Naomi follows a teen girl’s journey from her small northwestern town to the heights of the multiverse. When a supernatural event shakes her hometown to the core, Naomi sets out to uncover its origins...
@The Koalition -Our Entertainment Editor has seen the pilot episode of The CW's Naomi. She breaks down the show's themes, the plot, and her overall thoughts on the show, including what she hopes the show tackles in future episodes.
Naomi follows a teen girl’s journey from her small northwestern town to the heights of the multiverse. When a supernatural event shakes her hometown to the core, Naomi sets out to uncover its origins, and what she discovers...
@ryanmost -Meet the newest DC superhero, "Naomi". Premiering on The CW next year, the upcoming drama from executive producers Ava DuVernay and Jill Blankenship charts the journey of a cool, confident, comic book-loving teenager, Naomi McDuffle