Heavy breathing filled the ears of the girl passed out on the grainy sand. "Huh-" The girl started to murmur,but her heavy eyelids got the best of her and she passed out.
Silver paced the guild's entrance. "Should I go,should I..." Silver finally gave up after what seemed like hours. He sighed. "Not today,I guess..." He walked away,and crossed he wishing well. He glanced at it,as if expecting something to jump out. He chuckled unexpectedly,and shoved his hands in his pockets. He walked over to the bright beach,beautiful in the golden sunlight,and if you squinted your eyes,you could see bubbles popping in the heat of the sun. Silver smiled. "It's always beautiful this time of year." He looked to his left,expecting a Krabby to be staring. But no,it wasn't. Instead he saw a girl,glimmering in the sun's rays. She had short blue hair,and a green shirt splattered with sand. Her shorts were black and she had no shoes on,And a bag was tucked under her arm. She was a mess,and her eyes were closed and she looked as if she was just peacefully sleeping on a bed,instead of being collapsed on the sand. "Oh my gosh,Are y-you okay!?" Silver jumped up and ran over to the girl. "H-huh.." The girl opened her eyes,and sat up. Silver crouched beside her. "G-good! I thought you were.." Silver trailed off and locked his eyes with hers. She seemed weird. Silver shook his head. "Uh..You must be confused...I'm Silver..can you tell me your name?" The girl stared at him. "Blue." She said unexpectedly. "I'm blue." Silver smiled. His blue eyes glimmering,and his blond hair staying perfectly still. "Hi blue." He said. Suddenly he heard a footstep behind him,and he turned around. "Did someone say the name Blue?" A voice called. Silver got a look at person behind him,his appearence was one of a roughed up kid,a bandaid on his face and dirty black hair. "Get the girl." The voice said,threatingly. A rougher looking kid stepped from behind him. He grabbed Blue by her feet. Blue,grasping at the sand,struggled in his arms. Silver got up. "What are you doing!? Put her down!" Silver commanded. "Or what? You'll beat us?" The cruel voice laughed. Silver Raised his hands. "You asked for it!" Silver's hands started to glow and a lighting bolt came from them and flew at both the Brutes. They collapsed without a word. Blue fell out of the bigger one's arms and crawled over to Silver. "Are you all right?" Silver asked. Blue nodded. She was fine. Silver looked over at the path to the guild. "I hope they're arent-" On time,a new bunch of Brutes came! "Get them both!" Blue looked angry,and with a growl,she flew at the one that commanded,and scratched his face with her nails. And she raised her hands,and a ball of water splashed the enemy's face,blinding him. She jumped from enemy to enemy and made them all collapse. She jumped back to silver. Silver gasped at all the people she had just knocked out. Silver got an idea. "We make a great team..." Blue grinned. "Yeah." She said. "I guess I'm going to go try to muster up the courage to go to the guild.." Silver muttered. "Guild?" Blue said,curious. Silver's eyes lit up. "It's this place,where people go to mysterious places called Mystery Dungeons,and find treasure and discover new places!" Blue's cheeks turned pink. "Can I join with you?" Silver looked suprised. "You want to..? Yeah! Of course you can!" Silver shouted. Blue smiled. "Let's go." She said,and pulled silver's arm to the beach's end.
Silver stared at the ground. "So..Do you know why those bad guys were chasing you?" Blue glanced at him. "Some people know I have valuable treasure." Blue spoke in a monotone voice. "I don't know where I have been,or why I was passed out on sand. I am lucky that no one took it while I was sleeping." She jiggled the bag she was holding. Silver stayed quiet.
"Well,we're here!" Silver stared at the grate before him. "We're s'pposed to put our pokemon on the grate so they can Identify their footprints-If you have any. Do you have one?" In response,Blue pulled a Pokeball out of her bag,and threw out a Skitty,and it landed on the grate. A booming voice came from under the grate.
Silver nodded. "Now it's my turn." Silver had a Shinx,and his shinx passed muster.
The start of a new adventure.
Silver paced the guild's entrance. "Should I go,should I..." Silver finally gave up after what seemed like hours. He sighed. "Not today,I guess..." He walked away,and crossed he wishing well. He glanced at it,as if expecting something to jump out. He chuckled unexpectedly,and shoved his hands in his pockets. He walked over to the bright beach,beautiful in the golden sunlight,and if you squinted your eyes,you could see bubbles popping in the heat of the sun. Silver smiled. "It's always beautiful this time of year." He looked to his left,expecting a Krabby to be staring. But no,it wasn't. Instead he saw a girl,glimmering in the sun's rays. She had short blue hair,and a green shirt splattered with sand. Her shorts were black and she had no shoes on,And a bag was tucked under her arm. She was a mess,and her eyes were closed and she looked as if she was just peacefully sleeping on a bed,instead of being collapsed on the sand. "Oh my gosh,Are y-you okay!?" Silver jumped up and ran over to the girl. "H-huh.." The girl opened her eyes,and sat up. Silver crouched beside her. "G-good! I thought you were.." Silver trailed off and locked his eyes with hers. She seemed weird. Silver shook his head. "Uh..You must be confused...I'm Silver..can you tell me your name?" The girl stared at him. "Blue." She said unexpectedly. "I'm blue." Silver smiled. His blue eyes glimmering,and his blond hair staying perfectly still. "Hi blue." He said. Suddenly he heard a footstep behind him,and he turned around. "Did someone say the name Blue?" A voice called. Silver got a look at person behind him,his appearence was one of a roughed up kid,a bandaid on his face and dirty black hair. "Get the girl." The voice said,threatingly. A rougher looking kid stepped from behind him. He grabbed Blue by her feet. Blue,grasping at the sand,struggled in his arms. Silver got up. "What are you doing!? Put her down!" Silver commanded. "Or what? You'll beat us?" The cruel voice laughed. Silver Raised his hands. "You asked for it!" Silver's hands started to glow and a lighting bolt came from them and flew at both the Brutes. They collapsed without a word. Blue fell out of the bigger one's arms and crawled over to Silver. "Are you all right?" Silver asked. Blue nodded. She was fine. Silver looked over at the path to the guild. "I hope they're arent-" On time,a new bunch of Brutes came! "Get them both!" Blue looked angry,and with a growl,she flew at the one that commanded,and scratched his face with her nails. And she raised her hands,and a ball of water splashed the enemy's face,blinding him. She jumped from enemy to enemy and made them all collapse. She jumped back to silver. Silver gasped at all the people she had just knocked out. Silver got an idea. "We make a great team..." Blue grinned. "Yeah." She said. "I guess I'm going to go try to muster up the courage to go to the guild.." Silver muttered. "Guild?" Blue said,curious. Silver's eyes lit up. "It's this place,where people go to mysterious places called Mystery Dungeons,and find treasure and discover new places!" Blue's cheeks turned pink. "Can I join with you?" Silver looked suprised. "You want to..? Yeah! Of course you can!" Silver shouted. Blue smiled. "Let's go." She said,and pulled silver's arm to the beach's end.
Silver stared at the ground. "So..Do you know why those bad guys were chasing you?" Blue glanced at him. "Some people know I have valuable treasure." Blue spoke in a monotone voice. "I don't know where I have been,or why I was passed out on sand. I am lucky that no one took it while I was sleeping." She jiggled the bag she was holding. Silver stayed quiet.
"Well,we're here!" Silver stared at the grate before him. "We're s'pposed to put our pokemon on the grate so they can Identify their footprints-If you have any. Do you have one?" In response,Blue pulled a Pokeball out of her bag,and threw out a Skitty,and it landed on the grate. A booming voice came from under the grate.
Silver nodded. "Now it's my turn." Silver had a Shinx,and his shinx passed muster.
The start of a new adventure.
This is for those who don't have sky or could not win the Special Episode.As you know it,this is Special Episode 2,Igglybuff the Prodigy.Do you know how Wigglytuff became an explorer...?Find out in this article.
Chatot:Whisper...whisper(Guildmaster,it's me,Chatot.I'm coming in.)
Here's you're perfect apple!I'm begging you,please let me stop doing this.(That is,even if I didn't bring the Guildmaster a Perfect Apple he will sneak and bring himself one.)
Guildmaster:Yay!Perfect Apple!(Someting fell)Oh,no!Whew,it's safe.I thought it was chipped or broke when I dropped it.
Chatot:Was that a Defend Globe?It's nice to see you take good care of an item.(Like how he takes care of his Perfect Apple,like right now.)Why are you holding this?It only has effect on Bug-type pokemon.
Guildmaster:I know but...the staring point.
To be continued.....
Chatot:Whisper...whisper(Guildmaster,it's me,Chatot.I'm coming in.)
Here's you're perfect apple!I'm begging you,please let me stop doing this.(That is,even if I didn't bring the Guildmaster a Perfect Apple he will sneak and bring himself one.)
Guildmaster:Yay!Perfect Apple!(Someting fell)Oh,no!Whew,it's safe.I thought it was chipped or broke when I dropped it.
Chatot:Was that a Defend Globe?It's nice to see you take good care of an item.(Like how he takes care of his Perfect Apple,like right now.)Why are you holding this?It only has effect on Bug-type pokemon.
Guildmaster:I know but...the staring point.
To be continued.....

This is a ralts for people who don't know!
It is a 32 to the 34th power or around a 1 in 149657767662684000000000000000000000000000000000000 chance so you aren't going guess one right unless you know the code exactly......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... so yeah... and this article needs to be longer so these are just extra words to make it be as long as it can possibly be so............................................................................................I think it's long enough now =)
We left on when everybody goes home.
(Igglybuff goes to bed)
Mama:Sleep now,little child.You are truly adorable.Sleep now sweet,little child.
Mama:...All right,he's sleeping.Hey,Papa.I've been worried about something...
Papa:Huh?What is it,Mama?
Mama:I heard from Igglybuff's friends today...Igglybuff is being manipulated by some bullies.
Papa:Some bullies?
Mama:Yeah.Igglybuff's friends came to talk to me about it.Hey,Papa.You don't think he'd become like them,do you?Sometimes,I really have no clue what that child is thinking...So I'm a little worried...
Papa:Yeah...That does seem troublesome...But...But I think it's all right.Igglybuff is still so cheerful...No matter how he may seem,deep down,he has a good heart.Besides...Didn't we have this discussion before...Back when...I climbed that mountain with Igglybuff.On our way home...
To be continued.....
(Igglybuff goes to bed)
Mama:Sleep now,little child.You are truly adorable.Sleep now sweet,little child.
Mama:...All right,he's sleeping.Hey,Papa.I've been worried about something...
Papa:Huh?What is it,Mama?
Mama:I heard from Igglybuff's friends today...Igglybuff is being manipulated by some bullies.
Papa:Some bullies?
Mama:Yeah.Igglybuff's friends came to talk to me about it.Hey,Papa.You don't think he'd become like them,do you?Sometimes,I really have no clue what that child is thinking...So I'm a little worried...
Papa:Yeah...That does seem troublesome...But...But I think it's all right.Igglybuff is still so cheerful...No matter how he may seem,deep down,he has a good heart.Besides...Didn't we have this discussion before...Back when...I climbed that mountain with Igglybuff.On our way home...
To be continued.....