Ezra Fitz
Why he might be “A”: We shudder to think that Ezra Fitz could be “A” (or be working with A”), since he
and Aria’s relationship is about the cutest thing on the planet. But after this week, we’re starting to have
our suspicions, between his drinking and the fact that he was once so tight with Jackie, who is basically a
pitchfork away from being a She-Devil incarnate.
Why he might not be “A”: Because he’s Ezra freakin’ Fitz, for goodness sake! And he did some positive
things this week, too, as he finally ‘fessed up to Aria’s parents. In fact, we’re pretty sure he was at Hollis
while the girls were meeting with “A,” meaning he wouldn’t have had much time to put on a hoodie and
swing rakes at people. That said, it’s still safe to assume that Byron Montgomery won’t be inviting Ezra
over for scotch again anytime soon.
We read that Ian Harding [Ezra Fitz] laughed when he found out who “A” is.
the Great gAtsby
Check out the board behind Ezra. It says:
“I couldn’t forgive him or like him, but I saw what he had done was, to him, entirely justified. It was all
very careless and confused. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy - they smashed up things and
creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept
them together and let other people clean up the mess they had made…”
That most certainly sounds like the girls and the whole Jenna Thing.
The Great Gatsby
Check out the board behind Ezra. It says:
“I couldn’t forgive him or like him, but I saw what he had done was, to him, entirely justified. It was all
very careless and confused. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy - they smashed up things and
creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept
them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made…”
That most certainly sounds like the girls and the whole Jenna Thing.
Why “A” might be Ezra Fitz.
Evidence pointing toward Ezra:
- Works at Rosewood High School. Can easily spy on the girls there.
- Started teaching there right when everything with A started.
- Was at Ali’s funeral, even though he supposedly never knew her.
- Could blackmail or pay students to do things like sneak around/spy on the girls at parties where he
wouldn’t fit in. I strongly believe Mike was/possibly still is being blackmailed by A to do things like break
into houses, so that could be an example if it’s true.
- Could have easily sent the first A message to Aria even though he wasn’t on his phone at the time.
Teachers get class rosters BEFORE the first day of school. He could have seen her name, acted shocked
that she was in his class as an act, and set a text message to send to her very soon after the bell rang.
- May have been at Ali’s memorial. Spencer received a text from A saying they’ll be there watching “just
like Tom Sawyer.” — It is a reference to a novel, and he is an English teacher.
- Could easily disapprove a class transfer request to keep Aria there.
- In episode 2 as Aria is leaving the coffee shop in the rain, right before Ezra picks her up, a store is shown
called “Hardware Keyes.” The “K” is almost entirely cut off by a pole in front of the sign, so it looks more
like “eyes.” The song playing in the background is called “Fresh Pair of Eyes.” These are the first of many
nods at eyes pertaining to both Ezra and A.
- Rode his bike past the girls’ right before the “Ding dong, the bitch is dead” flyer blew toward them.
- Owns a typewriter. A wrote the letter to Ella using a typewriter.
- In episode 4, Aria told him she was leaving so she could go home and talk to her mom. He seems hesitant
and says, things like, “You could stay.” and “Are you sure about that?” He might have been trying to delay
Aria from finding out about Ella’s letter from A.
- Could have sent the A text to Aria’s phone when she left it at his apartment as a cover.
- At the homecoming dance in episode 6, Alex and Spencer visit the fortune teller. The fortune teller says
that there is “something wrong with this couple, that they are a bad match…there is darkness in him,
maybe even violence or vengeance.” During this, they show Aria running after Ezra as well as Toby and
Emily. Spencer assumes that the fortune teller means Toby. Now that we know Toby is innocent, Ezra
looks suspicious.
- The girls receive no texts from A while Ezra is away in New York or wherever he really was.
- The poem A tells Aria to read is by Ezra Fitz.
- Was at Camp Mona, but in a different car than the one that hit Hanna. He could have easily switched
- ^ She knew too much. —A
Aria was already back with the other girls at the time. The car that hit Hanna was stolen, but he could
have broken into another car to do so. Far-fetched, but possible. Since A didn’t turn out to be who Hanna
thought it was, Ezra could have seen Hanna spying on them and that’s why “she knew too much.”
- As a teacher, he most likely has access to locker combinations. He could have put the A notes in Emily
and Hanna’s lockers, the book with his poem and the A note in Aria’s locker, and the test answers in
Noel’s locker (especially since he was fully aware that Noel was going to rat him out to the principal).
- At the dance-a-thon, Ella greeted A in a friendly manner, as though she knew them personally. When
she said, “Hi! Number 32, coming right up. Here you go…hope you had a good time tonight!” in a
knowing sort of tone. She probably thought that he and Simone had fun together since she was trying to
set them up.
- In episode 15, the bead lady told A that they had “interesting eyes.” Second nod to eyes.
- In episode 18, Jenna tells Ezra that she would like to compose some music for the play. She probably gave
him a recording of it and he used it to trick Spencer at the motel in episode 19.
- During play rehearsal in episode 18, Ezra calls it a wrap for the day and tells everyone to put away their
props. Everyone leaves except the liars. Spencer opens the props trunk and finds the trophy with the rat
blood on it (which they think is Alison’s blood. Spencer asks Emily if it was there before and she says no.
Emily was in charge of props, so someone put it there after she brought the trunk into the room. Who else
was in the play? Let’s see…Mona, who is NOT A because the producers have stated several times that A is
NOT going to be the same as the books. The only other people we can identify in the room are the liars
and Ezra who is the director. Other students were in the play as well, but we don’t know them.
He probably placed the trophy in the trunk during a rehearsal break. Then, low and behold, they find it
when they are told to put away the props. Perfect set-up.
- In episode 20, Aria sends Ezra the text about how she wants to be looking into his eyes. Third nod to
- He was at his apartment during the Rosewood Founders Festival, therefore he couldn’t have written the
note inside the funhouse and sent the phony Toby text unless the scenes were jumbled and he went to the
festival after Aria left and Garrett showed up. However, he could have paid/blackmailed someone to do
that as I mentioned earlier. Often times, alibis mean nothing.
- Executive producer Marlene King said that during the finale, one of the liars would have a direct
altercation with Ali’s killer. An altercation is a heated or angry dispute, argument, or controversy. Aria
was very angry at Ezra for not telling her about Jackie and angrily leaves after confronting him. A and
Ali’s killer may be two different people, but this could be evidence that Ezra is the killer (or both). Ian had
the fight with Spencer, but he didn’t kill Ali. He only thinks he did. He pushed her, and thought that’s
how she died (as he stated in the fake suicide note he put on Spencer’s laptop), but her actual cause of
death was suffocation. Spencer had to correct him. Someone else came along after and suffocated her.
“…and although Alison DiLaurentis’ body did show signs of a blunt force head trauma, the cause of her
death was suffocation.”
— Wilden, episode 2.
- ^ Also, the short story Ezra was reading at the bar in episode 4 ended, “And in a moment, her life was
undone. Everything she knew disappeared, drifting into the summer sky.” Ali was killed in the summer.
- Had access to the props trunk where the fake trophy was planted.
- The other girls seem to be targeted more than Aria and she has not been in any physical danger yet. A
may or may not have been the person who pushed her in episode 202.Mike pushed Aria during his housebreaking-
in-escapades, not A. As far as A is concerned, they have not put her in any physical danger yet.
- In the season 2 premiere, there is another nod to Ezra’s typewriter.
- Also in the season 2 premiere, when Aria is at Ezra’s apartment, he tells her “Ask me anything.” When
the girls receive the text from NotIan! in the greenhouse, it says “Ask me anything.” Not “Ask something,
ask me a question” etc. Coincidence or…?
- He could have taken the picture of his desk missing the degree himself and removed the apartment key
from under his mat.
- His degree was at the therapist’s office. He could have put it there himself, especially if he happens to go
to therapy for some reason. Perhaps after Jackie broke off their engagement or for another reason we
don’t know anything about?
- Third nod to his typewriter in episode 202.
- In episode 204, the sign outside of the pawn shop with Dr. Lars Thorwald says “Someone’s watching
you…” That is a reference to the Hitchcock film “Rear Window” but reminds me of 1984 and “Big Brother
is always watching you.” In episode 19 of season 1, Jenna references that same quote from 1984 to Aria in
the bathroom right after Aria sees Jenna talking to Ezra. The eyes on the sign are also zoomed in on. Once
again, a nod to eyes. The poster also almost EXACTLY resembles one for Dr. T.J. Eckleburg in The Great
Gatsby, yet another novel Ezra had his class read…and it happens to be by F. Scott FITZgerald.
- In Ian’s “suicide” note, the word ‘hide’ is crossed off after ‘I can’t” and is replaced by the word ‘run.’
When Aria talked with Ezra about Jenna being in the pottery class, Ezra said “You can run, but you can’t
- Aria’s doll in episode 212 wants her to “make Jackie go away.” Ezra clearly has no interest in Jackie
anymore or doesn’t seem to at least. Makes sense if the doll thing was A’s doing. Mentally torturing Aria by having her confront his ex-fiancée and get her to go away for his own sake.
- In episode 212, the waitress at the diner calls A “pretty eyes” in a flirtatious voice. Yet another nod to eyes.
- He is around the same age as Jason, Garrett and Ian. They could have all been friends. According to executive producer Marlene King, there are more members of the N.A.T. Club than we currently know of.
- His nickname in college was Z. Instead of from A to Z, from Z to A? Interesting coincidence (or not) that
it was a single letter…
- He will be in the Halloween episode, which means he existed in Rosewood before Alison’s murder.
Why he might be “A”: We shudder to think that Ezra Fitz could be “A” (or be working with A”), since he
and Aria’s relationship is about the cutest thing on the planet. But after this week, we’re starting to have
our suspicions, between his drinking and the fact that he was once so tight with Jackie, who is basically a
pitchfork away from being a She-Devil incarnate.
Why he might not be “A”: Because he’s Ezra freakin’ Fitz, for goodness sake! And he did some positive
things this week, too, as he finally ‘fessed up to Aria’s parents. In fact, we’re pretty sure he was at Hollis
while the girls were meeting with “A,” meaning he wouldn’t have had much time to put on a hoodie and
swing rakes at people. That said, it’s still safe to assume that Byron Montgomery won’t be inviting Ezra
over for scotch again anytime soon.
We read that Ian Harding [Ezra Fitz] laughed when he found out who “A” is.
the Great gAtsby
Check out the board behind Ezra. It says:
“I couldn’t forgive him or like him, but I saw what he had done was, to him, entirely justified. It was all
very careless and confused. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy - they smashed up things and
creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept
them together and let other people clean up the mess they had made…”
That most certainly sounds like the girls and the whole Jenna Thing.
The Great Gatsby
Check out the board behind Ezra. It says:
“I couldn’t forgive him or like him, but I saw what he had done was, to him, entirely justified. It was all
very careless and confused. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy - they smashed up things and
creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept
them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made…”
That most certainly sounds like the girls and the whole Jenna Thing.
Why “A” might be Ezra Fitz.
Evidence pointing toward Ezra:
- Works at Rosewood High School. Can easily spy on the girls there.
- Started teaching there right when everything with A started.
- Was at Ali’s funeral, even though he supposedly never knew her.
- Could blackmail or pay students to do things like sneak around/spy on the girls at parties where he
wouldn’t fit in. I strongly believe Mike was/possibly still is being blackmailed by A to do things like break
into houses, so that could be an example if it’s true.
- Could have easily sent the first A message to Aria even though he wasn’t on his phone at the time.
Teachers get class rosters BEFORE the first day of school. He could have seen her name, acted shocked
that she was in his class as an act, and set a text message to send to her very soon after the bell rang.
- May have been at Ali’s memorial. Spencer received a text from A saying they’ll be there watching “just
like Tom Sawyer.” — It is a reference to a novel, and he is an English teacher.
- Could easily disapprove a class transfer request to keep Aria there.
- In episode 2 as Aria is leaving the coffee shop in the rain, right before Ezra picks her up, a store is shown
called “Hardware Keyes.” The “K” is almost entirely cut off by a pole in front of the sign, so it looks more
like “eyes.” The song playing in the background is called “Fresh Pair of Eyes.” These are the first of many
nods at eyes pertaining to both Ezra and A.
- Rode his bike past the girls’ right before the “Ding dong, the bitch is dead” flyer blew toward them.
- Owns a typewriter. A wrote the letter to Ella using a typewriter.
- In episode 4, Aria told him she was leaving so she could go home and talk to her mom. He seems hesitant
and says, things like, “You could stay.” and “Are you sure about that?” He might have been trying to delay
Aria from finding out about Ella’s letter from A.
- Could have sent the A text to Aria’s phone when she left it at his apartment as a cover.
- At the homecoming dance in episode 6, Alex and Spencer visit the fortune teller. The fortune teller says
that there is “something wrong with this couple, that they are a bad match…there is darkness in him,
maybe even violence or vengeance.” During this, they show Aria running after Ezra as well as Toby and
Emily. Spencer assumes that the fortune teller means Toby. Now that we know Toby is innocent, Ezra
looks suspicious.
- The girls receive no texts from A while Ezra is away in New York or wherever he really was.
- The poem A tells Aria to read is by Ezra Fitz.
- Was at Camp Mona, but in a different car than the one that hit Hanna. He could have easily switched
- ^ She knew too much. —A
Aria was already back with the other girls at the time. The car that hit Hanna was stolen, but he could
have broken into another car to do so. Far-fetched, but possible. Since A didn’t turn out to be who Hanna
thought it was, Ezra could have seen Hanna spying on them and that’s why “she knew too much.”
- As a teacher, he most likely has access to locker combinations. He could have put the A notes in Emily
and Hanna’s lockers, the book with his poem and the A note in Aria’s locker, and the test answers in
Noel’s locker (especially since he was fully aware that Noel was going to rat him out to the principal).
- At the dance-a-thon, Ella greeted A in a friendly manner, as though she knew them personally. When
she said, “Hi! Number 32, coming right up. Here you go…hope you had a good time tonight!” in a
knowing sort of tone. She probably thought that he and Simone had fun together since she was trying to
set them up.
- In episode 15, the bead lady told A that they had “interesting eyes.” Second nod to eyes.
- In episode 18, Jenna tells Ezra that she would like to compose some music for the play. She probably gave
him a recording of it and he used it to trick Spencer at the motel in episode 19.
- During play rehearsal in episode 18, Ezra calls it a wrap for the day and tells everyone to put away their
props. Everyone leaves except the liars. Spencer opens the props trunk and finds the trophy with the rat
blood on it (which they think is Alison’s blood. Spencer asks Emily if it was there before and she says no.
Emily was in charge of props, so someone put it there after she brought the trunk into the room. Who else
was in the play? Let’s see…Mona, who is NOT A because the producers have stated several times that A is
NOT going to be the same as the books. The only other people we can identify in the room are the liars
and Ezra who is the director. Other students were in the play as well, but we don’t know them.
He probably placed the trophy in the trunk during a rehearsal break. Then, low and behold, they find it
when they are told to put away the props. Perfect set-up.
- In episode 20, Aria sends Ezra the text about how she wants to be looking into his eyes. Third nod to
- He was at his apartment during the Rosewood Founders Festival, therefore he couldn’t have written the
note inside the funhouse and sent the phony Toby text unless the scenes were jumbled and he went to the
festival after Aria left and Garrett showed up. However, he could have paid/blackmailed someone to do
that as I mentioned earlier. Often times, alibis mean nothing.
- Executive producer Marlene King said that during the finale, one of the liars would have a direct
altercation with Ali’s killer. An altercation is a heated or angry dispute, argument, or controversy. Aria
was very angry at Ezra for not telling her about Jackie and angrily leaves after confronting him. A and
Ali’s killer may be two different people, but this could be evidence that Ezra is the killer (or both). Ian had
the fight with Spencer, but he didn’t kill Ali. He only thinks he did. He pushed her, and thought that’s
how she died (as he stated in the fake suicide note he put on Spencer’s laptop), but her actual cause of
death was suffocation. Spencer had to correct him. Someone else came along after and suffocated her.
“…and although Alison DiLaurentis’ body did show signs of a blunt force head trauma, the cause of her
death was suffocation.”
— Wilden, episode 2.
- ^ Also, the short story Ezra was reading at the bar in episode 4 ended, “And in a moment, her life was
undone. Everything she knew disappeared, drifting into the summer sky.” Ali was killed in the summer.
- Had access to the props trunk where the fake trophy was planted.
- The other girls seem to be targeted more than Aria and she has not been in any physical danger yet. A
may or may not have been the person who pushed her in episode 202.Mike pushed Aria during his housebreaking-
in-escapades, not A. As far as A is concerned, they have not put her in any physical danger yet.
- In the season 2 premiere, there is another nod to Ezra’s typewriter.
- Also in the season 2 premiere, when Aria is at Ezra’s apartment, he tells her “Ask me anything.” When
the girls receive the text from NotIan! in the greenhouse, it says “Ask me anything.” Not “Ask something,
ask me a question” etc. Coincidence or…?
- He could have taken the picture of his desk missing the degree himself and removed the apartment key
from under his mat.
- His degree was at the therapist’s office. He could have put it there himself, especially if he happens to go
to therapy for some reason. Perhaps after Jackie broke off their engagement or for another reason we
don’t know anything about?
- Third nod to his typewriter in episode 202.
- In episode 204, the sign outside of the pawn shop with Dr. Lars Thorwald says “Someone’s watching
you…” That is a reference to the Hitchcock film “Rear Window” but reminds me of 1984 and “Big Brother
is always watching you.” In episode 19 of season 1, Jenna references that same quote from 1984 to Aria in
the bathroom right after Aria sees Jenna talking to Ezra. The eyes on the sign are also zoomed in on. Once
again, a nod to eyes. The poster also almost EXACTLY resembles one for Dr. T.J. Eckleburg in The Great
Gatsby, yet another novel Ezra had his class read…and it happens to be by F. Scott FITZgerald.
- In Ian’s “suicide” note, the word ‘hide’ is crossed off after ‘I can’t” and is replaced by the word ‘run.’
When Aria talked with Ezra about Jenna being in the pottery class, Ezra said “You can run, but you can’t
- Aria’s doll in episode 212 wants her to “make Jackie go away.” Ezra clearly has no interest in Jackie
anymore or doesn’t seem to at least. Makes sense if the doll thing was A’s doing. Mentally torturing Aria by having her confront his ex-fiancée and get her to go away for his own sake.
- In episode 212, the waitress at the diner calls A “pretty eyes” in a flirtatious voice. Yet another nod to eyes.
- He is around the same age as Jason, Garrett and Ian. They could have all been friends. According to executive producer Marlene King, there are more members of the N.A.T. Club than we currently know of.
- His nickname in college was Z. Instead of from A to Z, from Z to A? Interesting coincidence (or not) that
it was a single letter…
- He will be in the Halloween episode, which means he existed in Rosewood before Alison’s murder.