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posted by Courtneyfan6
Serena's Birthday Bash

(Ash is now outside at his house playing catch with Pikachu)
Pikachu: Pika!
Ash: Good job, buddy!
Pikachu: Pika Pi! (He happily tackles Ash onto the ground)
Ash: (laughing) (he rubs Pikachu's head)
Pikachu: (happily) Chaaaa...
(Clemont and Bonnie came over to the two)
Bonnie: Hey, Ash! Pikachu!
Ash: Hey, guys!
Pikachu: Pika!
Clemont: I have something to show you. (He shows his back scratcher 2000) I have invented my own back scratcher 2000. It can scratch your back anytime.
Bonnie: (sighs) Brothers.
Dedenne: Ne ne.
Ash: (excited) SCIENCE IS SO AMAZING!!!
Clemont: (hands Ash his invention) Press this button and give it try.
(Ash pressed the button and The back scratcher 2000 begins to scratch Ash's back)
Ash: Ooohhh! Yeah! That's right!
Bonnie: Let me try that. (She uses Pikachu to scratch her back and he shocks her)
Ash: Are you okay?
Bonnie: (laughs due to the shock) I'm okay!
Clemont: Bonnie, that's not the back scratcher 2000, that's Pikachu!
Bonnie: Sorry, Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika.
(Ash's cell phone beeps and he sees Serena has texted him)
Ash: Oops. I forgot.
Bonnie: Forgot what, Ash?
Ash: Today is Serena's birthday!
Clemont: You're telling me that you dated Serena for months and you almost forgot her birthday?
Pikachu: (angrily) Pika Pi! Pikachu!
Bonnie: Maybe Pikachu is telling you to stop being so dense all the time.
Ash: I'm sorry, guys, especially you, Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika Pikachu.
Clemont: So now what, Ash?
Ash: I know! We can throw Serena a surprise birthday party!
Bonnie: Awesome idea!
Dedenne: De ne ne!
Clemont: I agree with Bonnie, this is a great idea!
Ash: Come on, you guys! Let's plan a party! (He runs off)
Bonnie: Alright! (She runs off)
Clemont: Wait for me! (He runs off)
Pikachu: Pikachu! (He runs off)
(Later, Ash has called his friends a meeting at his house)
Dawn: Why do you call us for a meeting, Ash?
Ash: Because I'm thinking about throwing Serena a surprise birthday party.
May: How sweet!
Misty: Wonderful idea, Ash.
Brock: Yeah. She will be so happy what you did.
Iris: But what is in it for us?
Ash: Dunno. What's your offer?
Bonnie: Get some outfits for Dedenne?
Max: Some more memory for my laptop?
Dawn: Some root beer floats?
Ash: Root beer floats it is!
(Everyone starts yelling happy that 'I love root beer floats' and 'Awesome idea'!)
Ash: Help me throw my girlfriend a birthday party and you can have much root beer floats you can drink!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
(From outside, Team Rocket is hiding in the bushes)
Jessie: So, that twerp plans to throw his girlfriend a party... How sweet.
James: I guess that is the time to crash it and capture Pikachu.
Meowth: Good plan, you two. This will not fail this time.
(Cut to the next scene, when Ash and his friends make some things for Serena's party)
(Brock and Clian are making some food and the birthday cake for Serena)
(Clemont has the helium tank to help to blow the balloons, Ash inhales the helium air from the red balloon)
Ash: (small voice from helium air) I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town of the Kanto region and I want to be a Pokemon master!
Pikachu: (laughing)
Misty: (giggles while shaking her head) Boys.
(Then, they set up the decorations outside of the party and Iris has accidentally wrapped her Axew up in the party streamers)
Iris: Oops. Sorry Axew.
Axew: Axew.
(Next, May's Munchlax is about to eat Serena's strawberry birthday cake with pink frosting as May glares at it. Munchlax nervously got off the tabletop as its trainer hands it some oranges.)
Munchlax: Munch Munch.
(May smiles at it.)
(Finally, the party has finally set up and it's finally done!)
Tracey: It's perfect!
Dawn: Yeah. It is.
Cilan: Serena will be very surprised once she sees this.
Bonnie: Ash, I just got a call from Serena. She's almost here!
Ash: Okay, guys. Get into a position!
(A car arrives as Serena got out of the car and it drives off)
Serena: Huh? What's this?
Ash, Misty, Brock, Tracey, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Clemont and Bonnie: SURPRISE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SERENA!!!
Pikachu: Pika Pika!!!
Serena: (gasps happily) Oh my Gosh! Thank you guys! I'm so surprised! Who set this party up?
Misty: (pointed to Ash) You're looking at him.
Serena: Ash, thank you so much! (She ran to him and hugs him tight)
Ash: You're welcome. I'm happy too.
Max: You might want to stop hugging him cause I think he's about to lose his lungs.
Serena: (breaks the hug) Sorry, Ash. I'm just so happy about the surprise party.
Ash: (finally catches his breath) Happy birthday, Serena.
(Serena smiles as she blushes)
(Then, a pink rub machine arm reaches and grabs Pikachu as he was pulling away from Ash's shoulder)
Pikachu: Pika!
Ash: Pikachu!
Serena: Oh, no!
May: It's Team Rocket!
(Team Rocket is in their hot air balloon)
Jessie: Prepare for trouble!
James: And make it double!
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
James: To unite the people from our nation!
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
James: To extend our reach from the stars above!
Jessie: Jessie!
James: James!
Jessie: Team Rocket blast off in the speed of light!
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight fight fight!
Meowth: That's right!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
Chimecho: Chime Chime!
Ash: Team Rocket, give me back my Pikachu!
Jessie: Fat chance, twerp! We finally got Pikachu!
James: Now we send it to the boss!
Meowth: He'll be very pleased!
Wobbuffet: Wobb Wobba!
Jessie: Bye now!
(As Team Rocket's balloon turns away...)
Dawn: Piplup, use bubblebeam to hit the balloon!
Piplup: Pip lup lup lup! (It uses bubblebeam to hit the balloon and fell down onto the ground, the hand is broken and Pikachu is free as he runs into Ash)
Ash: Pikachu! Are you okay, buddy?
Pikachu: Pikachu!
(Team Rocket appears angrily from the landing)
Meowth: That sucked.
James: At least we can battle.
Jessie: And then we can settle with Pikachu.
Misty: Forget it, you old lady! Nobody cares about you!
Jessie: (angrily) Do you just call me old? (She roars as she shoots fire from mouth)
(James and Meowth hugged each other with afraid faces)
James: Oh, Jessie!
Meowth: Have mercy!
Jessie: Seviper, let's go!
James: Come on out, Carnivine!
(The two Pokemon came out from the balls and as usual Carnivine chews on James' head)
James: Stop! Do I look like a fruit salad to you?!
Jessie: Seviper, use your poison tail!
(Seviper uses its poison tail)
Clemont: Chespin, use your pin missile!
(Chespin aims its pin missile on Seviper)
James: Go, Carnivine, bullet speed!
(Carnivine uses its bullet speed)
May: Now, Wartortle, use water gun!
(Wartortle uses its water gun on Carnivine)
Jessie: Now, Seviper, bite attack!
James: Carnivine, bite now!
Serena: Sylveon, use your moonblast, let's go!
(Sylveon uses her moonblast to send Seviper and Carnivine blasting off)
Jessie: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
James: Make a run for it.
Meowth: Agreed so.
(As Team Rocket begins to run off...)
Serena: Team Rocket, you'll pay for ruining my birthday party!
Misty: We'll help you, Serena!
Tracey: Marill...
Misty: Azurill...
Tracey and Misty: Use water gun!
(Marill and Azurill uses their water gun to get Team Rocket wet)
Jessie: Stop! My clothes are all wet!
May: Skitty, use ice blast!
(Skitty uses ice blast to get Team Rocket all frozen up)
Meowth: I need a blankie!
Wobbuffet: Wobba Wobba Wobbuffet.
Dawn: Quilava, let's burn them up!
(Quilava uses its flamethrower get Team Rocket on fire)
James: Stop! We're on fire now!
Ash: Pikachu, let's make your own curtain call now!
Pikachu: Pika-Chu!!!!! (He uses his thunderbolt on Team Rocket)
Team Rocket: Aaaaahhh!!!
(As usual, Team Rocket blasts off)
Jessie, James and Meowth: Team Rocket's blasting off again!
Wobbuffet: Wobba!!!
Chimecho: Chime Chime!
Ash: Alright!
Cilan: We did it!
Brock: Finally, they're gone.
Clemont: We're safe now.
Ash: Come on, guys, we can't party on the empty stomach! Let's go!
(Later on, Ash, his friends and the Pokemon enjoying the party; Serena blows out the candles of her cake and good thing May's Munchlax didn't eat the whole cake and they are enjoying the cake.)
(Serena got her presents: some beautiful flowers from Sylveon, Braixen and Pancham, some perfume from Misty, some lipstick from Dawn and May, a new notebook with a Chikorita on the front from Tracey, a Chimchar plush from Brock, a whole Pokemon stickers from Max, a new pink dress from Iris, a new red lava lamp from Cilan and a nail polish kit Clemont and Bonnie.)
Pikachu: (he ran to her, handing her a drawing of her, Ash, Clemont and Bonnie) Pika Pikachu!
Serena: Awww, thanks, Pikachu. It's perfect.
Pikachu: (winks at her) Pika!
Ash: Serena?
Serena: What, Ash?
(Ash hands her a present)
Ash: Here, take this. I want you to have something from me.
(Serena opens a present and it revealed a pink heart necklace with a silver chain)
Serena: (gasps) Ash, it's so beautiful! I love it!
(Ash puts the necklace on Serena's neck)
Ash: Listen. I'm really sorry that I almost forgot your birthday.
Serena: You don't have to apologize for that. You're my boyfriend and it's your job to remember. And thank you for giving me the best birthday ever. I love you so much, Ash.
Ash: I love you too, Serena.
(They kiss as they held on to each other)
Dawn: Awww!!!
May: How cute!
Bonnie: I can't wait to get my brother a girlfriend!
Clemont: (scolded) Bonnie!
(Ash and Serena kept on kissing until Pikachu jumps on Ash's shoulder)
Pikachu: Pika Pika! (Happy birthday!)
(Ash and Serena tickles Pikachu as the yellow mouse pokemon laughed)

The End!!!!!

Amourshipping ❤
The next day entei,rakiou and suince came back the arcus asked them what happend suncie said, we meant our fathers in heaven, your fathers? The arcus asked suncie said yes, they trianed them of some moves and forms, the arcus asked what about sasori and palkia? A second later sasori and palkia came in the room saying we killed two atespada they said to the arcus. they talked for some time and dismissed the room.
Sasori ran into dendara and he said to sasori the arcus sent me on a misson want to join me? Dendara asked, sasori shot him and said leave me alone sasori said and left him. sasori and palkia went to the atespada hq to tell them what they were told, dendara followed them in air, seeing this he asumed they were captured and repoted to the arcus.the arcus was angry with the atespadas, he sent entei,rakiuo and suncie to get them back.
posted by staankerdaskunk
Samantha was about to cry. Her Croagunk still hadn't shown up and he didn't kill a flower. If only that voice she heard earlier could tell her. She remembered its location and found the owner. He looked up at her and asked, "Croagunk?" rather politely for a guy this scruffy. Then he either was really tired or really sick because he fell smack on his face. (Samantha and I agreed not to go into details. You'll figure it out later.) She turned his head to the side and left him a jar. Then she ran.
Alvin woke up. He couldn't talk (there seemed to be something in his mouth) and (with difficulty) straightened out his head. His hand was in something wet. It hadn't rained that day. He thought he went blind (and later he looked upon it as the most thinking he ever did in one day) until there was a shadow above him. He tried to get help-oops, that was stupid. He spit out the whatever and yelled as loud as he could.
After years ash finaly got Arcus but Arcus killed pichau,so cus of that ash hated Arcus,and finaly ash relest Arcus.In a years time ash got killed by Arcus.Because of this a war betwin human and pokemon till the two worlds were seprated,till one day some humans got exposed to a chemical called poke chemical.They supased Arcus and made pokemons in human forms,in 2000 years the chemical faded and they died. T This story is about three kids named entei raikou and suince,their fathers died till they crossed. Dimessons to the pokemon land,a strange man the introduced him self an Arcus the told them that they have special powers.He taught them how to use their powers and they trianed with him for 16 years. Entei had the power of fire
Raikou had electricity
Sucine water
A month later a group of people "atespada" killed three of they
posted by YolentaShield
Arus de Ras is a Pokémon trainer who owns Greninja. Greninja is a Pokémon who knows ninja, which derived from Japan; although Greninja is from France. Greninja has ability of Torrent. Arus' hometown is in Paris, near Ivry-sur-Seine. At 7:00, Arus and 1500 passengers go to London with his ferry. Arus is the owner of that ferry. With 1500 passengers, Arus can get more revenue with his ferry. Arus is the navigator of his ferry.
2 days later, Arus reaches London. Arus looking at a man named Jean-Louis Miku. Arus said "Hello, Jean. Do you have Pokémon?" Jean said "Yes."
Arus and Jean start the...
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posted by YolentaShield
The coin showing tails, François win.
The coin showing tails, François win.
Pokémon Trainer François and Bella will go to Vallejo in California for the coin toss. Bella said "If the coin showing heads, I win; if the coin showing tails, you win."
François toss the coin. The coin showing tails, François win. François said "What do we want to do?" Bella said "We're run in Vallejo. The winner will get a gallon of cream."
François and Bella buy 2 quarts of cream respectively in supermarket and they'll pay respectively. After paying for the cream, they'll go to the 1026 York Street. François said "We want to storing cream for later." Bella own a bag for storing cream...
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My opinion on the possibility of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire remakes and what is currently going on.

If you look at past generations, FireRed and LeafGreen (The remakes of the original Japanese Red and Green, later becoming Red and Blue in America) were released in gen 3. HeartGold and SoulSilver (The remakes of the original Gold and Silver) were released as a part of gen 4. So it would make sense for the remakes of Ruby and Sapphire to be a part of gen 5, but in my opinion gen 5 was just for show to add new stuff, and to me feels like more of an experiment with the games.

Because Black and White...
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Lucario stood in the ash, surveying the charred landscape of the remnants of Mt. Coronet. It had happened 13 years ago, with the red chain, Cyrus, Dialga. They had been stopped, by a young boy, Hareta, if Lucario recalled correctly. That should have been the end of it all, but no, Charon had picked up the remnants of team galactic-he had been a subordinate their, and fixed his site on Girantina. That time there had been none to stop him. He had detonated secret galactic bombs that were planted near, or beneath the homes and stadiums were all who posed threat to him. And then, then Girantina...
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there is defentily a large pokemon in there me and ash said in our minds. profecer oak what pokemon is in there? It seamed to be 2 mewtwo's he said very confused. ash i know why there here they came for us to catch them. yea proubly. well dont just stand there do something before the whole place collapeses paul said. ok then ash said. 1 2 3 me and ash busted through the doors and we couldnt belive what we saw. it deffenly was two mewtwo's. right when we ran and tuched mewtwo it callmed down. ash and april they both sounded relived. it is time we tell you more about your destiny. you need to...
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posted by animegrl52p
I was extremely bored, so I restarted on LeafGreen. All of this stuff is happening in the game (but im making it, well, more intersting)

Trixie: *sleeping in her bed*

Prof. Oak: *comes in through window* Hello there! Glad to meet you!

Trixie: *wakes up* Who the hell are you? AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BEDROOM?!?!

Oak: Welcome to the World of Pokemon!!!!

Trixie: Um... You still havent answered my questions, you creep.

Oak: My name is Oak. People affectionately refer to me as the POKEMON PROFESSOR!!!!!!

Trixie: Um, okaaaaay. NOW WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN MY ROOM!?!?!?

Oak: Please, please, shut your mouth until I am finished speaking. *covers her mouth*

Trixie: *pushes Oak* Leave me alone, you weirdo! *pushes him out the window* *goes back into her bed* Now to go back to sleep.

Oak: *climbs back in window* WAIT!! Are you a boy, or a girl?

Trixie: WTF?!?

And our story begins........
I'm sorry.
That was the first and only time I've heard Silver say those words. "Silver. You need to learn how to control your anger. You shouldn't take it on.. Innocent villagers.." I explained. He nodded. "Help me." I blushed. I mean, that was sweet actually.
"Yes. I will help you," I smiled. "But first, you gotta do a couple things for me." Silver looked at me stubbornly. "What?" "First, turn yourself in to Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny. Then, promise them, me, AND all the residents in Goldenrod that your done with crime for sure. You gotta help rebuild Goldenrod, and... The promise. That you...
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    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
    Let me tell you…that sparkling rock did not look very pretty anymore. I sat up from where I had landed and stared at it in my hand. It was definitely not just a ROCK. This rock was EVIL.
    I was just standing on my front steps. The front steps to my HOUSE. But where was I now? I didn’t know. All because the rock decided to teleport me somewhere.
    And maybe I was just guessing, but that was the only thing that made sense. Sort of. I mean, I pick up the rock....
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posted by beepboop
I had just made it to Nimbassa City with my partner Dewott I had gotten from Professor Juniper.We were very tired from walking through a horrible sandstorm on route Four so went toward the pokemon center to rest."D-Dewo?"My Dewott asked weak and tiredly."Dont worry Dewott were gonna rest here a little while." I said trying to reasure Dewott.I walked up to Nurse Joy and said,"Nurse Joy, I'm Hatira and my Dewott is very badly hurt and tired."Nurse Joy said,"Dont worry,We will heal Dewott up just fine.""Thanks Nurse Joy!" I said Happily.While Nurse Joy was healing Dewott,I let out my other 5 pokemon...
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thmph, thmph, thmph! I made my way down the velvet staircases. My name is Celeste Winstrom, age 15. Today my mom, also known as Professor Juniper, is gonna give me a free Pokemon from her lab, yaay!

"Mom! I'm heeerre for my very first Pokemon!" I enter with a wave and a cheer. "Hey sweetie, you excited?" I nod in agreement. My mom smiles charmingly, despite shes never had a single boyfriend over the age of 30. Haha, I love making fun of my mom. "Well honey, all the starters are taken!" I gape. "They're... All taken?!" My mellow green eyes widen. "Yup, but don't fret dear, I have just the one...
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There is an ongoing need for content writers on Apple Anime Blog, so share your opinions with our readers.

AAB is accepting applications from individuals seeking either part-time writing or single-post submission positions. Topics may vary from Pokemon related posts to general anime. If interested, please visit our site or apply, submitting a 200-word post of a topic of your choice (within above parameters) :



Candidate must have adequate writing skills, be able to meet deadlines, be well rounded in most aspects and genres of anime, and like to share their knowledge with those less enlightened.

(Shinji's POV)

The perfect day in Unova. Summer breeze, warm air, calm enviornment and Pokemon skipping through the fields. "Deerling!" A group of Deerling shout at the same time. Pathetic creatures. I sigh. Since I am new to the Unova region, people don't know me unless those idiots watch television. If others forgot that I participated in every Pokemon League created, I'm going to have to punch them. Some people are so...stupid. I move my hair out of the way of my face. Now that I have mentioned it, I totally need a hair cut. "Deerling?" A Deerling pops up in my face. "Gah! Get away from me!"...
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I rustled around in my covers, clinging on to my blanket. I was having a strange dream about four legendary poke`mon surounding around me. I couldn't see their faces, but I knew that they were looking at me intently.
But then I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock that made a pidgy sound. I lifted my head slightly and saw that it was 9:00 A.M., time to go get my first poke`mon! How exiting!
I qiukly ran to my dresser and put on a purple tank-top and sliped on a pair of dark-indago jeans.
I grabbed my poke`gear and a belt and ran down stairs. There, I saw my mom and dad standing with smiles...
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f-andrew:im sorry...but this is the for the best
darkrai:prepare to die!
andrew:wait!.....i know death is a hard thing to deal with but....theres no reason to go and kill yourself in the past!.....sorrow is what makes us human.
f-andrew:*shocked and sad*
andrew:life is something to celebrate...we feel sorrow because it makes the good things in life better....it may take time but....everyone gets over death....i still miss mom and angie...but i still go on enjoying life..

f-andrew:......*in tears*...your right...im so...so sorry....i i didnt mean for all this to happen....not at all........
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andrew:w-what?! t-thats impossible!
andrew:actually no because im you from the future at 21....
andrew:s-so....why go to the past to put roses?
f-andrew:because the one in this time has no room left.....
andrew*confused and shocked*......s-so what now...
f-andrew:you go back to the past...

all of the sudden out of no-where darkrai appears

darkrai: andrew i couldnt find him i.....oh...
f-andrew:let me explain.....darkrai is my pokemon..
andrew:*confused and afraid* THEN WHY IS HE ALWAYS TRYING TO KILL ME!

f-andrew:*sighs*....its time to tell the truth......not...
continue reading...
*late at night*
andrew:(he's 18 at this time) uggggghh......i had the dream again.....my parents....*sighs* maybe i need to visit them again.....*gets out of bed*

andrew puts on some chlothes and washes his face. he grabs his bag and heads out the door.

andrew:*walking* it isnt far....i buried them near the oran berry tree....

andrew walks up to the tree and at the trear stand 2 grave markers. and a mysterious figure is standing there putting roses on the graves.

andrew:who are you?!
???:*runs off*
andrew:hey get back here!

andrew runs after the mysterious stranger. the man runs through the forest....
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Vulpix:Who is that trainer Haruhi?

Haruhi:IDK, lets find out!*runs towards trainer*

???:Who r u?

Haruhi:My name is Haruhi, whats ur name?

???:My name is Megan, and this is my Absol.



Haruhi:An Absol.*looks up Absol in pokedex*Cool, an Absol!

Megan:Anyway we'll be on our way 2 Ruby Town.

Haruhi:Wanna travel with me?

Megan:I travel alone!*disappears*

Vulpix:That was weird.

Haruhi:U can say that again.

Vulpix:That was weird.

Haruhi:Not literally!!



Vulpix:Let's just get going.

Haruhi:Yeah.*starts walking*

*Route 1*

Haruhi:Look at all the wild pokemoon!

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