Once Upon A Time Club
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added by Saejima
Source: tvguidemagazine
added by Hua_Mu_Lan
added by tanyya
Source: captainswansource.tumblr.com
once upon a time
emma swan
killian jones
captain swan
added by TVfan97
Source: made by me
added by Saejima
Source: ew
added by FlightofFantasy
added by peteandco
Source: tumblr
added by peteandco
Source: tumblr
added by Saejima
Source: frivolouswhim@tumblr
added by nevara91
added by magichand
added by FlightofFantasy
Source: ABC
I've been meaning to do this for a long time and now I'm finally doing it. Once Upon A Time has a lot of really beautiful women. I believe these women are the true beauties of the show and some need more appreciation for their looks. Please leave a comment but keep in mind this is just my opinion.

First of all I'm not a big fan of her as a character, she has the personality of sand paper, but she's really beautiful. She has such long beautiful hair, even though it's in a weird style for most of the time we see her. I just love Asian eyes and her skin is lovely. She's such a natural...
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added by LLheart
added by LLheart
added by RoseRapunzel
Source: thedarkoneswan.tumblr.com
added by tanyya
Source: everythingjustends.tumblr.com