We knows our favorite anime that really awesome,Mahou shoujo lyrical nanoha...At first i look in some page there write Lyrical nanoha : 2004-
we already know that mean this show not already over,but most people thing its already over right?
but its wrong....
There's VERY GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they made another series!
Manga series
Author Masaki Tsuzuki
Illustrator Shūichi Kawakami
Magazine CompAce
Publisher Kadokawa Shoten
Original run July 26, 2012 (manga) – ongoing
The manga Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha INNOCENT (魔法少女リリカルなのはINNOCENT Mahō Shōjo Ririkaru Nanoha INNOCENT) is part of the official multimedia spinoff series Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha INNOCENT, set in a world parallel to other continuities.
The plot of the series is known as Brave Duel, a motion-sensing simulation card game with team battles. The INNOCENT manga serves as an explanation of story and settings, and presumably a promotional material of the upcoming social game.
The manga is first published on CompAce magazine in July 2012 for the prologue, and from October 2012 for main chapters. It is illustrated by Shūichi Kawakami (aka SYU), who has been a doujin illustrator of the Nanoha series.
The series adopts a star system for the characters, starring most characters from other Nanoha productions. However, without any setting related to magic, humanoid characters are all human, e.g. Fate Testarossa (originally Artificial Mage), Reinforce (originally Unison Device), Wolkenritter (except Zafira), Materials and Gears; whilst Familiars and Zafira become pets
Characters are mainly grouped into three teams, as follows:
Hobby Shop T&H team
In addition to Nanoha Takamachi and Fate Testarossa, the team also features Alisa Bannings, Suzuka Tsukimura and Alicia Testarossa.[1]
Old Bookshop Yagami-dō team
Featuring the Yagami family members with family name, e.g. "Signum Yagami".
Granz Observatory team
Featuring the Florian family and the Purple Sky family members. Characters from Materials are renamed, e.g. "Dearche Kings Claudia"; and their "magic circles" also become Formula Plates.
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you can see other new manga season that we don't know ...
Thanks For Read _Hope it can you know more of Lyrical Nanoha Series!!!
we already know that mean this show not already over,but most people thing its already over right?
but its wrong....
There's VERY GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they made another series!
Manga series
Author Masaki Tsuzuki
Illustrator Shūichi Kawakami
Magazine CompAce
Publisher Kadokawa Shoten
Original run July 26, 2012 (manga) – ongoing
The manga Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha INNOCENT (魔法少女リリカルなのはINNOCENT Mahō Shōjo Ririkaru Nanoha INNOCENT) is part of the official multimedia spinoff series Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha INNOCENT, set in a world parallel to other continuities.
The plot of the series is known as Brave Duel, a motion-sensing simulation card game with team battles. The INNOCENT manga serves as an explanation of story and settings, and presumably a promotional material of the upcoming social game.
The manga is first published on CompAce magazine in July 2012 for the prologue, and from October 2012 for main chapters. It is illustrated by Shūichi Kawakami (aka SYU), who has been a doujin illustrator of the Nanoha series.
The series adopts a star system for the characters, starring most characters from other Nanoha productions. However, without any setting related to magic, humanoid characters are all human, e.g. Fate Testarossa (originally Artificial Mage), Reinforce (originally Unison Device), Wolkenritter (except Zafira), Materials and Gears; whilst Familiars and Zafira become pets
Characters are mainly grouped into three teams, as follows:
Hobby Shop T&H team
In addition to Nanoha Takamachi and Fate Testarossa, the team also features Alisa Bannings, Suzuka Tsukimura and Alicia Testarossa.[1]
Old Bookshop Yagami-dō team
Featuring the Yagami family members with family name, e.g. "Signum Yagami".
Granz Observatory team
Featuring the Florian family and the Purple Sky family members. Characters from Materials are renamed, e.g. "Dearche Kings Claudia"; and their "magic circles" also become Formula Plates.
You can see complete information in:
you can see other new manga season that we don't know ...
Thanks For Read _Hope it can you know more of Lyrical Nanoha Series!!!