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Pottergirls Question

Who is your fav coupple?

I like Lupin and Tonks <3 <3 <3
 Cassey2much4u posted over a year ago
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Pottergirls Answers

LadyL68 said:
My top 5

1. Me and Draco
2. Bellatrix and Voldemort
3. Harry and Ginna
4. Neville and Luna
5. Ron and Hermionie

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posted over a year ago 
HouseofNightRox said:
Lupin & Tonks or Bella & Voldemort
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posted over a year ago 
HPprincess123 said:
Harry and Ginny. And Snape and me :)
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posted over a year ago 
ravenclawgirl5 said:
Romione! Ron and Hermione are meant to be :)
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with that
hpfreak14 posted over a year ago
marauders101 posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
bellatrix and voldmort
bellatrix and Rodolphus
draco and hermione
harry and hermione
harry and luna
tonks and lupin
nercissa and lucis
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posted over a year ago 
edaa said:
me and draco or me and ron ! :))

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posted over a year ago 
Darkshine said:
Sirius and Lupin
Me and Neville
Draco and Luna
Narcissa and Lucius
Hermione and Ron
Fleure and Bill
Percy and Ann....oh wait they don't belong here o-o

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posted over a year ago 
And Umbridge/Filch xD
Darkshine posted over a year ago
siruis and lupin!!!HOW COULD YOU!!!
marauders101 posted over a year ago
marauders101 said:
#1.Siruis and me!! <3 and tonks

3.Ron and Hermione

4. Mcgonagall and dumbledore ;)
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posted over a year ago 
foopetsrule said:
1. Romione (Ron/Hermione)
2. Dinny (Draco/Ginny)
3. Larry? (Luna/Harry)
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posted over a year ago 
MagicalGinny said:
me & Snape, Harry & GInny, Lupin & Tonks
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me & Snape, Harry & GInny, Lupin & Tonks
posted over a year ago 
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