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-This is my own fan fiction I really want Katsuma to be with Poppet just enjoy please!-

Poppet is a waitress at a restaurant, which her salary is only $400 a month. She lives in a small house. Today, she worked hard because her target is that maybe if she works hard, her salary can be $1000?

"Poppet, serve better this time! We have Missy Kix in the restaurant!" says her boss. Poppet saw her favourite popstar, Missy Kix at a table. She picked up her notepad, and walked to Missy Kix. "What would you like to order, Missy Kix?" asks Poppet. "Just drinks. I'm not hungry. Maybe some orange juice,"...
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posted by WildGirl43
Dr. Stranglove:Tell me about Katsuma, NOW!!!! Even though I spied on you and him I didn't catch everything about Katsuma.
Poppet: 1st of all - I just met him. 2nd of all -Even if I did know a lot about him I'd rather be as ugly as you more than tell you.
Dr. Strangeglove:Fine. Let's do this the hard way.
Poppet: What are you gonna do?
Dr. Strangeglove: FISHLIPS!!!! GET OVER HERE!!!! Go kidnap one of the brute's pets.
Fishlips:Who do you want me to kidnap?
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posted by blermed
So I have quit MoshiMonsters for a while now and I've been finding codes all over my room so you guys can have them, here you go!:
posted by rosiepo123
Luvli Diavlo and Zommer
Luvli Diavlo and Zommer
Diavlo-is based on a lava volcano

Katzuma- is based on a cat of some sort

Luvli- is based on a flying cherry with wings

Furi-is based on a big brown monster

Poppet-is based on a cute pink monster with blue boots

Zommer- is based on a blue and purple zombie

Hope my guide is useful as my other guides too!
Katzuma in outfit
Katzuma in outfit
Lots of moshi monsters and moshlings
Lots of moshi monsters and moshlings
posted by rosiepo123
Poppet sticker book front cover
Poppet sticker book front cover
Poppet is a fab moshi monster.No monster can't like her.She cute kind friendly and a monstar!Have you heard her song it's so pawsome! She loves moshlings and sharing them!Whats not to like about her!

I hope you think that's she's pawsome too!
Geeky poppet
Geeky poppet
Poppet with Shishi
Poppet with Shishi
Poppet in pjs with bunny slippers on!
Poppet in pjs with bunny slippers on!
Poppet with ice scream yummy!
Poppet with ice scream yummy!
well you know the strangeglove song how his umbrella shoots the sarts well he does that to the door and it falls over he takes your monster and moshling. if you are a member you get your
money back but not your monster :( not cool.

my old monster aslo did this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(filling up room)

posted by WildGirl43
There was a moshi monster named Katsuma and he had amazing karate skills especially his four claw hurricane.
Then he saw a pink moshi monster that looks like a guinea pig.
Katsuma:Hi my name is Katsuma.
The pink moshi monster:Hi my name is Poppet.
Katsuma:Wanna go to an arcade?
When they were done playing at the arcade both of them went to the movie theater to watch Zootopia.
Poppet:That fox was really sneaky and smart enough to trick anybody.
Katsuma:I know right?!
Poppet:It was really fun being with you. I'll see you later
Katsuma. Bye!
Katsuma:Bye Poppet!
When it was night Poppet was asleep but then she was captured by an evil person named Dr. Strange glove and his assistant named Fishlips.Will Poppet be rescued.

To be continued..................
posted by Tinkalila
A Poppet From Moshi!
A Poppet From Moshi! is a fun site with millions of monsters created! Personally, I suggest it for ages 5-15. (I know, wide age range) When you create an account over at "Moshi" you can play games, take care of your monster, chat on forums, add friends, and more! In fact, is where I heard about this site! There is a daily blog post there, and one of the best & funniest parts of it is that they use LOTS of parodies! Here's some examples:
My Little Pony = My Little Mutant
Care Bears = Scare Bears
Tyra Banks = Tyra Fangs
Ikea = Yukea
And to make it all better, it's completely FREE unless you won't a Moshi Membership!
That's all for now! Add me @ Tinkalila on Moshi!
A Katsuma From Moshi!
A Katsuma From Moshi!
posted by Solefitjar27
Moshlings are adorable and a great addition to your Moshi Monsters Account! But you probably know that. Buy seeds from the seed card to catch a Moshling, and try some of these combinations!

Burnie (#78)- 2 Red Snap-apples, and 1 Blue Crazy-daisy (Member)
Jeepers(#73)- 1 Love Berries of Any color, 1 Blue Snap-apple, 1 Red Crazy-daisy (Member)
ShiShi (#87)- 1 Red Dragon Fruit, 1 Yellow Hot Silly Peppers, 1 Black Crazy-daisy (Member)
Gurgle (#83)- 1 Red Dragon Fruit, 1 Purple Love Berries, 1 Yellow Magic Beans
Chop Chop (#02)- Any 3 Dragon Fruit
Cleo (#80)- 1 Yellow Snap-apple, 1 Blue Crazy-daisy, 1 Pink Crazy-daisy (Member)
Cutie Pie (#91)- 1 Blue Dragon Fruit, 1 Pink Star Blossom, 1 Purple Crazy-daisy
To get Roxy (#101), E-mail:

I will post moshling seed requests in the forums or by message!
posted by rosiepo123
Me (Rosie )in my nice dress I love moshi!
Me (Rosie )in my nice dress I love moshi!
Hi we are Paige and Rosie! We are gonna show you are pics and selfies! We will be in are beautiful dresses! We are sisters!Hope you enjoy our pics and selfies!
Us in our fancy dress!
Us in our fancy dress!
Paige in her dress
Paige in her dress
Me so pretty!
Me so pretty!
Let me take a selfie! Click!!
Let me take a selfie! Click!!
posted by rosiepo123
My Luvli cuddly toy!
My Luvli cuddly toy!
Luvli is based on a magic flying cherry who lives in Monstro City.Her magic is lots of stars.The star on her head is really cute on her no matter if she's been to the colourama or not.

I think Luvli likes being a super moshi aswell as a normal 1.She likes going to Tyra's spa for a pedicure and also like shopping on Main Street for cool and cute items!Luvli is friends with all monsters ( which is a good thing )and loves the pawsome clothes in her shop.

Hope you enjoyed my article about Luvli the flying cherry with star powers!
Super Luvli toy
Super Luvli toy
Pic of Luvli
Pic of Luvli
Luvli pic on cover of moshi annual 2013
Luvli pic on cover of moshi annual 2013
posted by catgirl140
Ok, I trust everyone. I'm going to share my email I got today. Now read my mm email I got from my friend.

Hey Monica,
Do you remember when you dared me to prank mm in about the 2nd or 3rd term… well I did it was sooooo funny! Do you want me to tell you what I said? K…

Dear Roary Scrawl,
We need like more places for the monsters to go. We need to create a public pool a park and maybe in that candy cane cave you could create a museum on the history of Monstro city. For a great story you should read the daily growl entry from balletbabe217 (myself) for the dear...
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