Ni-Hao, Kai-Lan Club
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added by SwingSing737
Source: Who's Sad or Crying at the series finale of NHKL
added by SwingSing737
Source: Who feels bad for Kai-Lan
added by caesar213
added by caesar213
added by caesar213
Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures
Season 1, Episode 10
"The Great White Trophy"

[[The episode begins with Rintoo and Lulu in the living room.]]

Rintoo: Hey guys, I have an announcement to make.
Hoho: What is it?
Rintoo: Well, as you know, there's this competition to see who can make the best invention in China. First place gets this big trophy with a white crown on it. I'm telling you, this is gonna be an awesome contest.
Kai-Lan: Well, that's really good. What do you think you're gonna invent?
Rintoo: Well, I haven't thought about it yet. But when it comes to me, it'll be the scoop of the century.
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Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures
Season 1, Episode 11
"Former Life of Ye Ye"

[[The episode begins with Kai-Lan and Ye Ye doing some gardening.]]

Kai-Lan: What kind of flower is this, Ye Ye?
Ye Ye: That kind of flower is a yellow petunia. It came from the other side of the forest.
Kai-Lan: And this one?
Ye Ye: This one is a black rose. They're more likely to grow outside of China, but they can be shipped all the way from Japan.
Kai-Lan: That's great. How do you know all of these different types of flowers?
Ye Ye: You know, by looking at them and understanding what they are. Also, reading about them. That's...
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added by hornean
added by caesar213
ni hao kai-lan
video remix
added by caesar213
added by hornean
added by caesar213
Source: hooligans87 on deviantART
added by caesar213
posted by Ian16545
"Dim Sum, Lose Some": YeYe teaches Kai-Lan and her friends how to make dim sum.

"The Lulu Above and the Rintoo Below": Rintoo wants to fly in the air like Lulu.

"It's the Natural Thing to Do": Kai-Lan and YeYe go on a trip to a new safari park… only to find that Rintoo, Tolee, Hoho and Lulu are slated to be the new animals on display!

"High But Not Dry": Kai-Lan has to wear diapers because she wets her bed.

"Standby… Lights! Camera! Kai-Lan!": After attending a Hong Kong film festival, Kai-Lan decides to make her own movie.

"Travels with My Ants": The Ants are curious about what's on the other...
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added by matthewlindstrm
added by caesar213
Source: Tsuchiichi on deviantART
added by caesar213
Source: paradoxsquared on deviantART
added by hornean
added by caesar213