Ouran High School Host Club RP

LillyBlack posted on May 09, 2021 at 02:08AM
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Ouran High School Host Club 1882 replies

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Showing Replies 1551-1600 of 1882

over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Lotus stuck her tongue out at him from behind as he moved further ahead of her again. "Don't underestimate me, I can adapt faster than you think...!" The whole idea of vaulting over any of her obstacles scared her, but she tried to overcome it and tried to mimic Yato's movements again. It wasn't necessarily perfect, but it was good enough for her to be able to catch up to him once again, even getting very slightly ahead of him. "What happened to having an advantage, huh??"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: *He couldn't help but smirk* Well, I'm not worried about it... I'm just glad to see we've got a free runner in the works here... *He then upped his speed to get back ahead, then continued to use his parkour to traverse and keep boosting his momentum*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Who knows, maybe one day I'll be better than him.." As Yato got farther, Lotus just laughed to herself, "Clearly, that's gonna take some practice..." Lotus continued to run, still utilizing the techniques that she tried to copy from Yato. But, her legs starting to grow a little tired, causing her to not be able to go past him.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: *He then eventually made it to the house* Alright..... Looks like I'm here..... Alright, that was definitely interesting.... [I hope I didn't leave her too far...]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
When Lotus finally arrived to the house as well, she fell onto the grass in order to catch her breath a bit. Lotus giggled, "You're realll lucky I don't run often anymore.. Hmph, I probably would've won!" She said, jokingly. She knew well that with his experience in free running alone, she would've lost regardless.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: You need to learn parkour.... Once you learn how to do that and get yourself back to running more.... Then you'll be a top notch runner in no time...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Me learning parkour sounds like some prettyyy nice trips to the hospital.." Lotus said, sarcastically. "Those vaults alone were enough to scare me... Though watching you do it so nicely.." Lotus shrugged, "Kinda attractive, just saying.."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: Well..... I haven't really ran like that in a while.... At least, I haven't used parkour like that in a while.... At least, I haven't since I first met up with Kanami... She used to be a runner.... You can tell she used to be an escape artist...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Lotus stood up from the grass now that she was able to catch her breath a bit, "Well, I guess the little race was a good idea then, huh? Giving you a little refresh..." She then poked Yato's nose, "Congrats on winning though..!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: Well, I do thank you.... Maybe I should get a little something something... Especially since it sounds like you enjoyed the show as well. *He said winking at her*
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Oh?" Lotus wrapped her arms around Yato, "Maybe you do deserve a little something something for that, hm?" She kissed him on the lips and smirked, "Of course, maybe later.. We did come here for other reasons, no?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: Of course.... Uh....... Is she home? If she is I'd rather limit my interactions with her as much as I can...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Honestly, that goes for the both of us... But, typically on weekends like this, she's not here, so, I doubt we'll have to worry about her.. Don't worry, we'll only be taking be talking to Haru, alright?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato,: *He nodded* As long as I don't have to see her or be in the same space as her... I'll take it..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Lotus nodded and she then unlocked the front door, walking inside. She walked into the living room area and called out for Haru, "Haruu!! Are you home??"
Haru heard her yelling and rushed downstairs to the living room, "Lotus? I don't know whether to be shocked or happy that you're here.."
Lotus chuckled, "I guess you can be both? I'm happy to see you as well.." She said, embracing Haru. "But, I'm actually here because I need to talk to you about something.."
Haru tilted his head, "Oh?" He then sat down on the sofa, "Is something wrong?"
Lotus sat down with him, "Well... Yes... Remember how I used to ask about Ichiro all the time...?"
Haru raised his eyebrow, "Yes, I remember... If this is just another attempt of you asking me about him, it's not going to work, Lotus..."
Lotus shook her head, "It wouldn't matter anyways because I already know what you avoided telling me for so long..."
His eyes widened and then quickly glanced over to Yato, "Did you-"
Lotus cut off Haru's sentence, "Yato didn't do anything and he wasn't the reason why I found out... Supposedly Ichiro was out looking for me.. So, regardless, I was going to know..."
Haru calmed himself and then sighed, "I was planning on telling you myself, but, I didn't want you to know this soon..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: I tried to keep as careful about it as I could... But, things seemed to get out... Out of my control... Things have just been kind of spiraling....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Haru sighed, "It's understandable... It was only going to be more difficult for me to hide it from her the longer I waited..."
Lotus crossed her arms, "I'm still a little pissed that you and mom hid it from me for so long, but, that's not important... I have a favor to ask of you..."
"Which is...?" Haru asked.
Lotus began to explain, "Well, along with finding out about Ichiro and the whole yakuza thing.... I actually had the opportunity to meet him.. But, it wasn't a wholesome daughter, father meeting, of course... It was because he needed me to do something for him..."
"Leaves his daughter at birth yet comes back suddenly because he needs something from her..?" Haru questioned.
Lotus looked to the side, "I don't like it either, but, it seems like he doesn't mean any harm... At least towards me... But... Ichiro... He claims that mom stole money from him and wants me to find out about its whereabouts or at least any information about it... But, considering my relationship with mom, I'd get no where with it...."
"Mom stole money from Ichiro.....??" Haru sat there pondering a bit, until his eyes widened, realizing what Lotus may have been talking about. He stood up, "I may know what you're referring to but... I don't understand, why are you even helping him with this???"
"Haru, I don't want to get involved but he didn't really give me a choice..." Lotus said.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: I was skeptical of it all too... Truth be told, I'm working with this on the grounds that I'm not on the same eye to eye playing field as your mommy dearest...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Lotus nodded, "That and... He says if I don't help him with it... He'll just take the matters into his own hands and I rather not see the consequences of that..."
Haru raised an eyebrow, "So, what? You want me to speak to mom instead, see if I can get anything from her about it?"
Lotus gently nodded again, "Well, yeah.. You have a better relationship with her so you might get more from her than I can... Besides, it seems like you know a little bit about whatever Ichiro is referring to..."
"I have my ideas, but, I can't confirm that we're thinking about the same situation..." Haru sighed, "..... Fine... I'll talk to mom about it, I'll see what she says and then I'll get back to you... Only because it's for you, Lotus..."
"Really!??" Lotus stood up, quickly bringing Haru into hug, "I don't care what reason you're doing it for, as long as you're helping me... I really appreciate it..!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: *He couldn't help but scratch his head* Thanks.... [Damn that Touma... Had we not gotten caught by him, we wouldn't have to even worry about this... Why did he have to be the one?!]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"It's not much, really..... But, you're going to have to give me a few days..." Haru told them.
Lotus gave him a confused look, "A few days? Why?"
"Well, sure I have a good relationship with mom, but, that doesn't mean getting her to talk is going to be easy. It'll probably take me a bit to get her to even budge.. Mom likes to keep things to herself a lot more than you think," Haru explained.
"Hm, well... I guess that's still better than me trying to talk to her about it and making no progress at all..." Lotus said.
Haru nodded, "Well, unless you had anything else to talk to me about, Lotus.. You guys are honestly free to stay if you want, mom isn't coming home anytime soon. Oh! And don't worry, I'll make sure she doesn't find out that you two came over here today."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: Hm, thanks a bunch..... But, we still do have another matter to see into... *He said referring to Kenji's family* As much as I'd love the hospitality, we still gotta pay respects... I'd rather do it sooner than later...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Lotus eyes widened as she realized, "Oh, right! I almost forgot about that..."
Haru tilted his head, "Pay respects? To what?"
Lotus scratched her head, "Uhh, well, it's nothing you really have to worry about, Haru..."
He squinted his eyes at her suspiciously, "Uh-huh... Well, I won't question it and I'll let you two be..."
Lotus let out a sigh of relief since she didn't want to explain to Haru what happened previously, "In that case, we'll be taking our leave now... And thank you again, Haru, really... I honestly don't know what I'd do without you..."
Haru ruffled Lotus' hair, "I don't know what I'd do without you either, Lotus.."
Lotus gave him a smile and then exited the house with Yato, "To be honest, I almost forgot that we had to go to Kenji's.. Guess because of that meeting with Ichiro, I kind of got carried away."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: Understandable.... I would've been ready to see red thanks to Touma... But, there's things we still gotta take care of... I at least want to do right by his family...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Right... In that case, you can just follow me there. That race tired up my legs a little bit," Lotus said, beginning to walk in the direction of Kenji's home.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: *He then began to follow her* Alright then.... Guess making you have to bust out that inner track star made you tired huh? Did it just no longer interest you or what?
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Now, now I wouldn't necessarily say track starrr," Lotus said, laughing a bit at that. "But, yeah, I was in the track team for a while until I eventually wasn't interested in it anymore. Which actually a little after I left the team is when I decided to go to the Host Club. I guess it's kind of odd how I go from a sport to... however you wanna describe the Host Club..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: You went from a sport to flirt... That's the general way I'd put it... I could've probably done better playing a sport... At least, had I had everything a little more together...
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"I mean, soon enough you're going to have time to genuinely explore what you like and want! So, maybe then you can even join a sports team.. Who knows, maybe I'll even join the track team again..!"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: Hm, nah... This time around I've got a new mind in law.... So, I'll stick with my detective work for the time being... Speaking of.... I have to make a few calls.... I need to see every bit of medical records in relation to my mom's death.... But, I doubt I'll be able to see them.... Fortunately.... I know someone that may can give me an in.... His name's Kota Hisawa.... He's a Licensed Practical Nurse... I wouldn't doubt... He's able to get into get me records....
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Is that so? In that case, I'm sure you'll be able to get to that soon.. But for now..." They later arrived at the house of Kenji's family. As they were approaching the door, you can see the head of a young little boy peeking through the front window, his eyes lighting up immediately as he saw Lotus. Being unable to contain his excitement, he immediately ran out the front door, hugging Lotus' legs. "Lotus!!!" He yelled happily.
Lotus giggled as she was greeted with the hug and kneeled down to be at the same level as the little boy, "Hey, bud!" Lotus greeted him. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"
The boy nodded innocently, "Mhm! Look I even grew a little taller!!"
Lotus smiled, "Yeah, I can tell, Kai! Maybe one day I won't have to kneel down anymore, hm?"
"Yeah!" Kai then looked over to Yato, "Who is this? This isn't Kenji..."
Lotus looked to Yato then back to Kai, "Oh.. Well, that's my boyfriend, Yato!"
Kai tilted his head, "Ya.. to?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: Hey kid. My name's Yato.... As she said, I'm her boyfriend.... [Jeez, how do you even do this in front of a kid... Shit... At least..... The sooner the better....]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Oooo, hi Yato..!" Kai said. "...You have cool hair!"
Lotus just giggled at his response until a man came out the front door, looking for Kai, "Kai! What makes you think you can just run out so recklessly!?" The man then noticed Lotus kneeling nearby Kai, "... Lotus?"
Lotus looked up at the man that stood at the doorway, "Asai..."
"Well.. That explains Kai's excitement, hm? Long time no see, Lotus.." Asai glanced between Lotus and Yato, "Though, I see Kenji isn't with you... Is.. Something wrong?"
Lotus' eyes saddened a bit as he noticed, "Well.. That's what I'm here to talk to you about, actually..." Lotus stood up, picking up Kai along with her, "Can we go inside?"
Asai nodded, "Yeah, you're always welcome inside.."
"Just follow me.." Lotus told Yato as she then walked inside their home, still holding Kai in her arms.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: *He did just that. He followed Lotus into the house* [So.... The police haven't been here... Which means the body was never discovered. Which means Yagami was quick to cover up the situation.]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
As Lotus walked inside with Yato, she sat down in the living room area, sitting Kai down on her lap. Kai just comfortably rested his head against Lotus' shoulder.
Asai followed behind them and allowed them to settle down, "Oh! And I apologize for not introducing myself a little sooner," Asai said, bowing to Yato. "You may just refer to me as Asai. If you didn't know already, I'm Kai's and Kenji's father.. Is there anything I can get for either of you? Maybe something to drink or eat?"
Lotus nodded her head, "Just some water for me would be fine.. We don't plan to stay for too long."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: Oh, no.. But thank you sir... *He said shaking his head* [Damn it... The more I sit here... How do you tell a kid.... Let alone his father...... Why...... Why am I feeling like this now?]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
Asai nodded and left to go get Lotus her water. He later returned, handing it to her and then sat across from the two, "So.. What was it you wanted to talk to me about? What happened..?"
"Well, before that..." Lotus lifted Kai from her shoulder, "Kai, I think it may be best if you go to your room for a little bit, alright? This is grown-up talk..."
Kai looked at her and pouted, "But, I am a grown-up! I can stay and listen!"
Lotus let out a small chuckle, "I'm sure you are, Kai, but trust me... You'll find out a little later, ok?" Lotus told him, ruffling his hair.
"Hm..." Kai held out his pinky, "Pinky promise?"
Lotus nodded and wrapped her pinky with his, "Pinky promise.."
"Ok!" The pinky promise put Kai in a better mood as he then left to his room.
Lotus watched Kai leave and then changed her focus back to Asai, "I rather not say it with Kai around but... About what I wanted to tell you..." Lotus looked down at her hands, "I don't know how to phrase this, but..... Kenji..." She didn't realize this, but tears were already beginning to stream down her face, "......... As of last night... He's.. He's not with us anymore..."
Asai froze there for a few seconds in disbelief until he slowly started to just shake his head, refusing to believe the news, "No, no... That's impossible... Kenji.. is not with us anymore..? He's gone..? No... H- He was perfectly fine the last time I saw him.."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: *He couldn't help but clench his hand into a fist, knowing that Touma had a slight involvement in it. But even knowing that Kanami was the one who killed him, he couldn't deny it in his mind* [Why?! Why didn't you just live your life like every other student?! You shouldn't have gotten this far involved!!!]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"If I may ask.... What exactly happened to him...?" Asai asked.
"Honestly, as much as I can tell you, Kenji... He was shot.." Lotus looked down, "But.... Other than that, I don't have too much information I can provide for you about it... I'm sorry..." Lotus said, knowing well that she was lying. But, she knew it was better if Asai didn't know all the details.
Asai sighed, "I guess, it's alright, Lotus....." He then stood up and walked to the window, staring outside, "As much of a front he would put on at home, as if he was someone with some sort of pure soul... I already knew of the type of things he would do every time he would step outside of this house.... It was no mystery to me, but... I never decided to do anything about it...." Asai then clenched his fists, "If I confronted him about it... Maybe.. Maybe he wouldn't be......"
Lotus shook her head, "Asai, no! Don't blame yourself for this... Knowing Kenji, nothing would've stopped him... Even I've tried and I knew nothing was ever going to change how that boy acted..."
"But.... But, now my own son is gone!" Asai yelled. "First was his mother and now... Now I had to go and lose him too, right!?" Streams of tears started to go down his face, which only continued no matter how many times he tried to wipe them away, "I'm sorry.... I'd much prefer if you didn't see me like this..."
Lotus stood up from the couch, "It's fine.... I.. I just felt like I needed to be the one to tell you.... Especially since.." She looked down, "Especially since none of this probably would've happened if I just never got involved with your son to begin with...."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: ...... [No..... The reality of it is..... If she hadn't met me.... Then Kenji would still be alive... Kenji was killed by Kana, who has a connection to me... Wait a second....... What happened to her?] I.... I apologize for asking..... But what happened to his mother?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
".......... Shortly after Kai's birth, she became extremely ill... Something similar occurred when Kenji was born, so, we assumed it was the same case and she would be fine... But, no... Whatever happened to her after Kai's birth was much worse....." Asai explained. "Doctors weren't able to help identify what it was, it's almost like my only option was to just sit by her side and watch her suffer, I was useless....... And a few days after that, she passed away...."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: ........... I apologize again for asking... [She died in a way that wasn't identifiable... Kenji was around my age.... It couldn't be..... Could it? There's no way.... Why in the hell....]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"No need to apologize, you were only curious... Speaking on it helps me come to terms with it..." Asai let out a sigh and then turned back around from the window to face Lotus and Yato. "But, thank you for telling me about all this.."
Lotus nodded, "Of course, it's something you deserve to know. And if you ever need anything during this time, you'll always have my support.."
"You have an amazing soul, you know that, Lotus? You're so kind to Kai and I.. Sometimes I wonder how Kenji was able to meet someone like you... Oh, and speaking of Kai, I'll tell him about all this, you don't have to worry about it... " Asai told her.
Lotus scratched the back of her head, "I try, I guess... But.. Alright, I'll leave that matter to your hands.." Lotus looked to Yato, "In that case, are you alright to go..?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: Yeah.... *He then bowed again* I'm sorry again for your loss.. I'll be alongside Lotus for support as well Asai-san... [It's a bit selfish of me to be asking, but I need to see if her death is linked... If that's the case... Then why? I just need to figure out one more thing... But I need that answer from Lotus... Id rather not keep asking the man while he's grieving as is.]
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Thank you, I really appreciate it..." Asai said.
"Of course.." Lotus then made her way out along with Yato, probably heading back home. "I already know how sad Kai gets anytime I leave..." She looked down, "So, imagine how he'll be when he finds out about Kenji..... But, I guess I'm glad we got that over with..."
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: .... Yeah......Question though..... What..... What was Kenji's last name? [I need to find medical records... If I can, I want to compare them... See if they match up....]
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Kenji's last name..? Hmm.. If I recall correctly it was Iida.. Kenji Iida.." Lotus looked at him, tilting her head, "Why do you ask?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: While I'm looking for the records of my own mother, I also want to look into Kenji's mother as well.. They both died in some similar unidentifiable way... I'm believing that foul play was among both of those cases..
over a year ago LillyBlack said…
"Hmm, now that I think about it, both stories do seem to walk down the same line..... If they really are similar, then... Do you think it could be possible they weren't the only ones that this happened to?"
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Yato: ....... If that's the case, then why them.... There's an odd thing going on... If Touma's tied.... Then..... Why?!