so of corse now were back at camp and im stuck in the hades cabin
yes nicos cabin
not mine
hes convinced he can save me
i sure hope so
this place is lit uop like the fourth of july" i say to him
"i cant l;et one shadow in thuis casbin not ONE" he replies
hes insane
im allowed out during the day
nights another story\
it goes on liken thisn for a week until they have the forcefeild reinforced
to keep out the slenderman
niosterian and troy were allowwed into camp
naturally they got together
now hes preparing for my birthday party since there done so he thinks im safe
you cant escape fate
but you can pretend it doesnt exist for a while
well im off to my birthday party
yes nicos cabin
not mine
hes convinced he can save me
i sure hope so
this place is lit uop like the fourth of july" i say to him
"i cant l;et one shadow in thuis casbin not ONE" he replies
hes insane
im allowed out during the day
nights another story\
it goes on liken thisn for a week until they have the forcefeild reinforced
to keep out the slenderman
niosterian and troy were allowwed into camp
naturally they got together
now hes preparing for my birthday party since there done so he thinks im safe
you cant escape fate
but you can pretend it doesnt exist for a while
well im off to my birthday party
i climb into a cubby as the sun sets
i start singin Adeles Set fire to the rain
and what do you know it started raining
"I setr fire to the rain" as i sing the line the rain in front of the mouth of the cave catches fire
you couldve been more specific aphrodite i thinlk as i keep singing and tears stream down my cheeks
this cant be happening
i keep singing its the only thing i know
the flmaming rain keeps falling
well dad did always used to say i had a powerful voice
nico comes out of the shadows
i ignoree him and keep singing he holds me close and i have to wonder is this real
or fake
it is you" he says
"what i askj" still chocking on tears
your voice i heard it in the dream it is yuou" he says
he hands me a necklace
its absolutly beutiful
suddenly it turns into a electric guitar
i start singin Adeles Set fire to the rain
and what do you know it started raining
"I setr fire to the rain" as i sing the line the rain in front of the mouth of the cave catches fire
you couldve been more specific aphrodite i thinlk as i keep singing and tears stream down my cheeks
this cant be happening
i keep singing its the only thing i know
the flmaming rain keeps falling
well dad did always used to say i had a powerful voice
nico comes out of the shadows
i ignoree him and keep singing he holds me close and i have to wonder is this real
or fake
it is you" he says
"what i askj" still chocking on tears
your voice i heard it in the dream it is yuou" he says
he hands me a necklace
its absolutly beutiful
suddenly it turns into a electric guitar
were in this strange phsychadellic feild
swirling images all around
"where are you im going to come get you eright now. . . "
"i wish i knew"
"you mean you dont know"
"no . . .listen were only here for a short time im not suppossed to be here"
"so lets make the best of it"
he pulls me into his arms i look up at him as he smiles down at me
he pulls my face up to him for the most electric kiss imaginable
"ilove you"
"i love you too"
we kissed again but it was different this time he started dissolving away
"take care of yourself"
suddenly im in darkness
loud cvackling rips terough my dream
"you want tos see your precious nicky bear then LOOOK"
she cant do this
noyt to him
i scream as his back arcs in pain
i jerk upward screaming
swirling images all around
"where are you im going to come get you eright now. . . "
"i wish i knew"
"you mean you dont know"
"no . . .listen were only here for a short time im not suppossed to be here"
"so lets make the best of it"
he pulls me into his arms i look up at him as he smiles down at me
he pulls my face up to him for the most electric kiss imaginable
"ilove you"
"i love you too"
we kissed again but it was different this time he started dissolving away
"take care of yourself"
suddenly im in darkness
loud cvackling rips terough my dream
"you want tos see your precious nicky bear then LOOOK"
she cant do this
noyt to him
i scream as his back arcs in pain
i jerk upward screaming

the olympian gods
Happily I walked to the Athena cabin ,suddenly a strong grip held me back."Hey Percy,"Rachel said to me and my heartbeat went back to normal,just Rachel .I thought.Soon I had totally forgotten about meeting Annabeth at the beach and had started a deep conversation about seaweed and my brain.We went on a small stroll on the beach.Suddenly Rachel pushed me into the refreshing sea water but as revenge I pulled her in with me ,as I was breathing I realized she couldn't breath underwater and Quickly made a air bubble .Suddenly before I could notice she kissed me putting in lots of force.I pushed her of me a millisecond after,she looked sad when she said"didn't you like it Percy??!" and soon I replied "yes !" and started sucking her neck while she slowly slid her hands under my 'PJ and AC are bff's" shirt and soon we were doing full on kissing and at this point I noticed I loved Rachel not Annabeth!

dreamed of an owl and a horse walking peacefully along the seashore. They seemed powerful. The horse had a sea green mane but he had a coat of sparkling silver. The owl was wearing a battle armor . She (I thought the owl was a girl because of her feminine grace) flew over the back of the horse and embraced its mane with her long, graceful wings. The two ceased in a cave as soon as the sky began to rain. The owl lit a fire by spreading her wings. The horse lay down in a feather-made mattress which seemed to be weaved by a hand.The cave also appeared to be theirs.
"Father will not find us here. I covered it with magical borders so no power can lure us." The owl assured the shivering horse. The horse whinnied," You've already tried your best. It is time to rest now.". The owl hesitated. Suddenly, a lightning blasted..
"Father will not find us here. I covered it with magical borders so no power can lure us." The owl assured the shivering horse. The horse whinnied," You've already tried your best. It is time to rest now.". The owl hesitated. Suddenly, a lightning blasted..
Tiered of trying,
sick of crying,
yes I'm smiling,
but inside I'm dying!
In a life without love,
In a world without hate,
In a house without people,
and in a body without a soul,
There lays true saddness.
A life without a friend is no life,
a friend without a life is no friend.
A body without a soul is no body,
a soul without a body is no soul.
With hate, comes love,
With saddness comes happyness,
With life comes death.
With every good thing, there comes a bad thing.
befor you can find true happyness,
you need to expiriens deep saddness.
For those who do not belive,
will never find what they seek.
My heart is broken,
you ruined it with your words,
your words were; goodbye.
sick of crying,
yes I'm smiling,
but inside I'm dying!
In a life without love,
In a world without hate,
In a house without people,
and in a body without a soul,
There lays true saddness.
A life without a friend is no life,
a friend without a life is no friend.
A body without a soul is no body,
a soul without a body is no soul.
With hate, comes love,
With saddness comes happyness,
With life comes death.
With every good thing, there comes a bad thing.
befor you can find true happyness,
you need to expiriens deep saddness.
For those who do not belive,
will never find what they seek.
My heart is broken,
you ruined it with your words,
your words were; goodbye.

Percabeth Fan Art made by me.

Nickname(s):Maria, MJ, Jones, Sunny
Hair Color :Blonde
Eye color: Golden Yellow
Mortal Parent: Hannah Jones
Godly Parent: Apollo
Height: 6"0
Weapons: Bow and Arrow, Hypnosis Singing
Appearance: Blonde hair w/ orange tips and brown highlights, orange and yellow sun shirt, beige shorts, orange sneakers, sun charm necklace.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Sunny days, singing, candy, guitars, Lance. Dislikes: Danielle, Cats, Grapes
Enemies: Danielle Morgan, Flannery McBurlap