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posted by mj_yana_girl
Cover of the "Will You Be There" CD single.
Cover of the "Will You Be There" CD single.
Michael Jackson first revealed Will You Be There to the world when it featured as the eleventh song on his 1991 album release 'Dangerous'. Penned solely by Michael at the height of his career, this initial 7 minutes and 40 seconds version of the song became an instant favourite of fans the world over.

The first time I heard Will You Be There, I was captivated by the intensity of emotion conveyed by Michael in both his voice and lyrics. I can still remember sitting at eight years old, engrossed in writing out the lyrics over and over again in an attempt to decipher Michael's true intent behind these profoundly impassioned, almost haunting words.

From its opening segment featuring Beethoven's Ode to Joy and choral introduction by the Andrae Crouch singers to its emotionally exhausting finale, the song mesmerizes its listener from start to finish. It is this incredibly captivating effect which has inspired me to write this tribute piece. I do not feel the song has ever received the credit it unquestionably deserves, nor been truly revered outside the Michael Jackson fan circle for its incontestable excellence.

In this written tribute, I am going to share with you some facts, opinions and theories behind what is doubtless in my mind the greatest song of all time: Will You Be There.

The Facts:
After sitting on the Dangerous album for almost two years, Michael decided to release Will You Be There as a single in July 1993 to coincide with the release of the Warner Brothers film 'Free Willy'. The song became the theme tune to the movie telling the story of an unbreakable friendship between a young boy and a killer whale. Two versions of a video were released to accompany the single - the principle version featuring shots of Michael on his Dangerous world tour interlaced with shots of his appearance on MTV's 10th anniversary awards show; on both occasions performing this song. The second version featured accompanying outtakes from Free Willy and later featured as bonus material on the movie's DVD release. The videos first aired in May 1993 and were directed by Vincent Paterson - who would later direct the video for Michael's 'Blood On The Dance Floor' - and produced by Joel Gallen and Ute Leonhardt.

As a single release, Will You Be There achieved great success as it reached number 11 in the UK, sold over 500, 000 copies in the USA and was certified gold. It also reached #1 on the MTV Eurochart. The single was available in CD, LP and cassette format, the LP format featuring its own collectors edition poster bag. The chosen B-side to accompany the single was the song 'Girlfriend' from Michael's Off The Wall album. The most notable difference between the single and album versions of the song is the omission of the Beethoven segment as the song's prelude.

Michael wrote and produced Will You Be There - with co-producing credits going to Bruce Swedien - and orchestrated the rhythm and vocal arrangements. Featured instruments are noted as piano, synthesizer, keyboard, drums, and percussion. In 2002 he told an ITV documentary it was written at his Neverland ranch, in what he calls his Giving Tree: "I've written so many of my songs in this tree. I wrote... Will You Be There..." (Living with Michael Jackson, aired Feb 2003).

The 1994 MTV Movie Awards pronounced Will You Be There 'Best Song' for its accompaniment to Free Willy. To date, Michael has performed this song only on the Dangerous tour, MTV's 10th anniversary show, and very briefly at the NAACP Image Awards in 1993.

A complimentary review of Will You Be There follows:
"Having dipped his toe in the turgid pool of heavy metal he plunges headlong into inspirational gospel. A choral arrangement lifted from a performance of Beethoven's 9th Symphony by the Cleveland Orchestra opens this BIG track (and resulted in a $7 m lawsuit against Jackson, his MJJ Productions company and Epic - which Sony settled out of court). Later copies of the album and CD which credit Ludwig van B's part in the track. Again, the tune and arrangement have familiar progressions but his voicing against the full might of the Crouch Choir is unexpectedly passionate. A gospel album might have great artistic rewards. He ends the track with a spoken prayer which will have considerable resonance during the next few years. Two "special" versions of the song appeared on the soundtrack to the Free Willy, a movie about a boy and his friend, the Killer Whale."

- Complete Guide to the Music Of Michael Jackson & the Jackson Family, Geoff Brown (1996)

As mentioned in the above quote, the song brought with it its fair share of legal issues. First was the omission of any credit to the Beethoven piece in the Dangerous album booklet, resulting in a massive lawsuit from Beethoven's camp filed against the above-mentioned parties. Secondly, in 1992, a little-known singer named Albano Carrisi filed a lawsuit accusing Michael of copying his 'I Cigni di Balaka' ('The Swans of Balaka') song, a suit which in total would last seven years. In 1997 an Italian lower court ruled against Carrisi, which he followed up with an appeal. On November 3rd 1999, a civil court in Milan rejected his appeal, confirming the lower court's judgement in favour of Michael and ordering Carrisi to pay legal expenses to both Michael and Sony.

Michael also wrote an extended version of Will You Be There for his book 'Dancing The Dream' (released June 18, 2002), which carried new additional lines towards the end of the song. This longer version will be shown and compared to the original at the end of this page. An interesting question would be whether this was in fact the original version of the song which had been condensed for the album, or if the 'new' verses were simply added at a later date for the book.

The Song:
The greatest reason for my deciding to analyse Will You Be There stemmed from my realisation that no one, not even myself, truly knew the meaning waiting to be discovered between its lines. Most commonly classified as a love song, the lyrics speak of an intense, at times desperate longing for affection - but from whom? Rarely spoken of by Michael himself, Will You Be There carries a message seeming almost to lie dormant in the ears of the listener - a song felt but never completely understood by its fans.

This message I hope to at least partly decipher in these following pages. Perhaps one day Michael will unlock the secrets of the song, but until that day Will You Be There will forever remain an unsolved mystery to even its most devout fans.

Before attempting to analyse the possibilities, I feel it is important to have truly heard this song. The emotion of the music - the anguish, the despair and incredible sadness. The effects Michael uses both musically and vocally play a crucial part in the song's message and its perception to the listener. There is no doubt, if nothing else, it certainly draws the listener in to an incredible degree of empathy towards Michael as both singer and author, as detailed below.

The dual introduction with Beethoven and Andrae Crouch immediately sets the tone for the song; the spiritual intensity of the voices demonstrating right from the beginning that this will be no ordinary Michael Jackson song.

The first verses are sung slowly, in tones deeper than those Michael usually employs - possibly to signify the depth and rawness of the emotion. The slow delivery of the lines ensures the point is laboured - the despair and yearning evident in his voice throughout.

The bridge of: "everyone's taking control of me," takes on a more intense, more desperate resonance - Michael's punching out of the lyrics demonstrating the anger and helplessness he feels at his situation, whatever that may be.

Throughout the entire song, Michael's vulnerability is evident, the Andrae Crouch singers coming in in the background to support him as he repeats lines such as "carry me" and "hold me" continuously.

Confused and frustrated, he similarly punches out the line "but they told me," again, to show the listener just how alone he truly feels. At this point, his voice begins to sound harsher and more angry as if he feels truly helpless and lost, as if he simply does not know how to be the person he feels he should.

At times, such as the line, "when lost will you find me," Michael uses two layers of his voice - possibly to convey the mix of emotions. The two voices merge together in unison, resulting in a more poignant delivery of the selected lines.

Gradually, as the song proceeds, Michael's voice gets more and more impassioned as he sings louder and with increased intensity, pulling in the listener and forcing them to pay attention to what he has to say while the choir support him relentlessly in the background, emphasising every word.

Just as the song reaches its climax, it falls back and releases the listener from its grip. The beat softens and the choir chorus more slowly, before Michael begins to softly speak. In a faltering, unsteady but determined voice, Michael pleads with the listener for their empathy and support, regardless of what the future may bring.

The most significant part of the song is undoubtedly the closing lines, when Michael's voice starts to break as he begins to lose control, culminating in his speaking the last line through tears. The song closes with the emotion still hanging in the air, as palpable as the reassuring beat steadying it throughout.

The Theories:
The three hypotheses I have conceived are as follows. Either the song is 1) a hidden prayer - a hymnal manifestation of Michael's religious ideals, or 2) an anthem aimed at his fans - the very people who would most likely connect with its message, or finally, as assumed by so many for so long, 3) it is simply a love song and nothing more. The second is the theory most commonly believed by Michael's fans, the latter by the music industry and the first has never fully been considered to my knowledge.

Theory 1
There are a number of clues I feel point to the possibility that this song could actually be intended as a message to God himself. Deeply religious, Michael has frequently spoken of his feelings towards God and his seeing Him in everything he does and is it my belief Will You Be There could be a heightened elaboration of some of those feelings.

"I wrote Will You Be There at my house in California.... I didn't think about it hard. That's why it's hard to take credit for the songs that I write, because I just always feel that it's done from above. I feel fortunate for being that instrument through which music flows. I'm just the source through which it comes. I can't take credit for it because it's God's work. He's just using me as the messenger."

- Ebony Magazine, 1992

The full seven-minute version of the song as it appears on the Dangerous album begins with a sampling of Beethoven's 9th Symphony - "Ode To Joy" - a song which speaks of the creator and his subjects on earth:

"Ihr stürzt nieder, Millionen?
Ahnest du den Schöpfer, Welt?
Such ihn überm Sternenzelt!
Über Sternen muß er wohnen."    

("Do you come crashing down, you millions?
Do you sense the Creators presence, world?
Seek Him above the starry firmament,
For above the stars he surely dwells.")

It is curious in my opinion why a love song would feature such an introduction.

The introduction and opening notes of Michael's song itself begins, as previously mentioned, with a gospel style choral song by the Andrae Crouch choir, reminiscent of the chords sung on innumerate church hymns, further indication of the song's spiritual intentions.

The lyrics themselves commence with the line, "hold me like the river Jordan." This river is highly significant in biblical tales as the river between Syria and Israel where Jesus himself, as well as the people of Jerusalem and Judea, were baptised by John. According to the bible after Jesus' baptism, heaven opened above the river and God appeared in the image of a dove.

"Then cometh Jesus from Galilea to the Jordan unto John, to be baptised of him... And Jesus, when he was baptised, went up straightaway from the water, and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon him".

Matthew 3:13

The use of the word "thee" in the line, "I will then say to thee," is also indicative of the God-like inference and the possibility that Michael was in fact using this song as some form of outlet, perhaps for religious frustration.

There is no doubt the undertone of Will You Be There is a deeply spiritual one. I wonder, in the vein of my first theory: could the words "carry me", repeated throughout, be reminiscent of Saint Christopher carrying the child Jesus across the great river?

The use of the religious theme can also be seen in the song's video - the dance routine encompasses prayer-like interaction between Michael and his dancers, especially as at one point they lift him above their heads and gather round him, almost as if they are raising him up as a god among them. At the end of the video, as Michael recites the spoken verse which closes the song, an angel descends from above and wraps her arms around him, ending the video.

Overall, in my opinion, there is sufficient evidence this song could indeed have been written by Michael to serve as a personal address to God.

Theory 2
Another theory, and the one most commonly believed by those it relates to, is that the song serves as a message to Michael's fans. The reasons supporting this are endless - the very title of the song, written at the height of his popularity, appears to set the tone for Michael's first musical statement to his followers, a theme which would be repeated by him in the future on various offerings.

The lyrics are a clear message that Michael is looking for unconditional love - the question is, from whom? He is at times almost begging the listener to support and care for him, rendering it impossible not to be inflicted with even slight sympathy for his apparent plight.

The bridge of: "everyone's taking control of me, seems that the world's got a role for me, I'm so confused," can surely only be referring to his overwhelming and, at times no doubt unbearable, lifestyle. Constantly deified and adored by millions, here he seems to be relaying just how this feels for him, and his longing to be seen as a person by his droves of smothering followers. This longing is most obviously demonstrated by the lines, "but they told me a man should be faithful and walk when not able, and fight to the end but I'm only human".

No one is more aware of how he is perceived by the world than Michael himself. Fans, media and critics seem simply to go crazy over him - he can do nothing, go nowhere. Looking at the song from the point of view that it was written to fans, it becomes glaringly obvious that this song is a cry for help, especially as Michael knows only too well the people most sensitive to its pleas would be the very fans themselves.

A further sign of this song possibly being written to the fans is the method in which it is sung - the choice of words used to convey his longing. The line: "but they told me," begs the question - who exactly is being referred to here? This line could be another hidden message regarding his fame - the word "they" implying those around him, coaching and teaching him, have advised him he must be a certain way, and this is his attempt at breaking free from the suffocating limitations impressed upon him.

Michael further demonstrates this in lines such as, "lift me up slowly, softly then boldly," almost as if he is relying on the love of his fans to keep himself together, showing his vulnerability and possible desire for reassurance that the fans truly love him and will be strong and defiant in that love.

The portion of the song which cements this particular theory in the fans' minds is the spoken verse at the end. In his entire career, there has surely been no clearer message to his fans than the words he so painfully relates as Will You Be There draws to a close. Michael's choosing to speak, as opposed to sing, the lyrics acts as a method of relating more intimately with the listener, giving the listener a more personal slant to the song which ultimately enables Michael to portray the image of his humanity far more effectively. No longer the entertainer, he speaks clearly and slowly, pleading with the listener simply to hear him. The questions he asks in this closing sequence surround the many possibilities which Michael feels his life may lead him to - the chance that he may fail, he may disappoint, he may just turn out to be only human after all.

He tearfully ends this spoken verse by saying that through all the sorrow and pain, things will always get better. His promise of "another tomorrow" suggests a message to the fans that he will always be there, just as he is begging them to be there for him now. The last few lines of the verse are almost a promise of eternity; that his love will continue forever in their hearts.

A side note on this spoken verse is the spookily prophetic inclusion of the words, "in my trials and my tribulations, through our doubts and frustrations" - an interesting choice of words since mere months later he would face the biggest trial of his life in the 1993 allegations - filed the same year the song was released.

Theory 3
The final theory I have encountered of the meaning behind this song is that it is written to a lover. This realisation first occurred to me many years ago when I saw advertised an upcoming album compilation of great love songs. Will You Be There was included, which greatly surprised me at the time, as I had frankly never considered the lyrics to be indicative of that particular mode of love.

In analysing the song for this piece and in speaking to a number of fans, I can see now how it could be perceived as such a love song.

Requests such as, "hold me, carry me, love me," appear to be clear requests for someone to play a major part in his life. My personal theory, assuming this is indeed perceived as a love song, is that Michael has written this to a fictitious lover; an illusion he has fashioned in his mind as the perfect love - something Michael Jackson appears to have been searching for all his life. This song seems to signify all the questions he has in his mind about this love he has created, and whether it really exists as honestly as he needs it to.

He is clearly vulnerable, reaching out for someone to take care of him. The line, "carry me there" - evokes a similar question to those asked above - to where is he wishing to be carried? Could it be to a place of safety or, as per this final theory, love?

Alternately, the line, "but I'm only human," could be a sign that he can no longer cope with the trials of life alone. Similarly with the line, "I get lonely," which is sung over the lyrics twice and an interesting statement for inclusion in the consideration of the theory being explored here.

In the spoken outro, Michael promises, "I'll never let you part," at which point his voice begins to break. Of course, this could be applied to whichever theory you choose to believe, but it is in my opinion most believable this is directed to the love he so desperately craves. Perhaps here he is stating how if this fantasy love figure were in fact to support and love him, he would reciprocate this by ensuring such a love remained in his heart forever.

The extended version of the song features lyrics such as, "needing you only," "heal me and bathe me," "hug me and shield me," and, "face me and kiss me." In my opinion, there is no clearer explanation for these lines than their intended inference towards a lover, as they can surely not be applied to any other theory offered in this piece.

The inclusion - and amendment - of Will You Be There in the 'Dancing the Dream' poetry book mentioned earlier is also an interesting fact. It begs the simple question why, in a book of new and previously unreleased work, Michael would choose to include a song written years earlier, and why that same song would be Will You Be There. In a book filled with heartfelt and intense verses about love, Will You Be There sits proudly amongst them, with its newly added verses. These new verses are the strongest indication yet that this could easily be a love song. Without them, it can be about anything the listener chooses to believe, yet the added verses bring with them an entirely different angle to the song.

Of course, analysing Will You Be There and Michael's true feelings portrayed through its lines is an endless task. Lines seemingly so innocent and simplistic upon first listen adopt a whole new perspective when studied in depth. Of course, only Michael himself truly knows the story behind Will You Be There and the message he was trying to convey, and until he decides to share that message with us it will no doubt remain forever undiscovered in all its cryptic glory.

A song can be heard in a multitude of alternate ways and a listener will always derive all varieties of emotions from those ways. I personally think the song is about the emotion of love itself, and the variety of forms love can take. As I have attempted to portray in these pages, this love could be for God, fans or a lover - yet the possible intentions are endless.

In conclusion, I personally believe as long as you go wherever your heart leads you with Will You Be There, Michael's message has been communicated exactly as he intended, and he has achieved everything he set out to in the penning of this breathtaking and exceptional ballad.

- L.J. Sheridan © 2005
Michael performing "Will You Be There" at the MTV 10th Anniversary Special in 1991.
Michael performing "Will You Be There" at the MTV 10th Anniversary Special in 1991.
posted by Baby_Michael
I was a lonsome girl that wants to be loved by a beloved man that has good looks and will treasure me like diamonds and gold. I had a record deal that some guys offered me and told me that Michael Jackson was going to have a special 'Dangerous Era concert and needed dancers to wow the crowd. Michael's concert producer found me one morning, knocking on my door while I was practicing for a special concert for the kids at St. Judes Childrens Hospital. All of a sudden I heard a knock at my door and I ran to anwser and a man stood there with a paper in his hand and a big smile on his face. "Hello...
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The Following Morning
I woke up to something sleeping on my stomach. I looked and saw my cat, fast asleep on me, all curled up in a ball. I was shocked to see her.
'How did she get here?' I thought.
I began to sit up and she woke up. She saw me awake and she got off my stomach and sat next to me.
"How did you get here, Muffin? I was gonna pick you up today since I accidentally forgot you yesterday." I said, petting her head.
(Me: Unintentional rhymes!!! Haha.) "I took the opportunity to pick her up for you." Someone said.
I looked up and saw Michael standing in the doorway. I smiled a little and...
continue reading...
After Michael and I finished playing in the park, at the same time trying to cheer each other up, he walked me home. When we got to the door, he turned to me and pulled me into a hug, having his hand going up and down my back. I hugged him back, putting my head on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Rebecca. Like I said earlier, we'll try again once your wound is healed and those staples for the stitching are out." He said, rubbing my head.
"I'm afraid if and when we try again, my mom's gonna kick me out. She's a stickler for something like this." I said.
Michael pulled away and lifted my head with one...
continue reading...
"If I should stay,

I would only be in your way.
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way.
And I will always love you.
I will always love you.

You, my darling you. Mmm.
Bittersweet memories,
that is all I'm taking with me.
So, goodbye. Please, don't cry.
We both know I'm not what you, you need.

And I will always love you.
I will always love you.
(Instrumental solo)
I hope life treats you kind And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
And I wish to you, joy and happiness. But above all this, I wish you love.

And I will always love you. I will always love you. I will always love you. I will always love you. I will always love you. I, I will always love you. You, darling, I love you. Ooh, I'll always, I'll always love you."
Diane was onset fixing another camera when michael came storming onset. "Hey mj hows the new baby?" a fellow co star asked. Michael said nothing as he stormed into the set louge and slammed the door. Diane instantly knew what was wrong. Looking around making sure no one was looking, when the ghost was clear diane made her way to the louge and walked in. Michael was sitting on the couch with his face in his hands. "The baby wasn't yours was it?" Diane asked, already knowing the answer. Michael just nodded. "Im so sorry michael...i know how much you wanted to be a father." Diane said as she sat...
continue reading...
The Following Morning
Ashley woke up to seeing Michael asleep. She looked under the covers and realized that they both...were naked. She blushed at first, but it soon faded.
'We...we made love...oh dear God.' She thought.
She heard knocking on the door and she quickly, yet carefully and quietly, got dressed. Once she was fully dressed, she went to the door and saw the guards. She left a note for Michael and left with the guards to the lair.
In The Lair
Once Ashley got to the lair, Sarah demanded she start dancing. Ashley did, but about half way through...she stopped.
"Who told you to stop?!" Sarah...
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~Jade's POV~
I saw him.
His face, full of fear and bewilderment. I saw him try to peice the puzzle together in his mind of what he just saw.
"M-Michael..." My mouth was dry. The air in the room suddenly turned cold and congested.

Slowly, he backed up, and I saw it coming before it even happened.
A figure passed behind him. Then he fell.
The crack echoed through the house.
"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I screamed at the spirits. I ran to him, but I couldn't. It was like pushing against glass. I couldn't move. I shreiked.

Will power can get you anywhere. When I got to his side finally, I picked him...
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"No! Let me go!" She shouted, trying to get out of their grasp, but to no avail.
They didn't listen to her. She mentally slapped herself, now knowing that she no longer had any control over them.
After 7 minutes
She came...
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The dress that Rebecca had in mind when she was dreaming of her wedding when she was little
6 months later
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Rebecca's dad :o
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After about a few hours, Rebecca woke up and stretched. She was still wondering how she was gonna tell Michael that he's gonna be a father. Before, she was dozing off, but now...she can't afford to doze off. Especially since she's pregnant, she can't. Rebecca looked at her watch and saw that it was around 9pm. She couldn't believe she slept that long. Well, she needed it. She barely slept last night because she kept waking up every hour. Isis came out of the bedroom and saw that Rebecca was awake. "Well, evening Rebecca. How was your nap?" She asked sarcastically. Rebecca shot a glare at her...
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In the nightmare
Rebecca and Michael were playing soccer with Brandon and Sean out in Neverland. Soon enough, Rebecca noticed a face and it was Josh. She turned to Michael, saying that they had to leave now. Josh was walking up to...
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posted by iluvfantasia
Michael, your just another part of me. i remember the time people made malicious tabloids and they only played you for the money. They always wanna be startin something with you. Is it scary to see us suffer? You werent bad or dangerous and you wanted people to come together to heal the world. You keep the faith and you were the man in the mirror and for that i just cant stop loving you. You make me smile and you made me realized that childhood is the best of joy. You rock my world and you are not alone. I am speechless for your irreplacable talent. But you were always a thriller to us all. I wanted to be your superfly sister.
Michael at his computer and on twitter
Michael at his computer and on twitter
After work
Rebecca drove Crystal home, mainly because Crystal couldn't drive yet...and they are the same age! Once they got to her house, she got out of the car. "Thanks, Rebecca! See you next week!" She said. "Yeah, later, Crystal!" Rebecca replied, waving while Crystal went inside her house. Rebecca backed out of the driveway and headed on home. During the drive, she got out her Invincible CD and started playing it. First song that started, of course, is Unbreakable. She loved this song, but she skipped through to track 5, which was Heaven Can Wait, for on track 6 was You Rock My World. She's...
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posted by koolkat-1994
Ok so it was 6:00pm at night. I was at home watching television and eating some popcorn. I was watching Michael at his interview. He was smiling and waving to the fans. Michael was saying I love you and God bless you to the fans. A big fan shouts out “ MICHAEL!! I LOVE YOU” and Michael said back to the fan I love you more and throws a kiss to her Smiling. The fan smiles and says OMG!!! HE THREW A KISS TO ME she said in a surprising happy voice. She was so happy she fainted. Than I started saying wow isn’t he amazing? My cat walked up to the television screen and tried to lick the screen...
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Becca's dress she got for Christmas
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At the house
Michael woke up an hour after Aislinn left and didn't see her. 'Where is she? Wait, what's this?' He thought picking up a note. He read it aloud. "Dearest Michael, I left with Kelly and Cory to get some things done before the wedding tomorrow. I hope you like what I did once you see it. I'll also be staying over at Cory's house for it is tradition that it's bad luck for the groom to see his bride the day of the wedding. Main reason why I'm staying at Cory's tonight, my dress is there. I hope you like the dress, too. It's modest, so you'll like it. Love you lots, my almost husband....
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