Thinking in my head, I toss back and forth in my hay-mattress bed. Hmmm...I wonder if Snowball is awake. Only one way to find out, right? "Snowball?" I whisper quietly so no one near us hears me. "Are you awake Snowball?" I whisper again. "Y-yeah? What is it?" she responds the same tone I asked. "This is great. Ya' know? Being an Exploration Team so quickly? Guildmaster Wigglytuff sure was kind to let us in. And we ate berries to our tummy's content!" I point out. "You're right." My Piplup friend's beak opens and she lets a YAAAAWWWWWNNNNN escape from her mouth. "I can tell you are tired. We should get some sleep. There's a big day ahead of us." I say. Laying my head on the 'pillow', I fall fast asleep.
"UP AND AT 'EM! IT'S MORNING!!!!" yells a loud Pokemon. It's hard to identify a Pokemon when your eyes are closed. "Uhhhh...good morning....Snowball..." I say, half asleep. Snowball stands up off of her bed and lets her wings and flippers stretch for length. "Morning Flames!" Snowball greets me. "Oh my gosh we're late!!" We both move as fast as we can to the lobby where everyone is probably waiting for us.
We arrive and everyone is staring at us like we just committed a crime. Chatot flaps his wings stressfully with an expression on his face that looks like he's upset. "What are you two doing up so late? You girls are lucky that Guildmaster Wigglytuff isn't here yet or he'll...he'll-" "GOOD MORNING FRIENDS!" "HELLO GUILDMASTER WIGGLYTUFF!" We all respond. "Guildmaster, I suggest you address the Friend Code for our new recruits." Chatot whispers to the Guildmaster. "Zzzzz...Snorfle...Zzzzz..." Everyone starts chatting when they realize that the Guildmaster is asleep. But how can he be asleep?! His eyes are open! "Is he asleep?" "No doubt about it!" "Yeah you got that right!" "EEeek! But his eyes are open!" Chatot clears his throat to get all of the crew's attention. "Thank you sir! We all value your...uhhh...words of wisdom." Chatot says. "Ok Pokemon! Take our Guildmaster's words of wisdom to heart! Finally, let's not forgot our morning cheers!" Morning cheers? "What's he talking about?" Snowball asks me. "ONE! DON'T SHIRK WORK! TWO! RUN AWAY AND PAY! THREE! SMILES GO FOR MILES!" Everyone shouts except for Snowball and I. Since we don't know the cheer, we were just listening. "Ok Pokemon! Get to work!" Chatot dismisses us. "HOORAY!" Everyone cheers. A Diglett and Dugtrio dig into the ground and leave. While the others-Sunflora, Croagunk, Bidoof, Loudred, Corphish, and Chimecho- leave to do their duties. "C'mon let's go, Flames!" Snowball tells me as I'm daydreaming. We both take one step to the left and Chatot flaps his wings like before. "Hey! You shouldn't just be wandering around here! You two come with me!" Chatot commands us. We follow him up a bamboo-like ladder. Snowball and I stand in front of a wooden board with flyers on it. Chatot stands before us. "You two are just rookies. So, we'll have to start you with this adventure!" The Music Note Bird Pokemon takes a flyer off of the wall. "This'll do!" He hands Snowball the flyer for her to read. Snowball clears her throat. "Hello! My name is Spoink! An outlaw has run off with my most prized possesion. My precious pearl! That pearl is life me! I just can't seem to settle down if that pearl isn't in it's proper place atop my head! But I've heard my pearl has been spotted! It said to be on a rocky bluff. But this bluff is reported to be really unsafe! I could never go somewhere that freaky! Oh, friendly reader, would you be so kind as to go to the bluff and get my pearl? I beg your help, exploration team member! ~From, Spoink." My eyes start to widen. "Wait a second!! We're only supposed to fetch an item someone dropped?!" Now I'm angry! My voice raises. I return back to normal. "I'd rather look for treasure or disccover the unknown! Things like that." I exclaim. Once again, Chatot flaps his wings agressively. "Hush! It's important that you rookies do your duties. Now pay attention! I repeat the warnings. If you are kicked out of a dungeon, you will lose all of your money and some of your items. Now, do you understand what you are going to be against?" "YES SIR!" We shout. "Good! Now get to work you two!"
"UP AND AT 'EM! IT'S MORNING!!!!" yells a loud Pokemon. It's hard to identify a Pokemon when your eyes are closed. "Uhhhh...good morning....Snowball..." I say, half asleep. Snowball stands up off of her bed and lets her wings and flippers stretch for length. "Morning Flames!" Snowball greets me. "Oh my gosh we're late!!" We both move as fast as we can to the lobby where everyone is probably waiting for us.
We arrive and everyone is staring at us like we just committed a crime. Chatot flaps his wings stressfully with an expression on his face that looks like he's upset. "What are you two doing up so late? You girls are lucky that Guildmaster Wigglytuff isn't here yet or he'll...he'll-" "GOOD MORNING FRIENDS!" "HELLO GUILDMASTER WIGGLYTUFF!" We all respond. "Guildmaster, I suggest you address the Friend Code for our new recruits." Chatot whispers to the Guildmaster. "Zzzzz...Snorfle...Zzzzz..." Everyone starts chatting when they realize that the Guildmaster is asleep. But how can he be asleep?! His eyes are open! "Is he asleep?" "No doubt about it!" "Yeah you got that right!" "EEeek! But his eyes are open!" Chatot clears his throat to get all of the crew's attention. "Thank you sir! We all value your...uhhh...words of wisdom." Chatot says. "Ok Pokemon! Take our Guildmaster's words of wisdom to heart! Finally, let's not forgot our morning cheers!" Morning cheers? "What's he talking about?" Snowball asks me. "ONE! DON'T SHIRK WORK! TWO! RUN AWAY AND PAY! THREE! SMILES GO FOR MILES!" Everyone shouts except for Snowball and I. Since we don't know the cheer, we were just listening. "Ok Pokemon! Get to work!" Chatot dismisses us. "HOORAY!" Everyone cheers. A Diglett and Dugtrio dig into the ground and leave. While the others-Sunflora, Croagunk, Bidoof, Loudred, Corphish, and Chimecho- leave to do their duties. "C'mon let's go, Flames!" Snowball tells me as I'm daydreaming. We both take one step to the left and Chatot flaps his wings like before. "Hey! You shouldn't just be wandering around here! You two come with me!" Chatot commands us. We follow him up a bamboo-like ladder. Snowball and I stand in front of a wooden board with flyers on it. Chatot stands before us. "You two are just rookies. So, we'll have to start you with this adventure!" The Music Note Bird Pokemon takes a flyer off of the wall. "This'll do!" He hands Snowball the flyer for her to read. Snowball clears her throat. "Hello! My name is Spoink! An outlaw has run off with my most prized possesion. My precious pearl! That pearl is life me! I just can't seem to settle down if that pearl isn't in it's proper place atop my head! But I've heard my pearl has been spotted! It said to be on a rocky bluff. But this bluff is reported to be really unsafe! I could never go somewhere that freaky! Oh, friendly reader, would you be so kind as to go to the bluff and get my pearl? I beg your help, exploration team member! ~From, Spoink." My eyes start to widen. "Wait a second!! We're only supposed to fetch an item someone dropped?!" Now I'm angry! My voice raises. I return back to normal. "I'd rather look for treasure or disccover the unknown! Things like that." I exclaim. Once again, Chatot flaps his wings agressively. "Hush! It's important that you rookies do your duties. Now pay attention! I repeat the warnings. If you are kicked out of a dungeon, you will lose all of your money and some of your items. Now, do you understand what you are going to be against?" "YES SIR!" We shout. "Good! Now get to work you two!"
This is for those who don't have sky or could not win the Special Episode.As you know it,this is Special Episode 2,Igglybuff the Prodigy.Do you know how Wigglytuff became an explorer...?Find out in this article.
Chatot:Whisper...whisper(Guildmaster,it's me,Chatot.I'm coming in.)
Here's you're perfect apple!I'm begging you,please let me stop doing this.(That is,even if I didn't bring the Guildmaster a Perfect Apple he will sneak and bring himself one.)
Guildmaster:Yay!Perfect Apple!(Someting fell)Oh,no!Whew,it's safe.I thought it was chipped or broke when I dropped it.
Chatot:Was that a Defend Globe?It's nice to see you take good care of an item.(Like how he takes care of his Perfect Apple,like right now.)Why are you holding this?It only has effect on Bug-type pokemon.
Guildmaster:I know but...the staring point.
To be continued.....
Chatot:Whisper...whisper(Guildmaster,it's me,Chatot.I'm coming in.)
Here's you're perfect apple!I'm begging you,please let me stop doing this.(That is,even if I didn't bring the Guildmaster a Perfect Apple he will sneak and bring himself one.)
Guildmaster:Yay!Perfect Apple!(Someting fell)Oh,no!Whew,it's safe.I thought it was chipped or broke when I dropped it.
Chatot:Was that a Defend Globe?It's nice to see you take good care of an item.(Like how he takes care of his Perfect Apple,like right now.)Why are you holding this?It only has effect on Bug-type pokemon.
Guildmaster:I know but...the staring point.
To be continued.....

This is a ralts for people who don't know!
It is a 32 to the 34th power or around a 1 in 149657767662684000000000000000000000000000000000000 chance so you aren't going guess one right unless you know the code exactly......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... so yeah... and this article needs to be longer so these are just extra words to make it be as long as it can possibly be so............................................................................................I think it's long enough now =)
We left on when everybody goes home.
(Igglybuff goes to bed)
Mama:Sleep now,little child.You are truly adorable.Sleep now sweet,little child.
Mama:...All right,he's sleeping.Hey,Papa.I've been worried about something...
Papa:Huh?What is it,Mama?
Mama:I heard from Igglybuff's friends today...Igglybuff is being manipulated by some bullies.
Papa:Some bullies?
Mama:Yeah.Igglybuff's friends came to talk to me about it.Hey,Papa.You don't think he'd become like them,do you?Sometimes,I really have no clue what that child is thinking...So I'm a little worried...
Papa:Yeah...That does seem troublesome...But...But I think it's all right.Igglybuff is still so cheerful...No matter how he may seem,deep down,he has a good heart.Besides...Didn't we have this discussion before...Back when...I climbed that mountain with Igglybuff.On our way home...
To be continued.....
(Igglybuff goes to bed)
Mama:Sleep now,little child.You are truly adorable.Sleep now sweet,little child.
Mama:...All right,he's sleeping.Hey,Papa.I've been worried about something...
Papa:Huh?What is it,Mama?
Mama:I heard from Igglybuff's friends today...Igglybuff is being manipulated by some bullies.
Papa:Some bullies?
Mama:Yeah.Igglybuff's friends came to talk to me about it.Hey,Papa.You don't think he'd become like them,do you?Sometimes,I really have no clue what that child is thinking...So I'm a little worried...
Papa:Yeah...That does seem troublesome...But...But I think it's all right.Igglybuff is still so cheerful...No matter how he may seem,deep down,he has a good heart.Besides...Didn't we have this discussion before...Back when...I climbed that mountain with Igglybuff.On our way home...
To be continued.....