Monster High Club
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added by kndluva
Source: Monster High
added by WraithLette
Source: WraithLette
added by jenichamae123
added by breezy333
added by haynay24
added by haynay24
added by YamiStar
added by tinkerbell66799
Source: Monster High
added by tinkerbell66799
Source: Monster High
added by calilamorena
Source: nmji
added by monsterhigh44
Source: Wiki monster high
posted by prim17luvr101
Full Name: Clawdeen Lucia Wolf
Monster Parent: The Werewolf
Age: 15
Killer Style: I’m a fierce fashionista with a confident no-nonsense attitude. I’m also gorgeous, intimidating, and absolutely loyal to my friends.
Freaky Flaw: My hair is worthy of a shampoo commercial and that’s just what grows on my legs. Plucking and shaving is definitely a full time job but that’s a small price to pay for being scarily fabulous.
Pet: Crescent, a scary cute little kitten as fuzzy as I am.
Favorite Activity: Shopping and flirting with the boys!
Biggest Pet Peeve: I hate having so many of my brothers and...
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posted by xMiss-IceQueenx
Authors Note~ Hey Guys this is my new story called Seven Kingdoms and I worked like really hard on it . It has your favorite Monster High Characters in a sort of quest and adventurous story and a Medieval/Fantasy/Futuristic setting so I hope you like . 


The light flickered off the wall as the two doors opened to the large throne room in front of him.

"My lady , we don't have much time left till the rebellion begins we have to hurry." The tall black haired vampire spoke as he ran in.

The medium tall were-cat whipped around her orange hair flipping with her and...
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added by YamiStar
added by shamad
added by shamad
added by shamad
added by shamad
added by shamad