Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Club
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added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
super mystery dungeon
mystery dungeon
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
added by charizard_love
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
added by daisydog8889
added by Advance-Artist
added by charizard_love
added by charizard_love
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
added by Tawnyjay
Source: Rightful Owners
Heavy breathing filled the ears of the girl passed out on the grainy sand. "Huh-" The girl started to murmur,but her heavy eyelids got the best of her and she passed out.

Silver paced the guild's entrance. "Should I go,should I..." Silver finally gave up after what seemed like hours. He sighed. "Not today,I guess..." He walked away,and crossed he wishing well. He glanced at it,as if expecting something to jump out. He chuckled unexpectedly,and shoved his hands in his pockets. He walked over to the bright beach,beautiful in the golden sunlight,and if you squinted your eyes,you could see bubbles...
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Thinking in my head, I toss back and forth in my hay-mattress bed. Hmmm...I wonder if Snowball is awake. Only one way to find out, right? "Snowball?" I whisper quietly so no one near us hears me. "Are you awake Snowball?" I whisper again. "Y-yeah? What is it?" she responds the same tone I asked. "This is great. Ya' know? Being an Exploration Team so quickly? Guildmaster Wigglytuff sure was kind to let us in. And we ate berries to our tummy's content!" I point out. "You're right." My Piplup friend's beak opens and she lets a YAAAAWWWWWNNNNN escape from her mouth. "I can tell you are tired. We...
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posted by Pipchupy
This is for those who don't have sky or could not win the Special Episode.As you know it,this is Special Episode 2,Igglybuff the Prodigy.Do you know how Wigglytuff became an explorer...?Find out in this article.

Chatot:Whisper...whisper(Guildmaster,it's me,Chatot.I'm coming in.)
Here's you're perfect apple!I'm begging you,please let me stop doing this.(That is,even if I didn't bring the Guildmaster a Perfect Apple he will sneak and bring himself one.)

Guildmaster:Yay!Perfect Apple!(Someting fell)Oh,no!Whew,it's safe.I thought it was chipped or broke when I dropped it.

Chatot:Was that a Defend Globe?It's nice to see you take good care of an item.(Like how he takes care of his Perfect Apple,like right now.)Why are you holding this?It only has effect on Bug-type pokemon.

Guildmaster:I know but...the staring point.

To be continued.....
Okay. Here we go. I have to be brave. Braver than the average Cyndaquil. Standing in front of a world famous exploration team building. Wigglytuff's Guild. I must stop being afraid of confronting what needs to be right! All of my life I've been dreaming of this moment! To be an exploration team with guildmaster Wigglytuff! I take a deep breath and take one step on a wooden gate. It kinda hurts me, though. "Footprint spotted! Footprint spotted!" A voice calls. "Gah!" I'm surprised to hear a Pokemon's voice under a foot-gate. "Whose footprint?! Whose footprint?!" Another voice calls but is louder...
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added by charizard_love
This is a ralts for people who don't know!
This is a ralts for people who don't know!
Then, next thing I knew I was infront of a huge building that looked like a Wigglytuff. "Let me guess... this is the recue team head corders?" I said, "Yep! This is where my older brother Alakazam told me to come if me or any of my friends are in a sitchuation!" Abra replied. Then when we walked in I stepped on somthing that al of the sudden went "POKE'MON DETECTED, POKE'MON DETECTED! WHO'S FOOT PRINT, WHO'S FOOT PRINT?! It's Ralts!". I yelped in fear and jumped off it like it was on fire! Then Abra and Gastly did stepped on it and left like nothing happened. I was then imbarised from yelping....
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