Kate stares at Jack, slightly smiles, then walks out of the room]

[Sayid is strapped to a table; Dogen is standing near him]

SAYID: What is it you want? Please, whatever your thinking of doing.

[Dogen puts some ash(?) in his hand, and blows it over Sayid's chest, looking for a reaction]

SAYID: What is that?

[Dogen hooks some electrical wires to Sayid's chest]

SAYID: Just tell me what you want.

[Dogen electrocutes Sayid, who screams in pain]

[Dogen clips off the wires]

SAYID: Why? Why are you doing this?

[Dogen grabs a hot poker]

SAYID: I don't have any secrets.

[Dogen presses the poker on his chest, Sayid screams in pain]

DOGEN: [Japanese]

LENNON: I'm sorry we had to put you through that. [Free Sayid] It was a test. We had to be sure.

SAYID: Test to be sure of what?

LENNON: Don't worry, you passed.

[Others walk Sayid out of the room]

LENNON: I just lied to him, didn't I?

edit Act 3

[the cab Kate stole pulls up to the curb where Claire is sitting on a bench - Claire looks nervous]

KATE: Where were you going?


KATE: Before I got in the cab, where were you going?

CLAIRE: Why, so you can hijack them too?

[Kate gets Claire's stuff out the trunk]

CLAIRE: I was waiting for a bus.

KATE: Came to bring you your stuff. [hands bags to Claire] Relax, I didn't take your money.

CLAIRE: Well, um, gee thanks.

KATE: So where were you going?

CLAIRE: Don't worry about it.

KATE: [in resignation] ...fine. [She turns to get back in the cab]

CLAIRE: Langdon Street, Brentwood.

KATE: You got family there?

CLAIRE: Ah, no - it's a... couple who's adopting my baby. They were, um, they were meant to meet me at the airport but I guess they got their days mixed up or something. It's not like they abandoned me.

KATE: Brentwood's not far, get in.

CLAIRE: Seriously?

KATE: Do you want a ride or not?

[Claire reluctantly gets into the cab with Kate]

[Kate and Jin along with Justin and Aldo are walking through the jungle]

KATE: So why do you people want us to stay at the temple?

ALDO: We're protecting you.

KATE: From what?

ALDO: You been on this island a while, right? Ever see a big pillar of black smoke, makes a tikka-tikka sound, looks pissed off?

KATE: Yes.

ALDO: From that.

JIN: Do you know anything about another plane coming in? An Ajira flight?

ALDO: I'm sorry, is this a press conference?

JUSTIN: I think he means the one that landed in--

ALDO: Justin! Shut up.

KATE: Nonono that's a decoy trail, he went this way.

ALDO: And you're basing this on what?

KATE: Experience!


ALDO: What?

JUSTIN: I think she's right.

ALDO: Of course she is. After you princess.

[they all follow Kate]

ALDO: So what's your strategy for bringing your boyfriend back - I hope you got one because he shot a guy on his way out - and if he try's that on me I'm gonna blow his head off.

[Justin stops Kate from springing a trap she missed]

JUSTIN: Watch it. [Kate sees the tripwire]

KATE: Thank you.

JIN: Looks like one of Rousseaus traps.

JUSTIN: The french woman? She's been dead for years, this couldn't be one of--

ALDO: Justin! Shut up.

[Kate walks up to Aldo and pokes him in the chest with her canteen]

KATE: What was he gonna say?

ALDO: You don't even remember me do you? [Kate looks confused] - You don't recognize me? Well maybe this'll jog your memory - three years ago, you staged yourself a little prison break, [Kate innocently takes a swig of water] and ya did it by knocking the guard out with the butt of your rifle, that would be me- [Kate knocks Aldo out with the canteen then she turns quickly and throws it at the tripwire, activating the trap which sends a net full of rocks smashing into Justin, knocking him out]

[Kate picks up Aldo's gun and checks the cartridge]

JIN: What are you doing?

[Kate also picks up Justin's rifle, then walks up to Jin]

KATE: Escaping.

[Others bring Sayid back to the spring]

HURLEY: Sayid!

[Miles and Hurley hurry toward Sayid]

MILES: You ok man?

HURLEY: [grabbing Sayid] Jack! Sayid's back! [he props Sayid against a pillar]

JACK: Sayid. What happened?

SAYID: They tortured me.

JACK: Why?

SAYID: Don't know. They didn't ask me any questions.

[Jack, pissed off, walks up to the entrance to Dogens quarters and speaks to the guards]

JACK: Step aside.

[they do, to Jacks mild surprise - he walks through]

[Dogen is mixing an unknown substance together - Lennon is near a bookshelf reading a book]

LENNON: Hey Shephard. [snaps book shut] - We were hoping you'd come on your own.

JACK: [pointing back to spring] What the hell did you do to Sayid?

LENNON: We didn't do anything to him. You're friend is sick.

JACK: Sick with what?

DOGEN: [speaks Japanese] [he begins pouring unknown substance into a capsule]

LENNON: He's, yeah-I-tss, not really, there's not really a literal translation, the closest thing would be... infected.

JACK: Infected? He's not even runnin a fever.

[Dogen laughs, once.]

JACK: Did I say something funny?

LENNON: Eh, doubt it - he doesn't really have a sense of humor.

[Dogen places capsule into paper he was using to pour substance into capsule, folding it]

DOGEN: [speaks Japanese]

LENNON: He says, you have to give your friend this pill.

[Jack laughs sardonically]

JACK: Are you serious? [Dogen indicates Jack should take the pill] - Why don't you give it to him?

LENNON: Because it won't work unless he takes it willingly and he won't take it willingly from us.

JACK: Well, then maybe you should'a asked him to take it before ya tortured him.

LENNON: We didn't torture him. We were diagnosing him.

JACK: To see if he was infected.


JACK: I'm not gonna give anything to Sayid unless I know what's in it.

[Jack turns to walk away - Lennon looks at Dogen who indicates not to worry]

DOGEN: Tell me Shephard, your friend, how did he get shot?

JACK: He was, um... he was helping me.

DOGEN: So, it was your fault.

JACK: Yes.

DOGEN: And there have been others who were hurt, or died, helping you?

JACK: Yes.

DOGEN: Well, then this [shows Jack the pill] is your chance to redeem yourself.

[Dogen takes Jack's hand and places pill in it]

DOGEN: It's medicine. And your friend needs it.

JACK: What happens if I don't give it to him?

DOGEN: ...the infection will spread.
edit Act 4

[Miles and Hurley are talking to Sayid by the spring]

MILES: So nothing? there wasn't anything? No white light? Angels singing? No dead relatives?

SAYID: I remember being shot.

HURLEY: You're not a zombie, right?

SAYID: No. I am not a zombie.

MILES: [noticing Jack] ...hey.

JACK: [to Miles and Hurley] ...mind giving me and Sayid a minute?

HURLEY: Yeah, see, private talks kinda freak me out coz they usually lead to me having to do something I don't quite understand.

JACK: Hah, I'm right there with ya.

MILES: It's fine... we'll be in the food court if you need us.

[Hurley and Miles leave - Jack drinks from canteen and offers it to Sayid, who declines]

SAYID: So did they tell you why they burnt me with a hot poker?

JACK: He said they were trying to diagnose you.

SAYID: Right. They told me it was some sort of test. Which they said I passed. Clearly I didn't.

[Jack unfold paper with pill inside]

SAYID: What's that?

JACK: They want you to take it. It's medicine according to them.

SAYID: What about according to you?

JACK: I don't know. And you know before, when you, when you thanked me for saving your life... I didn't have anything to do with it Sayid. I didn't fix you, they did.

SAYID: I don't care who fixed me. I only care about who I trust. So if you want me to take that pill Jack, I'll do it.

[Jack looks at pill then at Sayid...]

JIN: Wait. Where are you going?

KATE: To catch up with Sawyer.

JIN: So you never planned to bring him back to the temple?

KATE: No. I'm not interested in being a prisoner, are you?

JIN: Where did your plane land Kate?

KATE: What?

JIN: The Ajira plane that you, Jack, and Hurley came in on. Where did it land?

KATE: I don't know.

JIN: Sun was on that plane too, and I have to find her.

KATE: You think they're gonna tell you? You think they care about you or about Sun or about any of us?

JIN: Who do you care about Kate?

KATE: Good luck Jin. [She walks away]

JIN: Once you catch up with Sawyer, then what?

KATE: I guess we'll figure that out together.

[Kate driving Claire to Brentwood in the cab]

CLAIRE: So, what happened to your handcuffs?

KATE: I cut them off.

CLAIRE: It's a beautiful neighborhood - bet they're a really nice couple... what?

KATE: I didn't say anything.

CLAIRE: What you think they didn't come to the airport on purpose?

KATE: [facetiously] Why would I think that?

CLAIRE: Good. Coz They didn't.

KATE: This is it. [Kate stops cab outside a house]

CLAIRE: Um... will you come in with me?

KATE: Are you kidding me?

CLAIRE: Please I, I just, I really don't wanna go up there on my own.

[a woman opens the front door with Kate and Claire outside]

CLAIRE: Hi, um, Mrs. (Baskim ?) - I'm Claire Littleton.

BLONDE-LADY: Oh my god - ohh - I'm so sorry. Um, my husband... he left me. And, believe me, I wanted a baby so much, but I can't do it alone. I'm sorry. Look, I know I should've called you.

CLAIRE: ...So, uh, you, you just changed your mind!?

BLONDE-LADY: Look, my, my life is just a little bit complicated right--

KATE: She came all the way from Australia and you don't call?

CLAIRE: Oh my god! [her breathing becomes labored]

KATE: Are you ok?

CLAIRE: Ahhrgh! It's coming!

[Kate approaches the Dharma Barracks - she follows sounds from one of the houses - inside a bedroom she see's Sawyer pushing furniture to get at floorboards underneath - she remains silent and observes, puzzled]

[Sawyer removes Shoebox from the floor, takes out something and starts crying - Kate turns to leave, Sawyer hears her and draws his gun]

SAWYER: Who's there? ... Better come out now or so help me I'm just gonna start shootin'.

[he steps out the room and see's the back of Kate]

SAWYER: What the hell are you doin' here?

KATE: [without turning] I was worried about you. [She turns to face him]

[Sawyer walks right past her and out the house]
added by rcerione
added by AdaLove
added by AdaLove
added by AdaLove
added by emzielouise
added by emzielouise
added by emzielouise
added by emzielouise
added by azkar2000
added by rcerione
Source: abc
added by emzielouise
added by emzielouise
added by emzielouise
added by sahour95
added by sahour95
added by emzielouise
added by emzielouise
added by angiii7
added by sahour95
added by HannaK
Source: http://gallery.lost-media.com/displayimage-1397-5.html