My Little Pony Club
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added by glelsey
added by 80smusiclover1
added by 80smusiclover1
Aww, I wanna give her a hug!
my little pony
sweet stuff
added by BirdoFan77
added by BirdoFan77
added by BirdoFan77
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by Sheepypeepy on Derpibooru.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by Sheepypeepy on Derpibooru.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by Sheepypeepy on Derpibooru.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by Sheepypeepy on Derpibooru.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by Sheepypeepy on Derpibooru.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by Sheepypeepy on Derpibooru
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by Mommy Midday on Derpibooru.
added by dottiegirl2001
Source: pony
added by 80smusiclover1
Source: Deviantart
added by 80smusiclover1
Source: Deviantart
added by 80smusiclover1
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Jerry felt happy as he returned to his apartment.

Vito: You seem happy. How was work?
Jerry: Fun. Michael allowed me to fix my car for free.
Vito: That was kind of him. You'll probably have to fix it again within the week, but it's the thought that counts.
Jerry: How was your day?
Vito: I got a visit from 2 ponies from the FBI.
Jerry: The FBI?
Vito: They say they want to help us stay away from our family.
Jerry: How do you know they weren't in disguise?
Vito: Come again?
Jerry: What if they were really from the Costanza's?
Vito: I don't think the FBI would allow that to happen. They're usually on track...
continue reading...
added by 80smusiclover1
added by BirdoFan77
There's a G5 MLP game for the Switch, and it's really cute and fun! Did you know it exists?
my little pony