Phil Collins Updates

a photo was added: Phil Collins (2016) over a year ago by DoloresFreeman
an article was added: In All The Years over a year ago by TyT2
a question was added: Phil Collins visited Radio Lion to do an interview one Saturday in July 1983. Does anyone know the date of the interview. over a year ago by IainE
fan art was added: Phil Collins over a year ago by DoloresFreeman
a wallpaper was added: Phil Collins over a year ago by DoloresFreeman
a video was added: Cover of "Take me home" over a year ago by svobodan
a link was added: Genesis Spot over a year ago by DoloresFreeman
a comment was made to the photo: Phil Collins over a year ago by alepop
a question was added: Have been a lifelong fan of Phil Collins & Genesis.Going to see Phil's Not Dead Yet Tour on Oct 19,2018.How to request songs Home by the Sea & Second Home by the Sea for this concert? over a year ago by kstalder
a question was added: I saw PhIL Collins many times. I last saw him at his farewell your in Los Angeles. Is he going to come back and tour in the U.S.? over a year ago by Deepsea1
a video was added: Phil Collins drum Solo over a year ago by Katy9555
a poll was added: Vote for a New Club Icon over a year ago by Katy9555
a poll was added: Vote for a New Club Banner over a year ago by Katy9555
a poll was added: Do you have his autobiography? over a year ago by Katy9555
a question was added: Tickets for concert today Royal Albert Hall over a year ago by Kristina77
a question was added: Can anyone tell me if Phil Collins ever played with a band called Ultimate High? He is mentioned on the sleeve as the drummer but not sure if it's 'the' Phil over a year ago by Laulau81
an answer was added to this question: What is your fave Phil Collins song? over a year ago by Lorenzo_Odone
a comment was made to the poll: What's the best Phil Collins band? over a year ago by Shannon1982
a poll was added: Do you like the song "Jesus He knows me" ? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a comment was made to the answer: I like the No Way Out (Single Version), You'll Be In My Heart, and most of the other songs from the Brother Bear soundtrack. over a year ago by JackieSparrow
an answer was added to this question: What is your fave Phil Collins song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a pop quiz question was added: What song? "Like a river to the sea I will always be with you And if you sail away I will follow you"? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a pop quiz question was added: What song? "Ah, I've just got to have her, have her now I've got to get closer but I don't know how" over a year ago by Hughmygod
a pop quiz question was added: What song "I try to forget and yet, still rush to the telephone I'm waiting in line Would you say if I was wasting my time" over a year ago by Hughmygod
a comment was made to the poll: Favorite Single From The Album: Dance Into The Light? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a comment was made to the poll: Favorite Single From The Album: No Jacket Required over a year ago by Hughmygod
a comment was made to the poll: Favorite Single? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a poll was added: What song out of these? over a year ago by Hughmygod
a pop quiz question was added: lyrics to what song? "There's so much love you'll never know She can reach you no matter how far Wherever you are" over a year ago by Hughmygod
a comment was made to the poll: favourite phil collins song over a year ago by MalloMar
an icon was added: Phil Collins over a year ago by LEH-Pjevsen
a comment was made to the photo: Drummer over a year ago by ymlane
a video was added: Phil Collins-Strangers like me over a year ago by natasajackson
a link was added: And finally Phil Collins in Kilmarnock over a year ago by SteveCS
a comment was made to the poll: what do you like about Phil collins over a year ago by Hughmygod