Ghostbusters Frozen Empire is out now - the fifth film in the franchise, a sequel to 2021’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife, follows Gary Grooberson (Rudd) and the Spengler family as they team up with the original members of the Ghostbusters team...
Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon, Finn Wolfhard, Mckenna Grace, and director Gil Kenan sat down with RT correspondent Naz Perez to talk about their movie ‘Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire’. The cast shared their reaction to Slimer’s return...
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire stars Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon chat with Jay Penn of Regal Cinemas to discuss how they are able to let things go and move on as working actors. Finn Wolfhard and Mckenna Grace discuss their haunting history...
Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon, Finn Wolfhard, Mckenna Grace, and director Gil Kenan sat down with RT correspondent Naz Perez to talk about their movie ‘Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire’. The cast shared what situation they’d least like...
Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon, Finn Wolfhard and Mckenna Grace sat down with CinemaBlend’s Sean O’Connell to talk all things “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire.” Tune in to their chat about working with the legendary Dan Aykroyd, paying tribute...
Paul talks through the film, working with an iconic cast including Bill Murray, his love for British culture with Gogglebox being a favourite, why he would be a pervy ghost, kissing slimer, being sexy & his love for Guinness.
JOE chatted to Paul Rudd ahead of the release of Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire.
He chatted about his love of Guinness, being voted World's Sexiest Man and what he'd do if he was a ghost.
Paul Rudd told us he'd like to go back in time to meet Jesus Christ and gave us a brief insight into his childhood in 1904... Finn Wolfhard explains what the coolest thing is about being a part of the Ghostbusters franchise and McKenna Grace...
The Spengler family and Gary Grooberson, played by Paul Rudd, have taken over the iconic NYC firehouse in Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. As the newly instated Ghostbusters, the team finds themselves struggling against decades worth...
Chris Killian sat down with the cast of Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, to talk about bringing the iconic franchise back to the big screen...what it's like having Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and the rest of the OG Ghostbusters back on set...