My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Club
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
It was just a normal day in Ponyville. Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash went to the lake to try out a new sailboat the three of them built together.

Rainbow Dash: What are we waiting for? Let's get this thing into the water already.
Rarity: Now now, we must make sure everything is in order.
Applejack: But we already did that back at your botique.
Rarity: Well, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Rainbow Dash: Alright.
Flim & Flam: *Arrive in a Silverado towing a trailer. On the trailer is a speed boat. They get out of the truck to greet Applejack* Well well well, if it isn't Applejack.
Applejack: The Flim Flam brothers? What in tarnation are you doing here?!
Flim: Testing out our new speed boat.
Flam: We found an alternative fuel for it, instead of polluting the landscape with gasoline, we've built this thing to run on gems.
Rarity: Gems?!
Flam: That's right. *Pulls out a green gem* Shall I fuel our boat up, and demonstrate to our friends how it works?
Flim: By all means.
Applejack: Is it me, or does that gem look similar?
Rarity: It looks like that gem the diamond dogs used to make us teleport into the 1800's.
Rainbow Dash: And the one Gilda used to get us into medieval times.
Flim & Flam: *Uninterested in their conversation*
Flim: Ehem.
Flam: We can hear you.
Flim: You really need to learn how to be quiet.
Flam: Besides, gems don't teleport ponies into-

Just then, the gem started to glow. With a flash of light, the gem teleported the five ponies into a desert. Lots of tall mountains could be seen in the background, and several cactus trees surrounded them.

Flim: My word, where are we?
Flam: I don't know. We must ask the locals. *Uses his magic to teleport away from the three ponies
Applejack: Typical, they're just gonna leave us out here to die.
Rainbow Dash: We're not gonna die.
Rarity: But we must figure out where we are.
Applejack: Right. That gem only teleports us into the past. Looks like we're in the Wild West.

Theme Song: link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Just Be Me

Episode 3: The Loyal, The Honest, And The Generous

Based off of the video by AgrolChannel on youtube.


Rainbow Dash
and Rarity

Also starring

The good ponies

Pierce Hawkins
Harry Calahan
Sweetie Belle
Twilight Sparkle

Also starring the bad ponies

Flim & Flam
Big Macintosh as The Gold Gunslinger
Tom Foolery
Jebediah Turner
Pedro Vandana
And Oddjob
Pedro Vandana
Pedro Vandana
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumblr, joycreator
added by NocturnalMirage
Source: original owners, EQD, tumbl, joycreator