Okay. Here we go. I have to be brave. Braver than the average Cyndaquil. Standing in front of a world famous exploration team building. Wigglytuff's Guild. I must stop being afraid of confronting what needs to be right! All of my life I've been dreaming of this moment! To be an exploration team with guildmaster Wigglytuff! I take a deep breath and take one step on a wooden gate. It kinda hurts me, though. "Footprint spotted! Footprint spotted!" A voice calls. "Gah!" I'm surprised to hear a Pokemon's voice under a foot-gate. "Whose footprint?! Whose footprint?!" Another voice calls but is louder than ever! "The footprint is Cyndaquil's! The footprint is Cyndaquil's!" How did that Pokemon find out what species I am??? "Ah!" I run as fast as my little feet can carry me. "I'm getting out of here! AAaaaahhh!!"
I come to a stop near my favorite beach. The Kingler blow bubbles every sunset. It's so soothing. "I love it here. So much!" I close my eyes, letting all of my little Cyndaquil problems go away. "Ughhhh..." Huh?! Opening my eyes in surprise, I look left and right for the voice. I see a Pokemon unconcious on the sandy beach side near some brown rocks. Running towards the figure, I gasp. "H-h-h-hello? Who are you? Hello?!" I call out to the pengiun-like Pokemon. "Huh?! Ah! Who are you?" The Piplup is certainly very frightened! "Honestly, I should be asking you that question! But, I'm sorry I woke you up so harshly! I'm Flames! Flames the Cyndaquil!" I introduce myself warmly. "I'm sorry too, Flames. It's just that... I don't remember how I got here!" A drop of sweat runs down my ear. "What do you mean you don't remember?" I question her. "I don't know! At least I remember my name! It's Snowball! And as you can see I am a..." Snowball looks down at her body and puts on a 'what-the-heck!' face. "Oh my gosh!!! I'm a Piplup!!! How did I turn into a Piplup!!!????" I keep staring at snowball without an answer. "I have no idea!" I respond. "I absolutely CAN'T be a Piplup! I'm a human! H-U-M-A-N! Human!!!" While she keeps suffering her breakdown, I want to find out how she WAS a human! "I don't know about you, Snowball, but, you're a pretty good speller!" I giggle.
I come to a stop near my favorite beach. The Kingler blow bubbles every sunset. It's so soothing. "I love it here. So much!" I close my eyes, letting all of my little Cyndaquil problems go away. "Ughhhh..." Huh?! Opening my eyes in surprise, I look left and right for the voice. I see a Pokemon unconcious on the sandy beach side near some brown rocks. Running towards the figure, I gasp. "H-h-h-hello? Who are you? Hello?!" I call out to the pengiun-like Pokemon. "Huh?! Ah! Who are you?" The Piplup is certainly very frightened! "Honestly, I should be asking you that question! But, I'm sorry I woke you up so harshly! I'm Flames! Flames the Cyndaquil!" I introduce myself warmly. "I'm sorry too, Flames. It's just that... I don't remember how I got here!" A drop of sweat runs down my ear. "What do you mean you don't remember?" I question her. "I don't know! At least I remember my name! It's Snowball! And as you can see I am a..." Snowball looks down at her body and puts on a 'what-the-heck!' face. "Oh my gosh!!! I'm a Piplup!!! How did I turn into a Piplup!!!????" I keep staring at snowball without an answer. "I have no idea!" I respond. "I absolutely CAN'T be a Piplup! I'm a human! H-U-M-A-N! Human!!!" While she keeps suffering her breakdown, I want to find out how she WAS a human! "I don't know about you, Snowball, but, you're a pretty good speller!" I giggle.

This is a ralts for people who don't know!
It is a 32 to the 34th power or around a 1 in 149657767662684000000000000000000000000000000000000 chance so you aren't going guess one right unless you know the code exactly......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... so yeah... and this article needs to be longer so these are just extra words to make it be as long as it can possibly be so............................................................................................I think it's long enough now =)
We left on when everybody goes home.
(Igglybuff goes to bed)
Mama:Sleep now,little child.You are truly adorable.Sleep now sweet,little child.
Mama:...All right,he's sleeping.Hey,Papa.I've been worried about something...
Papa:Huh?What is it,Mama?
Mama:I heard from Igglybuff's friends today...Igglybuff is being manipulated by some bullies.
Papa:Some bullies?
Mama:Yeah.Igglybuff's friends came to talk to me about it.Hey,Papa.You don't think he'd become like them,do you?Sometimes,I really have no clue what that child is thinking...So I'm a little worried...
Papa:Yeah...That does seem troublesome...But...But I think it's all right.Igglybuff is still so cheerful...No matter how he may seem,deep down,he has a good heart.Besides...Didn't we have this discussion before...Back when...I climbed that mountain with Igglybuff.On our way home...
To be continued.....
(Igglybuff goes to bed)
Mama:Sleep now,little child.You are truly adorable.Sleep now sweet,little child.
Mama:...All right,he's sleeping.Hey,Papa.I've been worried about something...
Papa:Huh?What is it,Mama?
Mama:I heard from Igglybuff's friends today...Igglybuff is being manipulated by some bullies.
Papa:Some bullies?
Mama:Yeah.Igglybuff's friends came to talk to me about it.Hey,Papa.You don't think he'd become like them,do you?Sometimes,I really have no clue what that child is thinking...So I'm a little worried...
Papa:Yeah...That does seem troublesome...But...But I think it's all right.Igglybuff is still so cheerful...No matter how he may seem,deep down,he has a good heart.Besides...Didn't we have this discussion before...Back when...I climbed that mountain with Igglybuff.On our way home...
To be continued.....