I think the Mad Hatter is hot too. Although I heard that a lot of Johnny Depp's Characters are gay. But it doesn't make sense because in the next pirates of the Caribbean movie, he has a thing for some girl. (me:jealous) But overall I think he's pretty hot. Especially when he uses that Scottish accent. Some people think I'm pretty weird for thinking this, but I have my followers. I just thought that I'd let you know that you're not the only one.
If you really think that way about the Mad Hatter as I do, then you should really check out some of the fan-fiction that people have written about him and Alice. I know it's Alice and not you, but you can just imagine that it is. Google "alice in wonderland fan-fiction" and your first hit should be the one to pick. HAVE FUN!!! XD
If you really think that way about the Mad Hatter as I do, then you should really check out some of the fan-fiction that people have written about him and Alice. I know it's Alice and not you, but you can just imagine that it is. Google "alice in wonderland fan-fiction" and your first hit should be the one to pick. HAVE FUN!!! XD

Okay If you read the title you are going to either agree wholeheartedly or laugh your asses off at me. But what the hey man. I need a good opinion.
I think johnny depp is absoaloute KING of the acting world all you budding actors grovel and worship him. But i have never like fancied him before and as sooon as I saw him play the mad hatter t was like BOOM!
heres some reasons he is hot.
1. the hatter is a total scottish? exhibitionist.
2. He doesn't care what anyone thinks of him.
3. His hair & eyebrows are fucking awesome mahn.
Okay so now you know that I totally love the mad hatter if you agree please say so in the comments and if you don't then tell me why in the comments box. Thank you
I think johnny depp is absoaloute KING of the acting world all you budding actors grovel and worship him. But i have never like fancied him before and as sooon as I saw him play the mad hatter t was like BOOM!
heres some reasons he is hot.
1. the hatter is a total scottish? exhibitionist.
2. He doesn't care what anyone thinks of him.
3. His hair & eyebrows are fucking awesome mahn.
Okay so now you know that I totally love the mad hatter if you agree please say so in the comments and if you don't then tell me why in the comments box. Thank you