My Little Pony: FIM Fan Characters Club
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added by BirdoFan77
Source: I made this.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by artist Shuple.
added by darklordgirl759
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by artist Shuple.
added by noahnstar1616
Source: MLP: FIM Creator and me!
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by artist Laydeekaze.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by artist Nineplusten.
added by lolsmakemelol
Source: Me
added by FlamesYT
Source: doggy55
added by Crystal-Heart
posted by TrollBerry
Scarlet's Side.

I heard something in the brush. I cautiously crept toward where the noise came from. I moved some foliage and branches out of my way and peered into the small opening in the forest.
What I saw shocked me. It was something, but I don't know what to call it.
What I saw big creature with the body of a Pegasus with massive wings. The only thing that disturbed me was the colors on it and that it was eating something off the ground like a predator. I also noticed that there was also a terrible stench and I noticed it got strong the closer I got.
I recalled something Gale has told me about...
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added by BirdoFan77
Source: Pony Creator Full Version.
added by InvaderEleanor
Source: Me
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Eduard Zaborovskiy, the creator of the Avatar Maker:Pony app I used to make her.
added by blazeandarose
Source: Made in a pony maker
added by P-Celestia
Source: Who ever made this picture
added by doggy55
Source: google devan art
posted by pire39
Here's an idea: What if you could make your OWN kind of magic? Just post in comments, oh and heres a few rules:

Rule 1: Do not Overpower your magic. (Example: Summoning... oh I dont know... like a few hundred Ursa Majors?)

Rule 2: Keep the magic limited to these 3 dimensions: Physical, Mental, or Elemental

Rule 3: Remember that only UNICORNS or ALICORNS can use Magic.

Rule 4: This rule I like the most, there is 3 morality's your magic can be categorized, Good, Neutral, or Evil.

Now time for an Example:

Magic Name: Black Sun Magic (Yeah, I know its a reference to a game, *Sunglasses* deal with it.)...
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added by smartone123
Source: me :p
posted by balto-the-king
Twilight and Shining had been walking for over 10 minutes now. 'I wonder where she's taking me' Shining thought to himself. Twilight had been planning on what to do for his very special birthday, and nothing could be better than this. Twilight found this wonderful place and figured it would be perfect for her and Shining. She knew it would be the place for her to give him his present.
They were still five minutes from the location when Shiny decided he would slow down and let Twilight take the lead. He came to a slow trot so she was in front oh him as he walked directly behind her. As Twilight...
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